Who's not voting?

This. Countless Americans have died for me to have that right, complete irresponsibility and disrespect to not exercise that right imo.
While I appreciate and respect that viewpoint, those who died also died for those who choose NOT to vote.
It has to work both ways.
That's freedom and democracy to choose to either do something or not...Just my .02 worth.
Imagine voting for a guy who talks about what great tits his own daughter has. Now imagine the same guy is also a rapist and a felon. This vote isn't hard.
Imagine a party crowning a guy who can’t speak, walk or think. And not even allowing a primary process for him. Then facing the reality that he’s gonna get destroyed in the general election by said rapist felon, where literally anyone else would have beaten him.
However, in a different vein- Biden /Harris is very troubling. With Biden- are you voting for him, or whoever is “guiding” him? If his health declines, you’ve got Kamala, who I have little/no confidence in.
I totally understand what you’re saying here, though the knocks on Harris are probably a little overblown. She is still far down the list on preferred dem candidates (yet higher than Biden at this point). I also understand that making a change to the ticket comes with all sorts of political peril that I likely don’t fully comprehend. I will offer these three somewhat related points.

1. I think the biggest risk with a Biden/Harris ticket is that the younger folks don’t show up at the polls. There’s nothing motivational about this ticket and way too many of this younger cohort have this belief that their abstention from the process will have meaning. Not voting will only bring about a future that is the least desirable for them; I don’t understand that group’s logic but in talking with my own kids who are now in their twenties, it seems to predominate their thinking. I attribute much of this to social media and how it imparts an outsized perception of our own self-importance.

2. I’m not concerned about who is on the dem ticket but ONLY because of how the MAGA movement has taken over the Republican Party. It’s just too dangerous a faction to hand over the keys to our country. They’re barely constrained as it is and with the recent SCOTUS decisions, it does seem like we are nearing a tipping point.

3. Speaking of tipping points, this is what I find most disconcerting about this whole situation. IMHO, electing Trump in 2024, after all we’ve come to understand about the man, is more of a condemnation about what we’ve become as a nation than it is a commentary on the poor choice of candidates. If we as a nation elevate a person with so many moral failings, a person so absent of character/personal responsibility, a person so obsessed with personal aggrandizement and enrichment; then I fear we will be abdicating whatever moral / righteous high ground we still think that we hold. We will be crossing the rubicon with another Trump presidency and I don’t think there is any way back because we seem to be burning all the bridges along the way.
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This. Countless Americans have died for me to have that right, complete irresponsibility and disrespect to not exercise that right imo.
I don't entirely agree. As has already been stated, they also died for a person's right not to vote.

Not voting for president *is* my vote. This country has reached the point where we are basically given 2 choices, and told we MUST pick one. Even if both are awful. That's not choice. I really don't think the intent of an election is to pick the "least worse" candidate. Again.... that's not choice. It's like asking a man how he wants to die....hanging or the electric chair.

My vote is too precious to throw away on a candidate I don't and can't support.
As a voter, the only message I get from non-voters is that they're willing to cut off your nose to spite your face. And that doesn't seem like a very good message to me.
The only message I get from what happens in this country every four years is a reinforcement of the old saying ‘the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results’.
You forgot the part where he was showering with his 10 year old daughter and she questioned if she was molested.
Yet you believe RIGHT WING MEDIA who admit to lying in court. Where was the chain of possession? None of what is in the diary is confirmed. You fell for another right wing lie.

Imagine a party crowning a guy who can’t speak, walk or think. And not even allowing a primary process for him. Then facing the reality that he’s gonna get destroyed in the general election by said rapist felon, where literally anyone else would have beaten him.


While I certainly won't ever get behind the GOP, I find myself moving further away from the Democratic party with each passing day.
Douche provides value. A turd sandwich only provides value to someone like @hydro2.0
If you want to think way too hard about it, you could come to that conclusion.

If I force myself to think way too hard about it. I could say that a turd sandwich promotes recycling, which is a stance more associated with environmental responsibility, and that's more associated with Da than Rs, so maybe Trump is the giant douche?
While I appreciate and respect that viewpoint, those who died also died for those who choose NOT to vote.
It has to work both ways.
That's freedom and democracy to choose to either do something or not...Just my .02 worth.
You certainly have the right to do whatever you want, but I don’t respect that view point. Just my .02
I don't entirely agree. As has already been stated, they also died for a person's right not to vote.

Not voting for president *is* my vote. This country has reached the point where we are basically given 2 choices, and told we MUST pick one. Even if both are awful. That's not choice. I really don't think the intent of an election is to pick the "least worse" candidate. Again.... that's not choice. It's like asking a man how he wants to die....hanging or the electric chair.

My vote is too precious to throw away on a candidate I don't and can't support.
Yeah well unfortunately someone has to win. You can’t put your head in the sand and wish it away. There is one choice that is infinitely better than the other. Also much less dangerous to our democracy. But you do you.
The only message I get from what happens in this country every four years is a reinforcement of the old saying ‘the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results’.
To think you’ll get the same outcome with either candidate is just wrong. It’s about voting for what you don’t want just as much as voting for what you want.
To think you’ll get the same outcome with either candidate is just wrong. It’s about voting for what you don’t want just as much as voting for what you want.
I don’t want a candidate who’s under the thumb of the MIC, AIPAC, Big Pharma, the Fed, etc.

Therefore, I won’t vote. 🤷‍♂️
Imagine a party crowning a guy who can’t speak, walk or think. And not even allowing a primary process for him. Then facing the reality that he’s gonna get destroyed in the general election by said rapist felon, where literally anyone else would have beaten him.
Pretty safe to say the 2 party system is receiving a F- in coming up with their presidential nominees this time around.

It's pretty depressing that's it's come to this.
Or I guess I could vote between the two biggest idiots on the planet, argue all day on a message about it, not have any real opinoins of my own and then be miserable like a large majority of people on this site. Tough decision
Or, you could not do any of that. And, still vote.
Because one of them is going to win.
Pretty safe to say the 2 party system is receiving a F- in coming up with their presidential nominees this time around.

It's pretty depressing that's it's come to this.
Which is precisely why I won’t participate in a flawed and broken system. If everyone would stop participating, maybe, just maybe something would change, but apparently too many people are brainwashed into thinking it’s their duty as an American to vote. Keep on keeping on you patriots!!!
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Which is precisely why I won’t participate in a flawed and broken system. If everyone would stop participating, maybe, just maybe something would change, but apparently too many people are brainwashed into thinking it’s their duty as an American to vote. Keep on keeping on you patriots!!!
The problem with that line of reasoning is the hyper partisans on both sides take over.

The folks in the middle that are sick and tired of the (in this case) pathetic candidates put forward opt out and don't participate.

I get it...these two candidates make me want to vomit.
Whenever I hear that someone isn't voting, I just realize that my vote is even more powerful, because my vote actually gets to represent them as well as myself.
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Which is precisely why I won’t participate in a flawed and broken system. If everyone would stop participating, maybe, just maybe something would change, but apparently too many people are brainwashed into thinking it’s their duty as an American to vote. Keep on keeping on you patriots!!!
So your plan is to get every US citizen to not vote and that will somehow force the elites to abandon the system that they control? Yeah, I'm brainwashed lol.
So your plan is to get every US citizen to not vote and that will somehow force the elites to abandon the system that they control? Yeah, I'm brainwashed lol.
You're spot on. If people are in control why would they change anything.
Yeah, I agree…don’t vote for Biden then.
Imagine voting for a guy who talks about what great tits his own daughter has. Now imagine the same guy is also a rapist and a felon. This vote isn't hard.
That doesn't make any sense at all. If one side picked a new person and you liked them then why would you not vote for that person. I was correct in my previous post, you just want to cut off your nose to spite your face. Or you're really people on the right who don't want to vote for trump and just can't allow yourself to vote democrat.
Your last sentence is probably accurate.
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