Why Biden Should Resign Now

If Harris is passed over it fractures the party. You guys calling for fantasy football trades at the 11th hour truly don't grasp the dynamics at play.
That's the argument from people who want Trump to win.

It may not be possible to snatch victory from this shambles, but arguments like yours ensure we won't even try.
If Harris isn't the nominee there's zero chance the Dems win. That would enrage the black vote which is the backbone of the party. This is why I'm a stay the course guy with Biden. We lose if try to swap candidates.
Forget it. You lose either way.
The Republicans are a fascist party now, they will use every conceivable trick to get/hold power, they have no respect for the will of the people. If they lose, they will play the same game as the last election.

Remind me which party is trying to remove their democratically selected nominee against his will?
The fascist one is the one where donors are getting together to pick the nominee over voters, right?
NO! If Harris becomes President there's no way the Republicans will allow a new VP pick to be confirmed by Congress before the election and then we're stuck with a potentially insurrectionist Republican President Pro Tem of the Senate being in charge of certifying a Harris election win in the Senate.

The Republicans are a fascist party now, they will use every conceivable trick to get/hold power, they have no respect for the will of the people. If they lose, they will play the same game as the last election.

Per a Harris VP pick, I would say either Shapiro or Whitmer.
The real world where Joe Biden is, "sharp as a tack, and focused"?

Ever ask yourself what other drumbeats are just lies?
In case you haven't noticed over the years, I do my own thinking, and give short shrift to nonsense like "sharp as a tack, and focused."

You were playing word games about "democracy." Now you're talking about "sharp as a tack, and focused" and "drumbeats." I was talking about the real world where we have an election in less than 4 months and the Dems need to construct a serious ticket if they want to spare the nation and the world another bout of Trumpism.
Remind me which party is trying to remove their democratically selected nominee against his will?
The fascist one is the one where donors are getting together to pick the nominee over voters, right?
Ummm also recall facists for hamas? Hate Israel? Yea that happened