Why isn’t Kamala electable?

Kamala Harris Victory GIF by Election 2020
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Agreed but I think she is the only possible replacement at this point unless the DNC can hold last minute state wide primaries around the country before the convention. Think just having a candidate with energy would be significantly better. At least among headlines.
I mean, yeah, at this point the Democrats are looking up the dead end of a dog’s ass, so if an open convention is not an option, their best hope is probably Kamala, as sad as that is to say.
Nothing sexist or bigoted about that. Just pure truth.
The phrase "vapid ****" is a highly offensive and derogatory term. "Vapid" means lacking in substance, liveliness, or interest, often implying that someone is dull or shallow. "****" is a vulgar and insulting term for a woman, often used to demean and belittle. Combined, the phrase is an extremely disrespectful and aggressive insult, targeting someone's character in a deeply derogatory manner.

Okay, now that it's defined. Please cite some examples.

Personally, it's comments like yours that completely stifle discussion. "Well, gee golly, she's a Demorat, therefore I caint like her. I aint reel sure why, so I'll just call her a deragitory term."

See post #33 if you'd like an example of how to articulate a response.
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i think that a "powerful" VP would help her out a lot. Maybe even someone with military experience.
I think this is a great point.

And I agree it would give her a tremendous boost, especially since whomever Trump picks probably won’t move the needle much for his candidacy.

The problem is who is that type of Democrat who would be willing to sign on?
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The phrase "vapid ****" is a highly offensive and derogatory term. "Vapid" means lacking in substance, liveliness, or interest, often implying that someone is dull or shallow. "****" is a vulgar and insulting term for a woman, often used to demean and belittle. Combined, the phrase is an extremely disrespectful and aggressive insult, targeting someone's character in a deeply derogatory manner.

Okay, now that it's defined. Please cite some examples.

Personally, it's comment like yours that completely stifle discussion. "Well, gee golly, she's a Demorat, therefore I caint like her. I aint reel sure why, so I'll just call her a deragitory term."

See post #33 if you'd like an example of how to articulate a response.
It’s also amazing how many people think their opinions are “facts.”

“Donald Trump is a stupid booger face. Just stating facts.”
What would she run on?

She was named border car and disappeared. It got worse, much worse, not better.

She doesn't come across as credible when she speaks.

She's not Trump, and that's all she really has at this point. That's been the montre for 3 straight elections for Dems, so I guess roll with that. It's been moderately successful.

At this point I think you have to view a vote for Biden as a vote for Kamala, because he's going to step aside shortly after inauguration if he wins. There's a 0% chance Biden is president on July 1, 2025.
I was VERY surprised by this. Kamala now has shorter odds than Biden in the betting markets.

  • Donald Trump 3/5
  • Kamala Harris 4/1
  • Joe Biden 7/1
  • Gavin Newsom 10/1
  • Michelle Obama 12/1
  • Gretchen Whitmer 20/1
  • Hillary Clinton 50/1
  • Robert Kennedy Jr. 66/1
She was an Affirmative Action hire serving no other purpose than to draw in the minority and female vote. It was basically a "one-up" selection to Sarah Palin. Both parties should do better on this front in the future. But first they need to fix their fvcked up Presidential candidate issue. My God.
Seems bigoted.
What would she run on?

She was named border car and disappeared. It got worse, much worse, not better.

She doesn't come across as credible when she speaks.

She's not Trump, and that's all she really has at this point. That's been the montre for 3 straight elections for Dems, so I guess roll with that. It's been moderately successful.

At this point I think you have to view a vote for Biden as a vote for Kamala, because he's going to step aside shortly after inauguration if he wins. There's a 0% chance Biden is president on July 1, 2025.
Really, 0% chance? It's totally impossible?
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Politically speaking she seems like a solid candidate with experience. Fairly center left and speaks with enthusiasm on the big stage. (Leave politics out for a second) She would be a good representative on the world stage among other world leaders.

Is the real reason sex and race? I don’t understand the polling numbers and how she possibly could be that much worse than Biden. This country has to still be sexist and racist as ****. What am I missing?

I for one think at this point in time the DNC should go full blitz with her with a massive campaign around the country. Let her wreck trump on a debate stage.

Not far enough left for the progressives and too far left for the centrists.
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I will never understand how people can justify voting for the most disgusting human ever to be President and the platform that is going to strip our freedoms- they’re already telling us this - then come on here and talk any kind of shit about Democrats. Never Trumpers can say what they want about Democrats. Democrats can say what they want. But for MAGAs who can’t grasp what it is that’s taking place because of Trump and The Heritage Foundation they, again, have no high road.
Politically speaking she seems like a solid candidate with experience. Fairly center left and speaks with enthusiasm on the big stage. (Leave politics out for a second) She would be a good representative on the world stage among other world leaders.

Is the real reason sex and race? I don’t understand the polling numbers and how she possibly could be that much worse than Biden. This country has to still be sexist and racist as ****. What am I missing?

I for one think at this point in time the DNC should go full blitz with her with a massive campaign around the country. Let her wreck trump on a debate stage.
A good place to start would be with the Democratic voters that she could not attract in any meaningful numbers when she ran in the Dem prelims a few years back. She polled in the low single digits amongst just fellow Dems.

If "enthusiasm" was a leading reason to support someone who wants to be POTUS, then we should be scouring cheerleader camps this summer for a Biden stand in. People have heard her talk and her frequent word salads do little to inspire people to consider that she should be running this country.
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You truly think so? I wouldn't mind Tulsi or Whitmer. I think it's similar to Biden v Trump. Our closest two options in Hillary and Kamala are just dreadful.

Absolutely. Clinton and Harris are probably head and shoulders better than the 2 nominees this cycle and Gabbard/Whitmer were each defeated by those same nominees.

There appears to be a much higher standard of likeability, personality and functionality for women than men when it comes high office among voters.
A good place to start would be with the Democratic voters that she could not attract in any meaningful numbers when she ran in the Dem prelims a few years back. She polled in the low single digits amongst just fellow Dems.

If "enthusiasm" was a leading reason to support someone who wants to be POTUS, then we should be scouring cheerleader camps this summer for a Biden stand in. People have heard her talk and her frequent word salads do little to inspire people to consider that she should be running this country.
I do believe (naively?) that there are Dems who are far more palatable to enough of the electorate to defeat Trump. I don’t understand why you under-lefties on here aren’t saying that.
Oh wait- my bad. You can’t.
Absolutely. Clinton and Harris are probably head and shoulders better than the 2 nominees this cycle and Gabbard/Whitmer were each defeated by those same nominees.

There appears to be a much higher standard of likeability, personality and functionality for women than men when it comes high office among voters.
I see your point but it’s a lower bar than the one Obama broke through in 2008. Once a woman is elected it will be a new landscape going forward though.
Politically speaking she seems like a solid candidate with experience. Fairly center left and speaks with enthusiasm on the big stage. (Leave politics out for a second) She would be a good representative on the world stage among other world leaders.

Is the real reason sex and race? I don’t understand the polling numbers and how she possibly could be that much worse than Biden. This country has to still be sexist and racist as ****. What am I missing?

I for one think at this point in time the DNC should go full blitz with her with a massive campaign around the country. Let her wreck trump on a debate stage.
What great experience does she have?

You have to be left of Marx to think she's center-left.

Have you listened to her speak much? She's the very definition of word salad. Would you like to see some videos?

How about that job she's done as border czar? Pretty special, isn't it?