Will you move if Trump wins?

Will you?

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10 million job loss was caused by Marxist liberals and Chinamen working together. You’re a pussy if you thought January 6th was a violent coup.
yeah... a couple people died and a few cops were's not like they actually used the gallows they put up in front of the capitol
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Trump lead a coup, is claiming that has president he can commit whatever crime he wants, and is flexing that moronic belief daily with his endless criminal cases. He is 100% dangerous.
Wrong. And I would posit that you can criminally charge about anybody with anything if you have the desire. I don’t think Trump is a virtuous guy. I find him abrasive, self-serving, narcissistic. Fact is, I would prefer somebody else as president but I intend to vote for Trump given the current situation. I have no concerns whatsoever that he is in any way sort of threat that the left makes him out to be.
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Why is it that the left are always the one's threatening to pick up their little baby ball and go home?
I have two English cream golden retrievers, one of which is a puppy. I'm rapidly concluding that the puppy is a leftist, because every time the older dog has something (a chewy, a toy), the puppy tries to take it from him, and if he doesn't get it immediately, he starts into a shrill, high-pitched bark that makes my ears ring.
For me it’s also beyond Trump himself.

I had no idea anti-intellectual, conspiracy minded, self-defeating idiocy was AS widespread as is becoming increasingly obvious.

Frankly, I am pretty disgusted with a large percentage of my fellow Americans, particularly here in Iowa where the majority insists on voting against their own and their children’s better future.

That concerns me. America is heading towards Idiocacy at an accelerating rate.

One really nice thing about living in a big city is that what you've described isn't really on display or encountered while going about ones day. It's more of a abstract idea, something that you know persists around the country, and is tragic and disappointing for people who care about the country, yet isn't really felt personally.

There aren't loud red hatted people wearing their political costumes, there isn't Trump (or Biden) flags and signs littering poorly maintained yards. There's no risk that the rando on the barstool next to you will repeat the recent thing they heard Biden did from Fox/Newsmax/Twitter, you're not going to hear whatever wacky conspiracy theory is currently running through MAGA world. You don't run into people whose identity is consumed by Trump (or Biden).

Are there Republicans around? Of course, mostly the old kind that have money. Not the MAGA kind. Rather the kind that have the sense to keep any sort of Trump support private.

Echo chamber? Sure. Is it a shame? Sure. But it's far better than actually encountering MAGA/deplorables on a day to day basis.
One really nice thing about living in a big city is that what you've described isn't really on display or encountered while going about ones day. It's more of a abstract idea, something that you know persists around the country, and is tragic and disappointing for people who care about the country, yet isn't really felt personally.

There aren't loud red hatted people wearing their political costumes, there isn't Trump (or Biden) flags and signs littering poorly maintained yards. There's no risk that the rando on the barstool next to you will repeat the recent thing they heard Biden did from Fox/Newsmax/Twitter, you're not going to hear whatever wacky conspiracy theory is currently running through MAGA world. You don't run into people whose identity is consumed by Trump (or Biden).

Are there Republicans around? Of course, mostly the old kind that have money. Not the MAGA kind. Rather the kind that have the sense to keep any sort of Trump support private.

Echo chamber? Sure. Is it a shame? Sure. But it's far better than actually encountering MAGA/deplorables on a day to day basis.
The nice thing about not living in a city is I don’t have to lock my doors and always being on the lookout for some trying to rob or shoot me.
I don’t have to see some abandoned or run down buildings wondering if some homeless meth head is in there. I don’t have to see someone on the streets drugged out scaring the shit out of me.
I don’t have to deal with someone thinking they are of the opposite sex.
Sure I have a neighbor that’s a pretty hardcore democrat but once you get to know him he’s alright and just wants to live a decent normal life.
Does it cause me to miss out of some of the events and conveniences of a big city. Sure
But it’s much better then encountering nutjob liberals every day.
The nice thing about not living in a city is I don’t have to lock my doors and always being on the lookout for some trying to rob or shoot me.
I don’t have to see some abandoned or run down buildings wondering if some homeless meth head is in there. I don’t have to see someone on the streets drugged out scaring the shit out of me.
I don’t have to deal with someone thinking they are of the opposite sex.
Sure I have a neighbor that’s a pretty hardcore democrat but once you get to know him he’s alright and just wants to live a decent normal life.
Does it cause me to miss out of some of the events and conveniences of a big city. Sure
But it’s much better then encountering nutjob liberals every day.

Glad to hear you're in a good situation and not as miserable as you appear!
Moving? Or moving out of the country? I'm already moving somewhere that more closely aligns with my values. Even my wackiest new neighbors at least believe in climate change and protecting our natural resources.
Would I move out of the country just because he won? Not likely. But if he behaves in the way many of us fear I do have family land in Canada somewhere and would likely start trying to figure out how to get there.
Take me along????
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1. You should definitely move to Canada. You'd love it there.
2. "How serious Trump is about being a fascist." LOL. I agree he'll undo all of Biden's reversals of Trump EOs on day 1, but that's only being as fascist as Biden or Obama were in that regard. I wonder if Trump will have his political opponents arrested... That would certainly be fascist.
3. Pretty genius how you juxtaposed fascism with the likelihood the country would be very successful under trump and managed to take a shot at Christians at the same time. That takes at least a decade of training in "how to argue like a liberal" to pull off.

What a post. Your writing skills remain sharp. I happen to disagree with the tenor of nearly all of it, but appreciate it nonetheless.
It’s pretty clear Trump is enamored by the trappings of “strongman” politics, I don’t think it’s debatable. I don’t think he’s a student of history or frankly smart enough to actually have a particular underlying political movement like, say national socialism, so no, he’d never be like a full-blown Nazi. More like a Ghadaffi or
Mussolini type.

As for the second part, of course those in the “acceptable” cohort would thrive under such a system. Wealthy, white, Christians would have favored status and immigrants, minorities, LGBTQ and others deemed “lesser” would have it harder. One needs only read the rhetoric on the hard right to see the obviousness of that statement.

As I am none of those things (immigrants, non-white, non-Christian or LGBTQ) it is pretty clear my lifestyle would not be adversely impacted by a second Trump presidency. Due to our income level, tax breaks and other advantages, our net worth would likely increase.

I am not motivated by greed but rather a desire to see America live up to its founding father’s vision, so I am opposed to Trump based on that, not what it would do for me personally.
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Glad to hear you're in a good situation and not as miserable as you appear!
Thanks I’m not at all miserable, I just stick up for what I believe in.
I love living in rural Iowa and don’t at all consider myself a maga nor care to be a maga and have no problem whatsoever with the apparent small town stigma that you see on this board. I’m even an outsider as I did not grow up where I live. I even manage to go to the bathroom in the bar and not stared at or have my hair pulled but the heavier set people hanging out there.
I don’t have to see some abandoned or run down buildings wondering if some homeless meth head is in there. I don’t have to see someone on the streets drugged out scaring the shit out of me.
You must not ever visit any small town in Iowa then. Talk about shitholes!

Thanks I’m not at all miserable, I just stick up for what I believe in.
I love living in rural Iowa and don’t at all consider myself a maga nor care to be a maga and have no problem whatsoever with the apparent small town stigma that you see on this board. I’m even an outsider as I did not grow up where I live. I even manage to go to the bathroom in the bar and not stared at or have my hair pulled but the heavier set people hanging out there.

That's great, you don't need to try and sell me on it. I've got nothing against mid sized cities, small cities, suburbs, towns, villages, etc.

I was only commenting about one nice benefit of living in a big city, there are many other benefits, there are also many downsides. What the benefits and downsides are will vary based on one's tastes and preferences.
The thing that keeps me sane about a hypothetical Trump win is he'll essentially be powerless/a lame duck in 2 years or less. Sure he could and would screw things up, but I think there are enough checks and balances and USA is resilient enough where we can overcome his dumbassery over a few years.

His impact on the judiciary is the biggest concern in my view that could result in my family leaving.
No because my life will most likely be the same as it was under Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden. Most y’all live and breath politics and it messes with your head.

And anyone that moves out of the country because of the president, you’re a big ol pussy.

Nothing much has changed in your life over the course of 23 years? Different strokes and all that, but that sounds boring and a little sad.
You must not ever visit any small town in Iowa then. Talk about shitholes!

Well if you would have just read what I wrote you would see I live in one. I also grew up in one and frequented a lot of smaller towns.
Some can be shit holes and some can be great.

But go ahead and keep believing what you want to believe. In the end it’s your choice what you want to believe.
Moving? Or moving out of the country? I'm already moving somewhere that more closely aligns with my values. Even my wackiest new neighbors at least believe in climate change and protecting our natural resources.
Would I move out of the country just because he won? Not likely. But if he behaves in the way many of us fear I do have family land in Canada somewhere and would likely start trying to figure out how to get there.
Aren't you moving to the foothills? Do you know how red Colorado is outside of Denver?
Smh. Fear fear fear. Same old shit.

Fascism, genocide, dictatorship, authoritarian, Nazi. Language of today’s left.

Dude, you seem like an OK guy but you’ve been manipulated bro. The problem is you just don’t see it.

Fear is the GOP’s stock in trade. Fear, anger, resentment, and hatred.

So stfu
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Well if you would have just read what I wrote you would see I live in one. I also grew up in one and frequented a lot of smaller towns.
Some can be shit holes and some can be great.

But go ahead and keep believing what you want to believe. In the end it’s your choice what you want to believe.
I travel a lot and the hollowing out of smaller communities in much of the Midwest is not an imaginary phenomenon. Drugs and poverty are very much on the rise in rural America.
Every MAGA I hear talking says Biden is destroying this country. They hate what we’ve become; what with all the wokeness, Transgenders taking over everything, and public schools indoctrinating our children. Seems to me the MAGAs are the ones ready to leave the country that they seem to hate so much.
I travel a lot and the hollowing out of smaller communities in much of the Midwest is not an imaginary phenomenon. Drugs and poverty are very much on the rise in rural America.
"Drugs and poverty are very much on the rise in rural America ". Huh... whoda thunk it, given it's MAGA's breeding ground.
Fear is the GOP’s stock in trade. Fear, anger, resentment, and hatred.

So stfu
Hold on a sec....The Democrats have cornered the market on hatred for some time. Just use the leftist posters on here if you need examples.

I have NEVER posted a thing on here that could even be remotely considered hate filled an I am most assuredly in the GOP camp.
Every MAGA I hear talking says Biden is destroying this country. They hate what we’ve become; what with all the wokeness, Transgenders taking over everything, and public schools indoctrinating our children. Seems to me the MAGAs are the ones ready to leave the country that they seem to hate so much.
I love this country.

But I do not like the direction it is going. I dont have any issue with transgenders. Adults can do as they please. I think one can be supportive of anothers choices, assure they aren't discriminated against while not being a fan of the normalization of it and frank encouragement of that IMO.

Our large cities have turned to shit. Drugs, crime, squallor, filth. These used to be the pride of the US. Now Seattle, SF, DC, Chicago to name a few, have become an embarrassment. No way Id take any foreign visitors to these areas anymore to show them off like I may have in the past. We have become far to permissive of behavior that erodes society. Drugs, homelessness, unfettered immigration and a loss of pride in America that used to foster a communtiy effort into keeping America clean and safe. Now so many of our young people believe the country is past its prime and are no longer proud to be Americans. What this causes is a general disinterest in improving the conditions in which we live. Unless one is taalking about marginalized groups in which case they see that as our primary struggle. I do not. I see our struggle as a loss of the sense of community,a general feeling of a lack of shared history, and a blame placed squarely on our founders that cause people to not want to be a part of what many fought for and created in the past.

It sickens me. It really does. My only hope is that these sorts of feelings of discontent seem to come and go every few generations (see the 70's for example) and the ship gets righted. And I actually pray it does for my kids sake.
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Trump's administration ended with a 10 million job loss and a violent coup.

Biden's so far has produced record jobs and an amazingly productive economy.

We only fear one party getting back in control.
Jan 6 was disgusting an inexcusable. That alone should keep people from voting for Trump.

That said, you know exactly why the job losses and gains occurred and are being disingenuous on the matter.

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