Will There be clamoring for Trump to Leave the Race After this Speech.....

I think a sane person doing a PowerPoint presentation for the keynote speech at the DNC about 1/6, the Supreme Court decisions, and Trump’s family’s profiteering on the Office would be enough to beat him. Leave out the court cases, anything not completed and concluded, and stick to facts. Just prosecute the guy and his family in public at the DNC and end it with telling people to go vote who they think would be best for the country
I lasted about 10 minutes before tapping out. I’m curious to know if he ever stopped yammering about the assassination attempt.
I caught the start- that retelling of his assasination attempt had to be parody. "It was a beautiful fall day..."
Are you saying Dems didn’t have primaries that chose Biden?
You sir are full of shit, If that’s what you are saying.
Joel, please. One was a full blown primary where there was $$$, candidates, debates, commercials, etc….

The Democrat primary was that of any other incumbent primary process lol.
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Joel, please. One was a full blown primary where there was $$$, candidates, debates, commercials, etc….

The Democrat primary was that of any other incumbent primary process lol.
I’m sorry… there was a primary by Dems…maybe doesn’t meet your definition Bruno, but there was a primary in every damn state…delegates were chosen some how, whether or not you approve….done be spreading bullshit and lies…be more careful with your words… Rush Limbaugh was fond of saying”Words have meanings.”
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I’m sorry… there was a primary by Dems…maybe doesn’t meet your definition Bruno, but there was a primary in every damn state…delegates were chosen some how, whether or not you approve….done be spreading bullshit and lies…be more careful with your words… Rush Limbaugh was fond of saying”Words have meanings.”
Do you not remember when Biden told everyone to shut up and accept the results of the primary after the disastrous debate? I member those words. It pissed off a lot of people because they were hiding Biden until he got exposed. We are actively seeing what happens when you lied to all of your loyalists except a few. The Dems are doing the right thing
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Oh, I make myself Laugh!!! Hurr durr.

George Conway just had a great take on MSNBC. Trump essentially had a layup tonight per what he needed to do and he just couldn't hold it together. Sociopath Narcissist gonna Sociopath Narcissist.

But per the usual, the New York Times and Washington Post at least in the immediate aftermath are cleaning up after Trump's rambling drunk uncle "speech".
Do you not remember when Biden told everyone to shut up and accept the results of the primary after the disastrous debate? I member those words. It pissed off a lot of people because they were hiding Biden until he got exposed. We are actively seeing what happens when you lied to all of your loyalists except a few. The Dems are doing the right thing
People changing their mind based on the evidence they are presented is logical and appropriate.
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Do you not remember when Biden told everyone to shut up and accept the results of the primary after the disastrous debate? I member those words. It pissed off a lot of people because they were hiding Biden until he got exposed. We are actively seeing what happens when you lied to all of your loyalists except a few. The Dems are doing the right thing
What does that have to do with Dems BIT having orumarues?
Btw…. Have you ever listened to your boy speak? Did you hear his “drunk uncle” acceptance ramble last night? At best you have Joe Biden vs. Joe Biden , Lite.., if youre honest.
What does that have to do with Dems BIT having orumarues?
Btw…. Have you ever listened to your boy speak? Did you hear his “drunk uncle” acceptance ramble last night? At best you have Joe Biden vs. Joe Biden , Lite.., if youre honest.
My boy? Lol. You probably don’t read my comments if you think he is my boy.

There are probably millions of people like me that are wanting the Dems to actually pick someone worth a damn. My vote is literally up for grabs atm. All I know I’m not voting for Biden or Kamala or Trump. But honestly it won’t matter in Iowa, down ballot will but not the presidency since Trump will probably win by like 10 pts.
Lol. It is because Dems aren't in a cult. If that's what you mean by unified.

And how unified are they really? One of their own just tried to take out the cult leader.
Are you sure about that? Seems they have a dictator leading them as well. Many want him to step down but he won’t.
Do you count minority groups in this?
I don’t pay attention to race.
I want Trump to concentrate on urban and rural America, i want Trump to concentrate on the less fortunate and under privileged,
I don’t care what color they are.
I highly doubt the Americans I speak of above have blenders and make smoothies to consume their fruits and vegetables….a serving size of OJ at a 7-11 is $3.00 F’n dollars.

Did you not see plenty of minorities at the convention?
Or are they not black because you say so?
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$$$ is going to quickly become a Dem problem…..not limited to Biden. House and Senate races will be directly affected.
I will publicly say it here now….Biden is done. Perez is a horrible Chair, and strong leadership needs to step forward from someone…I don’t think Harris is “the answer”…but with the right candidate, this race is far from over. Remember, for as much admiration and devotion Trump received this past week, there is every bit as much “push back” from voters, too. Trump’s problem is he is a first class asshole and EVERYONE knows this. Even his supporters will admit this. DTrump’s acceptance speech last night was a huge failure…Biden Lite. Trump proved to Dems that even in the mess, the right candidate can defeat him in November.
The burden now for Dems is to find the right candidate.
The real problem for Dems though are those House abd Senate races. If Dems lose control of them and Trump wins, the Dems have a huge hole to climb out of.
It's like the DNC is using the Iowa Democratic Party as model.
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Oh, I make myself Laugh!!! Hurr durr.

George Conway just had a great take on MSNBC. Trump essentially had a layup tonight per what he needed to do and he just couldn't hold it together. Sociopath Narcissist gonna Sociopath Narcissist.

But per the usual, the New York Times and Washington Post at least in the immediate aftermath are cleaning up after Trump's rambling drunk uncle "speech".
Jealousy a bitch
Did I say he was convicted of rape? I said he's a convicted felon (true) and a rapist (also true).

I think the issue is more grammatical than anything. You needed the word AND felon and rapist when describing this president.

Because he is both independently; the lack of AND implies the 2 are compounding.

Now, if you had added loser, commas would suffice.
The rape charges are all bogus and the convictions will get overturned. Did he screw around with Stormy Daniels I don't know and I don't care. Here's the reason why Americans don't care about all this garbage with the courts: he was a great President we had a good economy. Most of the stuff is bogus anyway time to move on.
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A crazy bitch from 50 years ago.
And a political party prosecuting and attempting to jail and bankrupt their opponent.
Not going to work!
NY DA fails to prosecute violent offenders,
20 women have accused him of assault. 20
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The rape charges are all bogus and the convictions will get overturned. Did he screw around with Stormy Daniels I don't know and I don't care. Here's the reason why Americans don't care about all this garbage with the courts: he was a great President we had a good economy. Most of the stuff is bogus anyway time to move on.
He inherited a good economy from Obama and tried to screw it up.