Who's ready to give up beef?

Time to bring back the old Wendy's "Where's the beef?!" commercial from the 80's. My no-pic daughter is a vegetarian (but does eat seafood) and my no-pic wife was a vegetarian for 8 years or so, but now eats meat very occasionally (insert joke here) after becoming anemic. Anyway, I don't know how they do it.
Oh, its definitely coming.

I expect to see it reflected in media first, and soon. Remember decades ago when some characters smoked? Now, you don't see characters smoking unless it specifically is meant to convey something very particular about them, somewhere between anti-authoritarian to downright evil.

I think you will start to see the same thing happening with will see a lot of pressure on media not to depict hero or secondary characters eating meat. Only the villains will eat a steak. They will try to purge it from the culture as an unacceptable depiction.
Oh, its definitely coming.

I expect to see it reflected in media first, and soon. Remember decades ago when some characters smoked? Now, you don't see characters smoking unless it specifically is meant to convey something very particular about them, somewhere between anti-authoritarian to downright evil.

I think you will start to see the same thing happening with will see a lot of pressure on media not to depict hero or secondary characters eating meat. Only the villains will eat a steak. They will try to purge it from the culture as an unacceptable depiction.

Thats a bad thing?
Oh, its definitely coming.

I expect to see it reflected in media first, and soon. Remember decades ago when some characters smoked? Now, you don't see characters smoking unless it specifically is meant to convey something very particular about them, somewhere between anti-authoritarian to downright evil.

I think you will start to see the same thing happening with will see a lot of pressure on media not to depict hero or secondary characters eating meat. Only the villains will eat a steak. They will try to purge it from the culture as an unacceptable depiction.

Then I’ll be the evil villain granny.
You kids get off my lawn and away from my grill. 😡
Oh, its definitely coming.

I expect to see it reflected in media first, and soon. Remember decades ago when some characters smoked? Now, you don't see characters smoking unless it specifically is meant to convey something very particular about them, somewhere between anti-authoritarian to downright evil.

I think you will start to see the same thing happening with will see a lot of pressure on media not to depict hero or secondary characters eating meat. Only the villains will eat a steak. They will try to purge it from the culture as an unacceptable depiction.


When's the last time you saw a Hollywood starlet wearing fur?

(With the obvious exception for Cruella de Vil....)
Country was founded on tobacco and fur trading
OK and the pyramids were built by slaves and the British empire built on the backs of colonizing millions of Indians, Africans and Asians.

Aren't we supposed to continue to evolve as a species and society?
OK and the pyramids were built by slaves and the British empire built on the backs of colonizing millions of Indians, Africans and Asians.

Aren't we supposed to continue to evolve as a species and society?

Let the market do its job I say. Unless companies are freely choosing to be woke, that is a globalist plot.
A quick googling puts the per capita beef consumption of Americans at almost 60# per year. If consuming it truly is a problem, Americans could knock that back quite a bit imo.

Thats deceiving. There are people like me who eat none, so for the people that eat beef, its higher than that.