Why Iowa Turned So Red When Nearby States Went Blue

IMO, it was the Chicago dump when Wisc changed their welfare laws. Then the Somalian population being moved in. Minn and Wisc. have mostly been a blue voting states.
Wisconsin is about 50/50. Every statewide race is a few percentage points either way. The Congressional representatives are primarily Republican. Both State House are Republican as well. Once the new maps go into effect though it will most likely be near 50/50 as well.
There is no comparison. My wife did home health for years. There are tons of people who watch FOX all day long. There are no corresponding people watching MSNBC all day. Conservatives has a monopoly on self-induced brain washing, which is why they are now just a cult.
That's a crock of sh!t. CNN would play non stop at every airport across the country. There are plenty of people that watch non-stop CNN and MSNBC all day. You are just being biased. There are just as many glued to Fox all day.
It's sad. My view of Iowa was always of the Field of Dreams scene in which the entire town comes out to debate the merits of banning certain books. It was of the best public schools in the nation. It was of working the John Kerry campaign and an amazing few weeks experiencing the caucuses. It was of Java Joe's and Morning Joe broadcasting Republican candidates in the Republican caucuses. It was literally the state our democracy most aspired to be like. It was of Tom Vilsack and Tom Harkin. It was literally Republicans and Democrats, a highly educated electorate, debating issues that mattered to middle Americans like rational citizens who disagreed respectfully. Sort of the antithesis of Trump's form of politics.
That's a crock of sh!t. CNN would play non stop at every airport across the country. There are plenty of people that watch non-stop CNN and MSNBC all day. You are just being biased. There are just as many glued to Fox all day.

it is simply an observable fact that there millions of people who simply have FOX on their TV all day every day, with no similar number of MSNBC or CNN viewers.

Why the hell do you think FOX’s ratings are so good?
The National Democratic Party has written Iowa off. You wont see them spend one cent here this Fall.
The Iowa Dems really effed up the last caucus too, and the DNC was looking for a reason to leave Iowa anyway, since nationally it really isn't interested in rural populations.
The Iowa Dems really effed up the last caucus too, and the DNC was looking for a reason to leave Iowa anyway, since nationally it really isn't interested in rural populations.

Makes sense,... Why would Dems want to continue starting their festivities in a state that doesn't really care for them.
I'm just a simple retiree
Your pillow fight with Jimmy aside, I'm just saddened that there is an actual living, breathing human being behind your screen name. 😳

I'm always hopeful that accounts like yours are simply bots or troll farm accounts because I really find it hard to believe that someone that posts, responds, with the seeming intellect level of an 8 year old can be real, let alone a "simple retiree" who acts in such an inane form on this site. 😆

Thanks for confirming to the rest of us that you're a real person. Please don't forget to leave me a laugh emoji that you're so famous for on the site!
disney GIF
Your pillow fight with Jimmy aside, I'm just saddened that there is an actual living, breathing human being behind your screen name. 😳

I'm always hopeful that accounts like yours are simply bots or troll farm accounts because I really find it hard to believe that someone that posts, responds, with the seeming intellect level of an 8 year old can be real, let alone a "simple retiree" who acts in such an inane form on this site. 😆

Thanks for confirming to the rest of us that you're a real person. Please don't forget to leave me a laugh emoji that you're so famous for on the site!
disney GIF
I mean when you go by”matti,” we already knew you are a raging pussy, so why confirm it tenfold with this whiney drivel? 😂💩❄️💄💄💄🐑
The Iowa Dems really effed up the last caucus too, and the DNC was looking for a reason to leave Iowa anyway, since nationally it really isn't interested in rural populations.
The DNC phuqued up the last Iowa caucus…actually they sabotaged the thing with their rediculous demands and accounting on unproven computer software. Perez and Co. are no friends of Iowa Democrats…..Perez and Co. got what they wanted……$$ for South Carolina…….and honestly, how is South Carolina “more representative of Democrats than Iowa”? SC is solid red and has been solid red for 40 years……Because they have a higher % of minorities in their population does NOT make them “more representative”………
Your second paragraph is quite the broad-brush. As opposed to the white leftist urbanite who consumes MSNBC all day and wore four masks during Covid while being consumed with Trump?

This attempted equivalence would make more sense if anyone actually watched MSNBC. The reality is that FOX is enormously influential among older whites without college degrees. There is no equivalent on the left.
It doesn’t surprise me that the Democratic Party has become too extreme for Iowans. What shocks me is how much they seem to still love Trump.

The state has changed a lot since I left 15 years ago. Oh, and I am educated and have predominantly voted Republican my entire life.

The Democratic Party is too extreme?
The Democratic Party is too extreme?
Well, LGBQ issues, gay marriage , voter fraud and the the border invasion have been used skillfully by religious zealots and MAGAt politicians in Iowa to scare white Methodist/Lutherans to death. Iowans gave a strange ability to vote for politicians who don’t have their best interests at heart.

1: a sense of national consciousness (see consciousness sense 1c) exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups.

This imperialist view is not conducive to the role the United States must play as leader of the free world. We walk a fine line professing democracy and encouraging the benefits free elections and our culture provides while not arbitrating our system.
Well, LGBQ issues, gay marriage , voter fraud and the the border invasion have been used skillfully by religious zealots and MAGAt politicians in Iowa to scare white Methodist/Lutherans to death. Iowans gave a strange ability to vote for politicians who don’t have their best interests at heart.

I would say the extremism is on the other side.
Over the past 15 years, the Upper Midwest has seen a remarkable state-by-state sorting of voters along partisan lines.

With the Iowa caucuses six days away, politicians will be crisscrossing the state, blowing through small-town Pizza Ranches, filling high school gyms, and flipping pancakes at church breakfasts.

What Iowans will not be seeing are Democrats. President Biden spoke Friday in Pennsylvania, and he and Vice President Kamala Harris both were in South Carolina over the weekend and on Monday. But Iowa, a state that once sizzled with bipartisan politics, launched Barack Obama to the presidency in 2008 and seesawed between Republican and Democratic governors, has largely been ceded to the G.O.P. as part of a remarkable sorting of voters in the Upper Midwest.

There is no single reason that over the past 15 years the Upper Midwest saw Iowa turn into a beacon of Donald J. Trump’s populism, North and South Dakota shed storied histories of prairie populism for a conservatism that reflected the national G.O.P., and Illinois and Minnesota move dramatically leftward. (Sandwiched in between, Wisconsin found an uncomfortable parity between its conservative rural counties and its more industrial and academic centers in Milwaukee and Madison.)

No state in the nation swung as heavily Republican between 2012 and 2020 as Iowa, which went from a six-percentage-point victory for Barack Obama to an eight-point win for Mr. Trump in the last presidential election.

Deindustrialization of rural reaches and the Mississippi River regions had its impact, as did the hollowing out of institutions, from civic organizations to small-town newspapers, that had given the Upper Midwest a character separate from national politics.

Susan Laehn, an Iowa State University political scientist who lives in the small town of Jefferson, Iowa, recounted how an issue that once would have been handled through discussions at church or the Rotary Club instead became infected with national politics, with her husband, the libertarian Greene County attorney, stuck in the middle: New multicolored lighting installed last summer to illuminate the town’s carillon bell tower prompted an angry debate over L.G.B.T.Q. rights, leaving much of the town soured on identity politics that they largely blamed on the national left.

Another issue: Brain drain. The movement of young college graduates out of Iowa and the Dakotas to the metropolises of Chicago and Minneapolis-St. Paul made a mark on the politics of all five states.

Michael Dabe, a 19-year-old business and marketing major at the University of Dubuque, near the western bank of the Mississippi River, has found a comfortable home in Iowa, where life is slower and simpler than in his native Illinois and politics, he said, are more aligned with his conservative inclinations.

But he expressed little doubt what he will be doing with his business degree once he graduates, and most of his classmates are likely to follow suit, he said.

“There are just so many more opportunities in Chicago,” he said. “Politics are important to me, but job security, being able to raise a family more securely, is more important, for sure.”

An analysis in 2022 by economists at the University of North Carolina, the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago of data gleaned from LinkedIn showed how states with dynamic economic centers are luring college graduates from more rural states. Iowa loses 34.2 percent of its college graduates, worse than 40 of the 50 states, just below North Dakota, which loses 31.6 percent. Illinois, by contrast, gains 20 percent more college graduates than it produces. Minnesota has about 8 percent more than it produces.

Even when young families look to move back to the rural areas they grew up in, they are often thwarted by an acute housing shortage, said Benjamin Winchester, a rural sociologist at the University of Minnesota extension in St. Cloud, Minn.; 75 percent of rural homeowners are baby boomers or older, and those older residents see boarded-up businesses and believe their communities’ best days are behind them, he said.

As such older voters grow frustrated and more conservative, the trend is accelerating. Iowa, which had a congressional delegation split between two House Republicans, two House Democrats and two Republican senators in 2020, now has a government almost wholly under Republican control, which has enacted boldly conservative policies that ban almost all abortions and transition care for minors, publicly fund vouchers for private schools and pull books describing sexual acts from school libraries. (The library and abortion laws are now on hold in the courts.) The congressional delegation is now entirely Republican after a 2022 G.O.P. sweep in House races and the re-election of Senator Charles E. Grassley.

Meantime on the east bank of the Mississippi, in Illinois, high-capacity semiautomatic rifles have been banned, the right to an abortion has been enshrined in law and recreational marijuana is legal. Upriver in Minnesota, pot is legal, unauthorized immigrants are getting driver’s licenses, and voting access for felons and teens is expanding.

Such policy dichotomies are influencing the decisions of younger Iowans, said David Loebsack, a former Democratic House member from eastern Iowa.

“These people are going, and I fear they’re going to keep going, given the policies that have been adopted,” he said.

The politics of rural voters in the Upper Midwest may simply be catching up to other rural regions that turned conservative earlier, said Sam Rosenfeld, a political scientist at Colgate University and author of “The Polarizers,” a book on the architects of national polarization. Southern rural white voters turned sharply to the right in the 1960s and 1970s as Black southerners gained power with the civil rights movement and attendant legislation, he noted.

But rural voters in the Upper Midwest, where few Black people lived, held on to a more diverse politics for decades longer. North Dakota, with its state bank, state grain mill and state grain elevator, has retained vestiges of a socialist past, when progressive politicians railed against rapacious businessmen from the Twin Cities. Even still, its politics have changed dramatically.
I think Sinclair had a lot to do with Iowa's switch to radicalism/Trumpism.
I think Sinclair had a lot to do with Iowa's switch to radicalism/Trumpism.
WHO radio became completely unlistenable about 14 years ago…their listenership increased but their daytime credibility suffered immensely. Jeeeebus, Jan Michelson and Rush Limburger holy shit! Small town and rural Ioway had their right-wing Jesus loving prayers answered! Now they have this unemployable Brit on the air ……wow! Gimme Jim Zabel and his cooking show!
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WHO radio became completely unlistenable about 14 years ago…their listenership increased but their daytime credibility suffered immensely. Jeeeebus, Jan Michelson and Rush Limburger holy shit! Small town and rural Ioway had their right-wing Jesus loving prayers answered! Now they have this unemployable Brit on the air ……wow! Gimme Jim Zabel and his cooking show!

This. Nothing but non-stop dumb fvck crap. Dummies love the negative vitriol. No need to reason or contemplate. Tailor made for brainless redneck rubes.
the vast majority of the usa is basically conservative, some call it center right, with a belief in some sort of god. maybe not church every sunday. and hard working , family types. this description fits Iowa. and most states.
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