Why isn’t Kamala electable?

Let’s face it, she’s a Black woman, those two words are enough for a lot of people to diminish her. Does she laugh weird? Yes. Trump never laughs, what’s up with that? Does her speech sometimes raise an eyebrow? You bet, but I remember Bush II stumbling and bumbling through speeches. And we are an extreme superficial society.
Penn Jillette has stated several times on his podcast that the only time he’s ever seen Trump laugh was when he’s seen someone experiencing some type of misfortune. He also says Trump has no interest whatsoever with music of any kind. Classic psychopath.
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I will never understand how people can justify voting for the most disgusting human ever to be President and the platform that is going to strip our freedoms- they’re already telling us this - then come on here and talk any kind of shit about Democrats. Never Trumpers can say what they want about Democrats. Democrats can say what they want. But for MAGAs who can’t grasp what it is that’s taking place because of Trump and The Heritage Foundation they, again, have no high road.
All fear-mongering by the Dems.
Penn Gillette has stated several times on his podcast that the only time he’s ever seen Trump laugh was when he’s seen someone experiencing some type of misfortune. He also says Trump has no interest whatsoever with music of any kind. Classic psychopath.
Penn Jillette is a pussy.
The way this simulation is going, she will be elected and about 3-4 million MAGAs across the US are going to stoke out in a 24 hour period.
Politically speaking she seems like a solid candidate with experience. Fairly center left and speaks with enthusiasm on the big stage. (Leave politics out for a second) She would be a good representative on the world stage among other world leaders.

Is the real reason sex and race? I don’t understand the polling numbers and how she possibly could be that much worse than Biden. This country has to still be sexist and racist as ****. What am I missing?

I for one think at this point in time the DNC should go full blitz with her with a massive campaign around the country. Let her wreck trump on a debate stage.
Because she did this >