Why are stocks tanking this morning?

Big investors/sectors continue as they always have, to sell off when they feel the market is reaching a peak, and buy back after it drops. For me, I pay little or no attention to my investments unless I need them in the coming days.
I think profit taking after the recent run up is the best answer.

There was some weak manufacturing data released this morning but nothing that would make me overly concerned.
Maybe Wall St thinks Trump's chances to win have improved?😁😁😁😁😁
S&P down 1.2% is hardly tanking. Seems like normal fluctuation to me. Friday was pretty close to all time highs, probably just some profit taking.
I would consider losing 1.2% to be losing a lot in one morning. Seems like normal fluctuation market wide is .15% to .35% per day.
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Correct. Profit taking and hedge funds likely trimming tech stocks to accommodate interest rate reductions
Maybe I'm missing something. I could see a downtrend from a double top but nothing to panic about.

Just to clarify I'm not panicked and I didn't say the market has tanked. I was just curious as to collective thoughts why the market was tanking (maybe dipping would be a better word?) 1.2% in a morning when it did not appear anything of consequence had happened.
Just to clarify I'm not panicked and I didn't say the market has tanked. I was just curious as to collective thoughts why the market was tanking (maybe dipping would be a better word?) 1.2% in a morning when it did not appear anything of consequence had happened.
I think it's movement is almost purely from a technical basis. At all-time highs, double top, which is bearish short term. I would guess it dips to one the rolling averages and bounces, as long as nothing fundamental happens in the near future.
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Last pullback was much deeper and quicker, Japan. Stocks fully recovered back to record highs.
Honestly its more just slight over reaction to any sign that the economy may be slowing down more and possibly may be showing a recession. To me the market was priced pretty close to perfection. I have had my long dated calls for a while and MSTR has basically been stuck at 1300 or around there for 2 months. Honestly working on very well for me. I don't expect much upside until after the elections, but may be willing to close my calls (even selling 10% of my shares to do so, if I can close them cheap enough before the elections).
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Probably because I was pedal to the metal in tech and started to pull back to equity and stock funds, diversifiec into more retail and short term Treasiries..

If I pull back from Google, Apple, and TSM out. Still have quite a bit in Buffet and AMX so becareful.
This makes no sense. One has to imagine that Iowa covering the spread AND hitting the under wouldn't' lead to profit taking but rather more investing.
Nah, bruh... its looked upon as a clear sign the world is coming to an end.
Warren Buffet dumped a ton of BoA stock. People are reacting to that.
Probably because I was pedal to the metal in tech and started to pull back to equity and stock funds, diversifiec into more retail and short term Treasiries..

If I pull back from Google, Apple, and TSM out. Still have quite a bit in Buffet and AMX so becareful.
The market is too risky short term, long term it is almost a sure bet with no risk.
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