Why is a 15 year old …

Old enough to die falling off a roof but not old enough to watch a drag queen according to some of those saying he's old enough to work on a roof.
The fake ID he probably used to get the job can get him into a drag show, plus his wages for the job let him pay his own way in. He might have even bought a pack of cigarettes too.
Why is that relevant?
The fake ID he probably used to get the job can get him into a drag show, plus his wages for the job let him pay his own way in. He might have even bought a pack of cigarettes too.
Why is that relevant?
Conservatives want to say they are children needing protection from the evil drag queens yet they want to say they are mature enough to work on roofs. That is how it is relevant.
Losing a finger builds character.
My MIL lost half of an index finger at 13 in a wheat combine up in the Texas Panhandle during the Depression. All seven of the kids in her family were expected to pitch in just like every farm kid back then.
I think this 15 year old who lost his life was working hard for the “better life” here in the US and it’s a sad tale. Records and stories of earlier waves of immigrants aren’t part of the historical accuracy and anecdotal data we now have, but they were just as real.

My grandfather arrived (Boston) from Ireland at 14 and went to school for a year or two. Struck out to find his fortune and was beaten within an inch of his life in a small town in New England where they still had signs up that said No Irish Need Apply. He hopped a train and got off in Florida where he got a job in a St. Augustine hotel. There are a million stories like his. They came and they neither expected any housing or social safety net. Sink or swim. Assimilate and work - or starve.
Mayor Adams has asked for $4.6 billion to help. Gov. Hochul has offered $2.4. Are NY taxpayers okay with this?
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Conservatives want to say they are children needing protection from the evil drag queens yet they want to say they are mature enough to work on roofs. That is how it is relevant.
Which conservative has said 15 year olds can work on roofs? Who has said drag queens are “evil”?
And who besides an overly emotional poster has tried to connect these? Put your Kleenex down before you raise your hand, dear.
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My MIL lost half of an index finger at 13 in a wheat combine up in the Texas Panhandle during the Depression. All seven of the kids in her family were expected to pitch in just like every farm kid back then.
I think this 15 year old who lost his life was working hard for the “better life” here in the US and it’s a sad tale. Records and stories of earlier waves of immigrants aren’t part of the historical accuracy and anecdotal data we now have, but they were just as real.

My grandfather arrived (Boston) from Ireland at 14 and went to school for a year or two. Struck out to find his fortune and was beaten within an inch of his life in a small town in New England where they still had signs up that said No Irish Need Apply. He hopped a train and got off in Florida where he got a job in a St. Augustine hotel. There are a million stories like his. They came and they neither expected any housing or social safety net. Sink or swim. Assimilate and work - or starve.
Mayor Adams has asked for $4.6 billion to help. Gov. Hochul has offered $2.4. Are NY taxpayers okay with this?
Which conservative has said 15 year olds can work on roofs?
Look at posts 4 and 7 in this thread to name a couple. Look at the laws passed in your own state regarding drag queens... Did we start with mimosas, screw drivers or straight vodka this morning?
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Look at posts 4 and 7 in this thread to name a couple. Look at the laws passed in your own state regarding drag queens... Did we start with mimosas, screw drivers or straight vodka this morning?
Sweetie you are a piece of work. When you resort to insults about booze (I don’t drink) you are close to losing - big time.
Laws passed in my state (haven’t we had a discussion about it not being your state recently?) aren’t eliminating drag shows. They just reflect what the Legislature affirmed as age appropriate.
What are the laws in Jawja? 🤔
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Sweetie you are a piece of work. When you resort to insults about booze (I don’t drink) you are close to losing - big time.
Laws passed in my state (haven’t we had a discussion about it not being your state recently?) aren’t eliminating drag shows. They just reflect what the Legislature affirmed as age appropriate.
What are the laws in Jawja? 🤔
Iowa is pushing through anti drag laws right now. Also, Iowa Rs have approved of kids working on kill floors. His point is completely relevant. Rs wring their hands over drag queens but applaud kids working potentially dangerous jobs.
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I love the back in the day posters. I have no quarrel with kids working, kids who grew up on farms pitching in, and the such, but you are ignoring a lot of things.
1. I didn't have a choice about spending weekends working on the family farm for free. A lot of you didn't have a choice. The kid in this story probably didn't have much of a choice but to get up on that roof.
2. For all the posters who fondly remember farm work as kids, how many of you have a friend or cousin who lost a finger, walks with a limp, or can't raise their arm above their shoulder? Know anyone that died? I have an uncle who lost an arm in a farming accident, and a good family friend died under a tractor after tipping it in a turn.
I think some people read The Jungle and come away with a misplaced sense of borrowed nostalgia. Similar to those that were abused as children and low-key think since it happened to them it must have been the right way to be raised
Sweetie you are a piece of work. When you resort to insults about booze (I don’t drink) you are close to losing - big time.
Laws passed in my state (haven’t we had a discussion about it not being your state recently?) aren’t eliminating drag shows. They just reflect what the Legislature affirmed as age appropriate.
What are the laws in Jawja? 🤔
What are you saying about insults?
“Put your Kleenex down before you raise your hand, dear.”
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What are you saying about insults?
“Put your Kleenex down before you raise your hand, dear.”
You’re the one boo hooing about drag queens and using the tragedy about a 15 year old in a constant whine, not me.
And you didn’t answer my question…are there no laws in Georgia about age limits?
You’re the one boo hooing about drag queens and using the tragedy about a 15 year old in a constant whine, not me.
And you didn’t answer my question…are there no laws in Georgia about age limits?
If you're asking about age limits for drag queens, there are no laws in Georgia... Any limitation would be based on the content of the show and not the fact there is a man dressed in women's costume clothing.

Edit to add: Kemp hasn't been terrible as a Governor when it comes to these social issues. Could have been MUCH worse. States to our north and south have been much worse...
If you're asking about age limits for drag queens, there are no laws in Georgia... Any limitation would be based on the content of the show and not the fact there is a man dressed in women's costume clothing.
They’re sort of the same thing.
Don’t be surprised if the Georgia Legislature does something similar.
It’s not a ban. It’s a clarification on age. Drag shows and strip clubs have been around in Florida for ages.
Heck I went to see a strip show with several other girls when I was 18. We showed our driver’s licenses to get in. This was the late 60’s and we were sheltered little college freshmen.
They’re sort of the same thing.
Don’t be surprised if the Georgia Legislature does something similar.
It’s not a ban. It’s a clarification on age. Drag shows and strip clubs have been around in Florida for ages.
Heck I went to see a strip show with several other girls when I was 18. We showed our driver’s licenses to get in. This was the late 60’s and we were sheltered little college freshmen.
Let me know when DeSantis speaks out about kids at Hooters and then we can continue the conversation regarding the purpose of the bill.
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Let me know when DeSantis speaks out about kids at Hooters and then we can continue the conversation regarding the purpose of the bill.
Or tourists coming to Florida beaches and wearing far less clothing than a Hooters waitress? Some of those tourists even have their kids with them!
No Florida Governor will touch that third rail.
If you lived here you’d know that. 🙄
Meanwhile in Mississippi, the Iowa of the South, a lawsuit has been filed over the death of a 16 year old killed in a poultry processing plant. Why would a 16 year old be be working near dangerous machinery? A 16 year old with documents claiming he was 32 years old.
There have been two other deaths in the last three years at the same plant, and it has been cited numerous times for lax safety practices.
The owners of the plant are blaming the staffing company. How could they be expected to have any oversight over who works in their plant!