Why it's time to start believing Iowa football could make magic this season -- this week's TwT


HB King
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Tuesdays with Torbee​

Another big win for the Hawkeyes and moving on to an even bigger game this week.

by Tory Brecht

In retrospect, I don’t know what I was so nervous about.

Maybe it was being deep in Badger territory, surrounded by cardinal and white wearing beer drinkers more interested in the next day’s turkey hunting season opener than the battle of two undefeated Big 10 teams about to take place on the television set behind the bar in their local watering hole.

I should have realized that Maryland was just like Indiana and Iowa State: a pretty good team not quite ready for the spotlight that comes with expectations. I should have had faith in the Hawkeye defense, the one that makes little boys out of Heisman wannabe quarterbacks, sending four out of five played so far this year back to the bench before games even ended, battered and shell-shocked. I should have believed in Spencer Petras, the unfairly maligned signal caller who doesn’t turn the ball over and just wins.

But I’m not always a smart man, so it was with much trepidation my fishing buddies and I sat down to watch Iowa take on Maryland last Friday night at a tiny townie bar in Gays Mills, Wisconsin. Speaking of not smart, we’d made an arrangement with the bartender to gift each person in the bar a free beer token for every touchdown the Hawkeyes scored, figuring that would be a good way to get the Badger faithful on our side as the game wore on. That seemed like a good idea, considering Iowa’s heretofore anemic offense.

By the end of the second quarter, we’d made quite a few new friends, at some considerable expense. Still, it was worth the price to see Iowa finally put a complete game together and shut up some of its critics. Not only did the defense once again outperform already sky high expectations (seriously, Taulia Tagovailoa started the game tied for the fewest interceptions in the Big 10 and ended the second quarter as the conference’s leading thrower of the ball to other teams, that’s insane!) but the run game got in gear, Petras was in total control and special teams contributed to turn this East versus West showdown into a laugher by halftime.

There can’t be too many things more demoralizing to a team than seeing thousands of visiting Iowa fans take over your rapidly emptying stadium while your star quarterback sits on the bench with a 1,000-yard stare of hopelessness. But I expect that scene to repeat itself a few more times this season, one of them, hopefully, in Madison around Halloween.

As the college football world is beginning to notice, Iowa is building a potentially magical season. As we noted in the column last week, it’s already been an unprecedented season of upsets around college football. With week five of the season in the books, more than 30 ranked-at-the time programs have already suffered an upset.

But not Iowa. It just quietly goes about its business holding teams under 24 points and winning by double digits. Week after week after week.

This upcoming week will be a little different. This time the spotlight will be shining directly on the Hawkeyes and the pressure will be ratcheted up. They are home favorites over a reinvigorated Penn State program, which is also undefeated and seeking a Big 10 championship. This will be the biggest game in Iowa City since the 1985 #1 versus #2 classic against Michigan and the stakes are just as high; maybe higher as the winner could walk away as a presumptive College Football Playoff participant.

Will dreams of Big 10 and maybe even a national championship derail the Iowa players’ focus? It’s hard for me to see that happening. These guys appear to be approaching games they are favored in with a chip on their shoulder. I haven’t sensed much, if any, hubris or cockiness on the Iowa sideline. Rather, this team projects a confident, but business-like and focused approach to its work.

A good example is this quote Riley Moss (the Big 10’s current interceptions leader) gave to the Register’s Chad Leistikow: “We were saying before the game we were going to storm through the front door. And we’re going to take what’s ours.”

In quote after quote – from the head man on down to its freshman breakout stars – members of this team sound like they are on a mission to prove any and all doubters wrong.
Heck, even the athletic department itself is projecting success. This email I received Thursday raised my eyebrows and wonder if maybe a little hubris was at work:

While there is a lot of football left to play, we want to extend this opportunity for you to request tickets to the Big Ten Football Championship game in Indianapolis, IN on December 4, 2021.”

Now, maybe they send this each season in late September and I’m only noticing in 2021 because I might take them up on the offer, but I kind of doubt it.

Unlike the teams Iowa has already dispatched, Penn State is used to the big stage. Kinnick will be a challenge for them, but not an insurmountable one. This Saturday’s game will be a battle of Big 10 heavyweights.

May the toughest win.
Nope. Never. Not until the final gun of a Rose Bowl win.

I got so fired up for the 2016 Rose Bowl, paid top dollar for a good ticket....and it was over from the opening kick.

Not gonna do it again. In fact I sometimes long for the fun of the Commings era where we sucked, but it was fun. Now we get taken to the edge....and crushed.....over and over and over.
Nope. Never. Not until the final gun of a Rose Bowl win.

I got so fired up for the 2016 Rose Bowl, paid top dollar for a good ticket....and it was over from the opening kick.

Not gonna do it again. In fact I sometimes long for the fun of the Commings era where we sucked, but it was fun. Now we get taken to the edge....and crushed.....over and over and over.
In all honesty, of Iowa’s next three games, Purdue is the one that concerns me most. Iowa and the Kinnick Stadium crowd will be amped up for Penn State and I think they pull out a hard-fought win. But then the challenge is to be mentally prepared for the quintessential sandwich game against Purdue before having two weeks to prepare for Wisky. The Boilermakers almost always play Iowa tough and they have already beaten Oregon State and gave Notre Dame all they could handle.
In all honesty, of Iowa’s next three games, Purdue is the one that concerns me most. Iowa and the Kinnick Stadium crowd will be amped up for Penn State and I think they pull out a hard-fought win. But then the challenge is to be mentally prepared for the quintessential sandwich game against Purdue before having two weeks to prepare for Wisky. The Boilermakers almost always play Iowa tough and they have already beaten Oregon State and gave Notre Dame all they could handle.
I would hope they haven't forgotten losing to Purdue and Northwestern last year, those are losses that have to irritate players.
In all honesty, of Iowa’s next three games, Purdue is the one that concerns me most. Iowa and the Kinnick Stadium crowd will be amped up for Penn State and I think they pull out a hard-fought win. But then the challenge is to be mentally prepared for the quintessential sandwich game against Purdue before having two weeks to prepare for Wisky. The Boilermakers almost always play Iowa tough and they have already beaten Oregon State and gave Notre Dame all they could handle.
Notre Dame isn't anything special this year. They got waxed at home by Cincinnati (and I'll admit the Bearcats are a damn good team. Not sold on CFP caliber, but most definitely NY6)

I will say that the Oregon State win looks better by the week. The Beavs will probably feast on a really weak PAC but any time a P5 team beats another bowl-bound P5 team, it's a feather in your cap.

That said, Purdue is a team Iowa should take behind the woodshed and spank soundly, but they always give Iowa more trouble than they should (even for the Iowa wins). I know better than to expect a blowout, though it would be nice.
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I would hope they haven't forgotten losing to Purdue and Northwestern last year, those are losses that have to irritate players.
Iowa makes checkers look like chess when playing Purdue. The Boilers are rarely great, but rarely awful, but in general Iowa has the better team more often than not yet struggles more than is necessary. They are usually in a position to win late in the game, but they tend to blow it. A comfortable win would be nice.

Northwestern is just plain awful this year. Fitz also gives KF & Crew trouble more than we'd like to admit but I don't think it's going to be close this year. It's going to be another 40-10 beatdown most likely. They blew their wad last year and have too many fresh faces to make much noise. They might be better than Illinois but that's not a guarantee. Still, I know better than to chalk this one up as an 'auto win'.
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Iowa makes checkers look like chess when playing Purdue. The Boilers are rarely great, but rarely awful, but in general Iowa has the better team more often than not yet struggles more than is necessary. They are usually in a position to win late in the game, but they tend to blow it. A comfortable win would be nice.

Northwestern is just plain awful this year. Fitz also gives KF & Crew trouble more than we'd like to admit but I don't think it's going to be close this year. It's going to be another 40-10 beatdown most likely. They blew their wad last year and have too many fresh faces to make much noise. They might be better than Illinois but that's not a guarantee. Still, I know better than to chalk this one up as an 'auto win'.
That was Spencer Petras' first collegiate start. I'm going to chalk that loss up to that and just general Covid weirdness.

This year's team appears to be on a mission, I struggle to think a team as mediocre as Purdue can derail that mission. This is what I choose to believe until proven wrong. :)
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The Penn St. game will perhaps be the best
team that the Hawkeyes have faced this year.
It will be a close game but the home field
advantage of Kinnick Stadium could be the
big difference. Defense still wins games and
that is the forte of Iowa. Hawks get a W.
That was Spencer Petras' first collegiate start. I'm going to chalk that loss up to that and just general Covid weirdness.

This year's team appears to be on a mission, I struggle to think a team as mediocre as Purdue can derail that mission. This is what I choose to believe until proven wrong. :)
I was thinking the same thing. This team gives me 2015 vibes where they refused to lose (the 2015 win @ Wisconsin I think was the point where running the table looked more than merely possible), but Iowa looks legit this year. They're not scraping by (well, the 1st half of the CSU game wasn't pretty but the 2nd half left no doubt). Iowa has a legit defense this year and will be tough for ANY offense to score on. The talking heads (or doubters, if you will) tried using "well they haven't played an offense with a pulse" until Iowa thoroughly wrecked Maryland. Now they're using "well they can't keep depending on turnovers", but that's what Iowa does. It's not an accident that they lead the nation in turnovers, the defense has a knack for being at the right place at the right time and that's when discipline, coaching, and opportunity all coincide. Luck isn't as big a factor as they think it is.

I know we as fans want the media to gush over our program, but to be honest the Iowa program is at its best when there's a chip on their shoulder. There is always going to be someone who doubts the program. It beat some fantastic teams over the past few years (Michigan in 2016, Ohio State in 2017, USC in 2019 - yeah the Trojans weren't a killer but it's still a name brand and it absolutely matters). But if Iowa is going to get universal adulation, it's going to have to play - and beat - either Alabama or Georgia. They're the gold standard. Losing a heartbreaker to one of those teams isn't good enough (and if the offense continues to improve, yes the Hawks can hang), they have to win. Simple as that.
I was thinking the same thing. This team gives me 2015 vibes where they refused to lose (the 2015 win @ Wisconsin I think was the point where running the table looked more than merely possible), but Iowa looks legit this year. They're not scraping by (well, the 1st half of the CSU game wasn't pretty but the 2nd half left no doubt). Iowa has a legit defense this year and will be tough for ANY offense to score on. The talking heads (or doubters, if you will) tried using "well they haven't played an offense with a pulse" until Iowa thoroughly wrecked Maryland. Now they're using "well they can't keep depending on turnovers", but that's what Iowa does. It's not an accident that they lead the nation in turnovers, the defense has a knack for being at the right place at the right time and that's when discipline, coaching, and opportunity all coincide. Luck isn't as big a factor as they think it is.

I know we as fans want the media to gush over our program, but to be honest the Iowa program is at its best when there's a chip on their shoulder. There is always going to be someone who doubts the program. It beat some fantastic teams over the past few years (Michigan in 2016, Ohio State in 2017, USC in 2019 - yeah the Trojans weren't a killer but it's still a name brand and it absolutely matters). But if Iowa is going to get universal adulation, it's going to have to play - and beat - either Alabama or Georgia. They're the gold standard. Losing a heartbreaker to one of those teams isn't good enough (and if the offense continues to improve, yes the Hawks can hang), they have to win. Simple as that.
Penn State's offense so far hasn't looked as good as either Maryland or Iowa State, IMO.

That said, they will be BY FAR the best defense Iowa has played, so this could end up being a rock fight. I just can't see PSU scoring more than 10-14 points though, and I think Iowa can hit at least 20.
I hope they make it to the Playoffs. But barring some devastating injuries or just well below average execution from UGa and/or Bama, I don't see how anyone beats one of them. But maybe one of the 2 has a bad regular season game then loses in the SEC championship and is eliminated from the playoffs then you catch the other on a bad day.
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I hope they make it to the Playoffs. But barring some devastating injuries or just well below average execution from UGa and/or Bama, I don't see how anyone beats one of them. But maybe one of the 2 has a bad regular season game then loses in the SEC championship and is eliminated from the playoffs then you catch the other on a bad day.
Just get there and have a puncher's chance.

The way Iowa's defense plays, you might be able to capitalize on some mistakes, maybe make a special teams return, and then it's game on.

Likely? Not at all. Impossible? Also no!
Sorry to be a party pooper but I'm not as high on Iowa as others are.

They have had some really great wins but almost all of their wins rely upon the opponent making some big mistakes that our defense capitalizes on.

Feels to me like if we come up against an offense that just goes out there and executes and doesn't make the big mistakes, the Hawks won't be able to keep up with their offense.

Turnovers are part of the game, but we rely on them too much to win. If I was James Franklin I'm telling my offense to just stay conservative, and focus on ball security. Penn State doesn't even have to win the turnover battle. If they keep it even or are only -1 in turnover differential, they probably win.

On defense, Petras is inconsistent. I'm shutting down Goodson and make Petras beat me with his arm.
Nope. Never. Not until the final gun of a Rose Bowl win.

I got so fired up for the 2016 Rose Bowl, paid top dollar for a good ticket....and it was over from the opening kick.

Not gonna do it again. In fact I sometimes long for the fun of the Commings era where we sucked, but it was fun. Now we get taken to the edge....and crushed.....over and over and over.
I went up to my favorite Hawkeyes bar 2 1/2 hours before kickoff. Every barstool and table in the place was full and it was standing room only. I had one beer and went home. I think I watched the first five minutes of the game and turned it off. Just plain awful.
Sorry to be a party pooper but I'm not as high on Iowa as others are.

They have had some really great wins but almost all of their wins rely upon the opponent making some big mistakes that our defense capitalizes on.

Feels to me like if we come up against an offense that just goes out there and executes and doesn't make the big mistakes, the Hawks won't be able to keep up with their offense.

Turnovers are part of the game, but we rely on them too much to win. If I was James Franklin I'm telling my offense to just stay conservative, and focus on ball security. Penn State doesn't even have to win the turnover battle. If they keep it even or are only -1 in turnover differential, they probably win.

On defense, Petras is inconsistent. I'm shutting down Goodson and make Petras beat me with his arm.
Spencer Petras has the 12th best QBR in college football.

I hope this is Franklin's strategy.

I do want to Believe. I really, honestly do. But at the risk of being called a little bitch by Torbee...

As I've aged, the Hawkeyes have broken my heart so many times when I truly believed they were Going To Accomplish Big Things...I've sort of morphed my fandom into a mixture of fearing to believe combined with trying to temper expectations.

I know this season's team has all the ingredients to do great things, and part of me believes they are certainly capable. But what would amp those two up greatly would be for Iowa this weekend to come out and crush Penn State much like the Michigan game in 2002 - not just crush them overall, but show us something we haven't really seen yet, which is the one side of the ball that's struggled finally put it all together like what happened in 2002.

Those of you that may not remember...Iowa was an offensive juggernaut but somewhat suspect defensively - that looked like the real deal early on, but had one horribly bad half of football at home against a then fairly good Iowa State squad - which sucked the air out of what we thought Iowa could be. But after that loss, Iowa rebounded and outlasted a furious Penn State comeback in Happy Valley, then quite fortunately found ways to beat at home a Purdue team that honestly dominated the entire game. Both those wins though, the defense still just wasn't all that good yet.

But then came the October 26 game at Michigan. They were highly ranked, Iowa was highly ranked. It was sort of Iowa's 2nd chance at Big Things that year - a HUGE opportunity. Iowa came out and so thoroughly dominated Michigan in all facets of the game that it wound up being the springboard for the rest of the season.

I kinda believe this weekend's game is an opportunity to be a similar springboard. It is The Next Step that can be taken. Put together a complete game, in all facets, against a great opponent.

If that happens...then I'll believe.
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I do want to Believe. I really, honestly do. But at the risk of being called a little bitch by Torbee...

As I've aged, the Hawkeyes have broken my heart so many times when I truly believed they were Going To Accomplish Big Things...I've sort of morphed my fandom into a mixture of fearing to believe combined with trying to temper expectations.

I know this season's team has all the ingredients to do great things, and part of me believes they are certainly capable. But what would amp those two up greatly would be for Iowa this weekend to come out and crush Penn State much like the Michigan game in 2002 - not just crush them overall, but show us something we haven't really seen yet, which is the one side of the ball that's struggled finally put it all together like what happened in 2002.

Those of you that may not remember...Iowa was an offensive juggernaut but somewhat suspect defensively - that looked like the real deal early on, but had one horribly bad half of football at home against a then fairly good Iowa State squad - which sucked the air out of what we thought Iowa could be. But after that loss, Iowa rebounded and outlasted a furious Penn State comeback in Happy Valley, then quite fortunately found ways to beat at home a Purdue team that honestly dominated the entire game. Both those wins though, the defense still just wasn't all that good yet.

But then came the October 26 game at Michigan. They were highly ranked, Iowa was highly ranked. It was sort of Iowa's 2nd chance at Big Things that year - a HUGE opportunity. Iowa came out and so thoroughly dominated Michigan in all facets of the game that it wound up being the springboard for the rest of the season.

I kinda believe this weekend's game is an opportunity to be a similar springboard. It is The Next Step that can be taken. Put together a complete game, in all facets, against a great opponent.

If that happens...then I'll believe.
I'd never call you a little bitch, Dropper.

But past results aren't guarantees of future returns, and this goes for negative AND positive results!

Until proven otherwise, dream big!
The Hawks were good until this article. If I had to rank why the Hawks have sucked lately it would be in this order.

1. OP
2. BF
3. SP

Two and 3 either order. One is set in stone.
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