There was a video I saw somewhere last month where a leading foot economist was talking about soaring food prices (worldwide) and he, with facts and data, made a very strong argument that world weather conditions and animal diseases were the chief culprit for soaring prices….Draught has taken much of the grazing land for animals out of production over the past 10 years or so, asa result, producers have had to REDUCE the size of their herds to stay in business, animal diseases (avian flu) have also been a major contributor to meat and poultry shrinkage that results in HIGHER retail prices….this shrinkage also adversely affects the supply of slaughter houses for beef, pork and poultry that in turn creates a reduction in “supply” at the retail level…that causes prices to RISE! So, it’s not so much “politics” as it is simple “supply and demand economics” that have sweated these higher prices…..disease (Covid, avian flu), weather conditions and simple business decisions made by producers are the culprits here…..for those who want a dose of truth.Wonder if drill baby drill can fix all this?Loading…