Whose to blame for the position the 800,000 DACA people have found themselves in?

Stopping illegal immigration is easy.
Jail employers that hire illegal immigrants.
No citizenship for anchor babies.
Hold foreign countries accountable for any repeat offenders that we catch back on U.S soil. Use trade sanctions or complete trade embargos if need be.
This is not a hard problem to solve.
I don't know if enforcing the law more against employers will eliminate illegal immigration, but I agree with you that employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants should face the consequences of the laws they violate. I had a former brother-in-law who was a landscaper, and he knew his crews were almost entirely made up of people here illegally.
Why would an immigrant cone here if nobody will hire them? You're not going to a bar that doesn't serve liquor, are you?
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Why would an immigrant cone here if nobody will hire them? You're not going to a bar that doesn't serve liquor, are you?

I agree that far fewer would come, but I'm betting that life here with whatever public assistance they can receive is probably better than some of the places people come from.
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Stopping illegal immigration is easy.
Jail employers that hire illegal immigrants.
No citizenship for anchor babies.
Hold foreign countries accountable for any repeat offenders that we catch back on U.S soil. Use trade sanctions or complete trade embargos if need be.
This is not a hard problem to solve.

The no citizenship for anchor babies one would greatly reduce incentive to come here illegally, but that would probably be impossible to pass.
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The Dreamers were told to come out of the shadows and they’d be protected. They trusted the government, now they are being used as a prop by Don Trump, whose grandfather was a marginally literate pimp, who attended KKK rallies.
Someone should have sent Friedrich Drumpf back home.
Shameful that R’s want to break a deal the government made.
If the R's break the deal, does that make them...Renegers?
Odd question. The GOP wants to send them back, the Dems don't. So if they all get sent back whose fault can it possibly be?

Why isn't it any fault of the people who came here and made little to no effort to achieve citizenship while throwing their children into the middle of he situation? We are a nation of laws. We need to enforce them.
Stopping illegal immigration is easy.
Jail employers that hire illegal immigrants.
No citizenship for anchor babies.
Hold foreign countries accountable for any repeat offenders that we catch back on U.S soil. Use trade sanctions or complete trade embargos if need be.
This is not a hard problem to solve.

If it were not a hard problem to solve than it would be done already solved.

Corporations strongly oppose stiff penalties on employers, deportation of dreamers, and in general merit based immigration and restriction of H-2s. Incredibly surprising, I know, but they like cheap labor. They also would not want trade sanctions and embargoes. Last I checked, corporations had considerable influence in Washington. When you marry a political party you take all the baggage that comes with it.

Eliminating anchor babies? Someone forgot to read their pocket Constitution. Might want to look toward the back at Amendment #14. You won't like it.
...just like de-funding the goverment: does that make them niggards?
The late Sen. Byrd would
Stopping illegal immigration is easy.
Jail employers that hire illegal immigrants.
No citizenship for anchor babies.
Hold foreign countries accountable for any repeat offenders that we catch back on U.S soil. Use trade sanctions or complete trade embargos if need be.
This is not a hard problem to solve.
I want them gone.Don't care who is to blame.
If it were not a hard problem to solve than it would be done already solved.

Corporations strongly oppose stiff penalties on employers, deportation of dreamers, and in general merit based immigration and restriction of H-2s. Incredibly surprising, I know, but they like cheap labor. They also would not want trade sanctions and embargoes. Last I checked, corporations had considerable influence in Washington. When you marry a political party you take all the baggage that comes with it.

Eliminating anchor babies? Someone forgot to read their pocket Constitution. Might want to look toward the back at Amendment #14. You won't like it.
#1. Stop voting for representatives that do corporate bidding before the people.
#2. Get a divorce!
#3. Deny entry to anyone that is pregnant. Any kind of prenatal care appointment triggers automatic deportation. A health inspection certifying non pregnancy prior to entry should be mandated. Or, no entry!
Withhold any financial aid to a foreign country that doesn't comply with these terms, that results in a foreign national giving birth in the U.S. Impose trade sanctions to foreign nations that don't manage their borders or their citizens - that leads to anchor babies.
There are a dozen ways to get around the 14th Amendment issue you speak of. You only need the political courage to see it through.
The DACA thing isn't as easy as one would think. You have 3.4 million people who it affects. Now, what do you do with parents, family etc. I do believe one of the hang ups with the bill involves what to do with family. The ones who actually broke the law.

They were the ones who broke the law so do you let them stay?
The no citizenship for anchor babies one would greatly reduce incentive to come here illegally, but that would probably be impossible to pass.
You don't have to pass anything. Use Trade sanction pressure and restrict the amount of foreign aid we give to countries that don't help restrict travel of their citizens that are pregnant, etc. Have questions about pregnancy put on visa application forms. Get creative through the administration agencies that can have some effect on it.
its hard to believe that anybody would want to come here legally or otherwise when there are people like WWJD who can't think of anything that this country does well
#1. Stop voting for representatives that do corporate bidding before the people.
#2. Get a divorce!
#3. Deny entry to anyone that is pregnant. Any kind of prenatal care appointment triggers automatic deportation. A health inspection certifying non pregnancy prior to entry should be mandated. Or, no entry!
Withhold any financial aid to a foreign country that doesn't comply with these terms, that results in a foreign national giving birth in the U.S. Impose trade sanctions to foreign nations that don't manage their borders or their citizens - that leads to anchor babies.
There are a dozen ways to get around the 14th Amendment issue you speak of. You only need the political courage to see it through.

Political courage to get around that pesky 14th amendment? Hmm, sounds like a new idea, bet nobody has thought of it before. And obviously the other nonsense you'e posting about violates HIPPA. Financial aid to other countries...also laughable, unless you'e worried about Jewish anchor babies.
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You don't have to pass anything. Use Trade sanction pressure and restrict the amount of foreign aid we give to countries that don't help restrict travel of their citizens that are pregnant, etc. Have questions about pregnancy put on visa application forms. Get creative through the administration agencies that can have some effect on it.

You keep repeating this trade sanction nonsense as if 1) it's feasible given international trade law and more importantly 2) there's no unintended consequences. American citizens should not be financially harmed via barriers to trade because migrants illegally come to America. Think this through, Einstein

We can crap on Trump all we want, but this great watching Congress squirm as they have to finally address this problem that's gone unaddressed for a generation
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Political courage to get around that pesky 14th amendment? Hmm, sounds like a new idea, bet nobody has thought of it before. And obviously the other nonsense you'e posting about violates HIPPA. Financial aid to other countries...also laughable, unless you'e worried about Jewish anchor babies.
You don't have to deal with the 14th Amendment to alter immigrants guidelines. Unless I missed something.
You keep repeating this trade sanction nonsense as if 1) it's feasible given international trade law and more importantly 2) there's no unintended consequences. American citizens should not be financially harmed via barriers to trade because migrants illegally come to America. Think this through, Einstein

We can crap on Trump all we want, but this great watching Congress squirm as they have to finally address this problem that's gone unaddressed for a generation
I don't care if they deal with it or not. I don't care if they make the effort or not. But if they are serious about dealing with it, they need to sack up and do what it takes to fix the problem. Fixing decades old problems isn't going to be painless. The longer they kick this can down the road, the more painful it's going to be.
This will be interesting but they have until March to figure this out

No; they really don't.
There are 800,000 people who have financial stake and obligations like car loans, student loans, mortgages, rental agreements, etc. ALL of the businesses who hold the stake in those transactions have their risk levels skyrocket when the expiration data hits, with escalating risks leading up to that date.

Not a formula for 'financial stability' by any stretch.