Wife's Co-Worker/friend Staying With Us


HB All-American
Gold Member
Sep 3, 2019
My wife is a teacher and has a co-worker that is being harassed by kids. She was a sweet 3rd grade teacher, but the administration moved her up to a 7th grade teacher before last school year She hated it. She is so sweet and the middle school kids ate her up. They treated her like crap. This year was no better. The kids even started to harass her at home by ding dong ditching, knocking on windows, prank phone calls, and some vandilism.
She hated being home anymore, especially on weekends. She was a very good third grade teacher and the admin thought she would be excellent for the 7th grade position. It has not worked out. She is just too nice and sucks at class management. The kids do not respect her. She is single, late 20's. She was freaking out so much being alone afraid that these bored kids would come to her house. She is now seeking a therapist and also takes anxiety meds. She asked my wife (no pic) if she could stay with us. So she is social distancing with my wife and I now (no kids). It is sad that a teacher has been bullied so bad by students that she does not want to be home anymore.
My wife is a teacher and has a co-worker that is being harassed by kids. She was a sweet 3rd grade teacher, but the administration moved her up to a 7th grade teacher before last school year She hated it. She is so sweet and the middle school kids ate her up. They treated her like crap. This year was no better. The kids even started to harass her at home by ding dong ditching, knocking on windows, prank phone calls, and some vandilism.
She hated being home anymore, especially on weekends. She was a very good third grade teacher and the admin thought she would be excellent for the 7th grade position. It has not worked out. She is just too nice and sucks at class management. The kids do not respect her. She is single, late 20's. She was freaking out so much being alone afraid that these bored kids would come to her house. She is now seeking a therapist and also takes anxiety meds. She asked my wife (no pic) if she could stay with us. So she is social distancing with my wife and I now (no kids). It is sad that a teacher has been bullied so bad by students that she does not want to be home anymore.

Serious questions:

Has she called the police on these little hoodlums?

Isn't she worried about her property?

Serious questions:

Has she called the police on these little hoodlums?

Isn't she worried about her property?

She has called the cops numerous of times. But they are ususally to late.

No pics.........
Her property has been left alone. The main thing the kids do is ring her doorbell and knock on her windows.

I am going to put up a doorbell camera and some house cameras up for her so she can hopefully catch some of the Bastards.
She has called the cops numerous of times. But they are ususally to late.

No pics.........
Her property has been left alone. The main thing the kids do is ring her doorbell and knock on her windows.

I am going to put up a doorbell camera and some house cameras up for her so she can hopefully catch some of the Bastards.
A camera in the spare bath wouldn’t hurt either, just in case one of those little bastards is hiding behind the shitter.
She has called the cops numerous of times. But they are ususally to late.

No pics.........
Her property has been left alone. The main thing the kids do is ring her doorbell and knock on her windows.

I am going to put up a doorbell camera and some house cameras up for her so she can hopefully catch some of the Bastards.
and the nanny cam... but thats just for you, right?
Jr High kids are generally clueless. The school administration should make it clear to those kids that what they are doing is not acceptable and is hurtful. Some will persist but maybe others will see the light.
My wife is a teacher and has a co-worker that is being harassed by kids. She was a sweet 3rd grade teacher, but the administration moved her up to a 7th grade teacher before last school year She hated it. She is so sweet and the middle school kids ate her up. They treated her like crap. This year was no better. The kids even started to harass her at home by ding dong ditching, knocking on windows, prank phone calls, and some vandilism.
She hated being home anymore, especially on weekends. She was a very good third grade teacher and the admin thought she would be excellent for the 7th grade position. It has not worked out. She is just too nice and sucks at class management. The kids do not respect her. She is single, late 20's. She was freaking out so much being alone afraid that these bored kids would come to her house. She is now seeking a therapist and also takes anxiety meds. She asked my wife (no pic) if she could stay with us. So she is social distancing with my wife and I now (no kids). It is sad that a teacher has been bullied so bad by students that she does not want to be home anymore.
At many middle schools the kids are in charge, the adults are basically helpless, and the kids know it.
At many middle schools the kids are in charge, the adults are basically helpless, and the kids know it.

I was a total jerk toward my teachers in middle school. And paddling was still a thing when I was in middle school.

Can't imagine what that looks like today.
Ignoring the callous breach of conduct regarding the rules...

Did she have a secondary education and/or middle school endorsement? Elementary ed and secondary ed are not the same and she shouldn't have been placed in 7th grade if she didn't have that. What was her specialty? By 7th grade teachers are specializing in specific content areas, at least in most places. I suppose there are some districts out there that have some weird integrated schooling approach, but still, you would need to be qualified to teach that level of student. 7th graders are very different than 3rd graders.

It sounds to me that the administration is either stupid or they were trying to drive her out. They certainly didn't place her in a position to succeed. My guess is the second one because they not only are "playing her out of position", it sounds like they gave her a bunch of shitty kids for students.
I was a total jerk toward my teachers in middle school. And paddling was still a thing when I was in middle school.

Can't imagine what that looks like today.

Keep em so busy they don't have time to get upset with you (and no, throwing a 6 page worksheet packet at them every day is not keeping them busy). Although I'm high school so I have the luxury of grades actually meaning something. In junior high/middle school, grades don't matter and kids move on anyway. In high school, you fail my class you don't graduate. I just have to be sure they were given every opportunity to earn a passing grade.
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Keep em so busy they don't have time to get upset with you (and no, throwing a 6 page worksheet packet at them every day is not keeping them busy). Although I'm high school so I have the luxury of grades actually meaning something. In junior high/middle school, grades don't matter and kids move on anyway. In high school, you fail my class you don't graduate. I just have to be sure they were given every opportunity to earn a passing grade.
Yep...once kids learned middle school grades didn't count, things really went downhill. I have seen kids fail 90 percent of their classes in 3 years of middle school "social passed" onto high school. It's a joke.
LOL..Sorry no threesomes. threesomes YET. Keep the faith my man, start working that shit w some tiny hints, then one day walk out into the living room with no pants on while your wife and her live-in teacher friend are both present.

My guess is her and your wife are already scissoring and you just don't know about it so you might as well roll the dice.