Why isn’t Kamala electable?

A good place to start would be with the Democratic voters that she could not attract in any meaningful numbers when she ran in the Dem prelims a few years back. She polled in the low single digits amongst just fellow Dems.

If "enthusiasm" was a leading reason to support someone who wants to be POTUS, then we should be scouring cheerleader camps this summer for a Biden stand in. People have heard her talk and her frequent word salads do little to inspire people to consider that she should be running this country.
I won’t argue at all with 2015 primaries but we are in a vastly different landscape now. She has been VP (whether you can agree or not, most experts say yes) for a successful presidential term. Also her primary this time would be her or trump. Little different than choosing among many.
Politically speaking she seems like a solid candidate with experience. Fairly center left and speaks with enthusiasm on the big stage. (Leave politics out for a second) She would be a good representative on the world stage among other world leaders.

Is the real reason sex and race? I don’t understand the polling numbers and how she possibly could be that much worse than Biden. This country has to still be sexist and racist as ****. What am I missing?

I for one think at this point in time the DNC should go full blitz with her with a massive campaign around the country. Let her wreck trump on a debate stage.
My God, man! The only reason she is VP is BECAUSE of her sex and race! She failed miserably in her Presidential run. No Democrats voted for her. She is horrible at policy and rambles. It demonstrates a complete blindness to reality to claim she is not electable due to her race and sex.
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Because she’s black woman in a white mans world. Shame we still have to live in these times. Lotta people making a killing here with job raises and stock market should give to blacks to shrink the gap and make the world a better place IMO. Lots of college educated white privileged here do better and stop being the white privileged
The hardcore progresssives will tell you it is because of the vice grip that white supremacy and institutional racism has on America.

The radical righties will tell you about her word salads and days as a shitbag prosecutor.

In reality, she is unqualified and has the charisma of a cactus.
I've read that everyone that works for her hates her. She is, apparently, a grade A bitch.
Seems bigoted.
Is an observation bigoted? I voted for her and Biden, so how do you factor that in?

Seriously, how do YOU think the behind the doors conversations went when she was selected? Do you honestly think she was the best candidate or a "check the box" person. Sarah was a "check the box" selection, so why is this any different? Neither are Condy Rice.
If she is the choice, I will plug my nose and vote for her, but if we can't do better than that ouch. Even Joe didn't want her the first time around, he was talked into it and obviously wishes he hadn't listened. She had unprecedented turnover of staff her first couple years, even her close friends quit because she is so difficult to deal with. She blew her top about people not standing when she entered rooms. She's not a president, it would be an embarrassment. So many Dems don't like her, I don't see how she could win. She's near universally despised with a 4% approval rating or something obscenely low. Pretty sure if six months ago Joe had decided not to run, he would not have supported her as the candidate.
Is an observation bigoted? I voted for her and Biden, so how do you factor that in?

Seriously, how do YOU think the behind the doors conversations went when she was selected? Do you honestly think she was the best candidate or a "check the box" person. Sarah was a "check the box" selection, so why is this any different? Neither are Condy Rice.

Referring to Harris as a DEI hire is absolutely bigoted. It's a position that is almost entirely filled based on demographics and potential voter attraction for the ticket, not merit. To pretend otherwise is willful ignorance.
Referring to Harris as a DEI hire is absolutely bigoted. It's a position that is almost entirely filled based on demographics and potential voter attraction for the ticket, not merit. To pretend otherwise is willful ignorance.
Then you should be upset with the Democratic Party not me for observing it. Unless, of course, you can provide some evidence to support there were no better qualified candidates. Optics matter in America. Hell, the Bachelorette TV show was raked over the coals for not having a minority apply that to the Oval Office. This isn't a giant leap to think a bunch of old white dudes sitting around the table say, "What are we missing here?" ...and for someone on the campaign staff to offer a DEI solution.
Because she’s black woman in a white mans world. Shame we still have to live in these times. Lotta people making a killing here with job raises and stock market should give to blacks to shrink the gap and make the world a better place IMO. Lots of college educated white privileged here do better and stop being the white privileged

Stupidity Are You Stupid GIF

Can someone fluent in dumbass translate 420’s incoherent drivel?
Then you should be upset with the Democratic Party not me for observing it. Unless, of course, you can provide some evidence to support there were no better qualified candidates. Optics matter in America. Hell, the Bachelorette TV show was raked over the coals for not having a minority apply that to the Oval Office. This isn't a giant leap to think a bunch of old white dudes sitting around the table say, "What are we missing here?" ...and for someone on the campaign staff to offer a DEI solution.
You’re both correct.
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What great experience does she have?

You have to be left of Marx to think she's center-left.

Have you listened to her speak much? She's the very definition of word salad. Would you like to see some videos?

How about that job she's done as border czar? Pretty special, isn't it?
You're a Trump voter. None of this matters to you, hypocrite.
...and make no mistake, I'd hold my nose and vote for Harris over Trump. He needs to go away before the GOP has any chance at a legitimate resurgence.
...and make no mistake, I'd hold my nose and vote for Harris over Trump. He needs to go away before the GOP has any chance at a legitimate resurgence.
Kamala's administration would look very much like Joe's with competent people in positions to deal with what comes their way. There wouldn't be criminals surrounding her like the Republican side. Other than Menendez I have no problem supporting any Democrat because I know there's a 100% chance they are better humans than Trump or any Republican who are too cowardly to stand up to him.

I am happy with how the Democrats are actually doing things that benefit everyday Americans. Republicans show us, with EVERY SINGLE VOTE IN CONGRESS, they aren't on our sides. Look at their votes, not the words coming out of their mouths. It's all in their votes.
Then you should be upset with the Democratic Party not me for observing it. Unless, of course, you can provide some evidence to support there were no better qualified candidates. Optics matter in America. Hell, the Bachelorette TV show was raked over the coals for not having a minority apply that to the Oval Office. This isn't a giant leap to think a bunch of old white dudes sitting around the table say, "What are we missing here?" ...and for someone on the campaign staff to offer a DEI solution.

I'm not upset with you. Strange.
She's not smart, she's not a good speaker.

Her political background is mixed at best, as she slept her way into politics.

She's a terrible campaigner that couldn't muster any enthusiasm at all.

All the positives about Kamala is who they WANT her to be, but unfortunately...she's just not it.

All that being said, she absolutely should be elevated to the top spot. I'm not a fan, and I don't think she's a very competent person, but she's absolutely cogent and conscious, and the president of the United States simply can't be the the state our current one is. It's incredibly absurd that this has been allowed to continue as long as it has. President Kamala please.
She's not smart, she's not a good speaker.

Her political background is mixed at best, as she slept her way into politics.

She's a terrible campaigner that couldn't muster any enthusiasm at all.

All the positives about Kamala is who they WANT her to be, but unfortunately...she's just not it.

All that being said, she absolutely should be elevated to the top spot. I'm not a fan, and I don't think she's a very competent person, but she's absolutely cogent and conscious, and the president of the United States simply can't be the the state our current one is. It's incredibly absurd that this has been allowed to continue as long as it has. President Kamala please.
Have to add also according to that article a year or two ago she is a vicious biotch to anyone working for her. She can't play the sweet, caring, and gentle woman of minority role against evil Donald.
I do still think she is their best shot.
Let’s face it, she’s a Black woman, those two words are enough for a lot of people to diminish her. Does she laugh weird? Yes. Trump never laughs, what’s up with that? Does her speech sometimes raise an eyebrow? You bet, but I remember Bush II stumbling and bumbling through speeches. And we are an extreme superficial society.
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Let’s face it, she’s a Black woman, those two words are enough for a lot of people to diminish her. Does she laugh weird? Yes. Trump never laughs, what’s up with that? Does her speech sometimes raise an eyebrow? You bet, but I remember Bush II stumbling and bumbling through speeches.
She ran for President and had a 3% support. End of discussion.
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You’re referring to articulation.

Some of the most intelligent people in the world are not very good public speakers.

FTR, I am not saying she is an intellectual giant, but she is vastly more intelligent than average people.
She's VASTLY more intelligent than someone who voted for Trump twice and will absolutely do so again.
The most fitting explanation I've heard. If someone just innocently asked her what time is it, she would first look for any political insinuation and answer in that direction, with some angle. Instead of simply answering the question with the time.
Harris is a replacement level political candidate which should be good enough. She's already been vetted at a national level and it should be fairly easy for her to blow up the usual bullshit Republican narratives that have been created since she came on the national scene and ran as Biden's running mate. I see in this threadd the usuals are posting their usual bullshit, including the types who try to claim they're anti-Trump.

The election is about Trump and Trump's total lack of fitness for the Presidency. That's where the focus of the campaign needs to be, it's not now because of Biden.
Harris is a replacement level political candidate which should be good enough. She's already been vetted at a national level and it should be fairly easy for her to blow up the usual bullshit Republican narratives that have been created since she came on the national scene and ran as Biden's running mate. I see in this threadd the usuals are posting their usual bullshit, including the types who try to claim they're anti-Trump.

The election is about Trump and Trump's total lack of fitness for the Presidency. That's where the focus of the campaign needs to be, it's not now because of Biden.
The whataboutism is strong in your response - However the fact is Harris got about 3% of the vote which is just about zero!
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The most fitting explanation I've heard. If someone just innocently asked her what time is it, she would first look for any political insinuation and answer in that direction, with some angle. Instead of simply answering the question with the time.
I know people like this- professional and personal. They’re awful.
Politically speaking she seems like a solid candidate with experience. Fairly center left and speaks with enthusiasm on the big stage. (Leave politics out for a second) She would be a good representative on the world stage among other world leaders.

Is the real reason sex and race? I don’t understand the polling numbers and how she possibly could be that much worse than Biden. This country has to still be sexist and racist as ****. What am I missing?

I for one think at this point in time the DNC should go full blitz with her with a massive campaign around the country. Let her wreck trump on a debate stage.
Well, every other sentence she laughs like a hyena, her staff keeps resigning so she must be a bear to work with/for, and she hasn’t been a great “border czar”.
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Agreed but I think she is the only possible replacement at this point unless the DNC can hold last minute state wide primaries around the country before the convention. Think just having a candidate with energy would be significantly better. At least among headlines.
It’s actually fairly entertaining watching Sleepy Joe shuffle along and mumble, so hopefully he doesn’t drop out of the race. 😉