Will you move if Trump wins?

Will you?

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Maybe they can migrate south of the border? 😜
They can all move to California. It is a Liberal oasis. Only problem would be the $6.00 a gallon gas. $1,000,000 for a shit hole house in crime ridden neighborhoods, stepping in and around human shit on the sidewalks and navigating around the homeless cities in the neighborhoods. Those Liberal Californians, driving around in their European Sports Cars are a caring bunch as they speed around neighborhoods and head for their gated communities and ignore the problems. Oh, and complain about Trump. Very telling that the nicest areas are shaded red on political maps. Orange County and the rural areas.
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You do realize that Trump has already been the president once? People survived that “horrible” timeframe.
He did quite well too until Fauci (a career democrat) and the Chinese decided to play games with creating viruses. That is the only thing that kept Trump from a second term.
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It’s pretty clear Trump is enamored by the trappings of “strongman” politics, I don’t think it’s debatable. I don’t think he’s a student of history or frankly smart enough to actually have a particular underlying political movement like, say national socialism, so no, he’d never be like a full-blown Nazi. More like a Ghadaffi or
Mussolini type.

As for the second part, of course those in the “acceptable” cohort would thrive under such a system. Wealthy, white, Christians would have favored status and immigrants, minorities, LGBTQ and others deemed “lesser” would have it harder. One needs only read the rhetoric on the hard right to see the obviousness of that statement.

As I am none of those things (immigrants, non-white, non-Christian or LGBTQ) it is pretty clear my lifestyle would not be adversely impacted by a second Trump presidency. Due to our income level, tax breaks and other advantages, our net worth would likely increase.

I am not motivated by greed but rather a desire to see America live up to its founding father’s vision, so I am opposed to Trump based on that, not what it would do for me personally.
1. Totally agree trump is enamored by strongman politics. However if it were in any way an aspiration of his, and we'd have seen higher taxes in his first term, we'd have seen freedoms restricted, not expanded/protected.

2. During his first term workforce participation among virtually all large minority groups reached all time highs. What makes you think this would be the opposite in his second?

You have to weave 2 false premises together to land where you're at today. First that minority groups are incapable of achieving your level of success simply because of their skin color/identity. Second that somehow, despite the success achieved by those groups under Trump in his first term, that the 2nd time around he'll want to make it so those groups decline, and in particular when compared with the white Christians.

If those two things were true I'd be right there with you, but there's simply no reason to believe either of those is true in 2024.
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Good job keeping this handle fresh, by the way.
What's your favorite small town in Iowa that doesn't have big city problems?
Lawton, Moville, Hinton, Okoboji, Milford,
Spirit Lake, Ida Grove, Remsen. I've worked in every one of these towns and thought about moving to a couple. I didn't see one homeless person or one obviously high person on the street. If you actually were openminded it's not hard to see the appeal of living in a smaller community. Sure maybe your drive to the grocery store is 10-15 minutes but your house is a lot bigger and cheaper than a "big city" house, hell you might even luck into a chunk of land out of it.

You remind me of a lot of people I've worked with that are so narrow minded they can't see other possibilities. You remind of guys who instead of doing something the easier way after a suggestion you instead would rather do it the hard way just because it wasn't your idea. I bet you'd argue till you are blue in the face that 2+2=5.
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Memory lane :)

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He did quite well too until Fauci (a career democrat) and the Chinese decided to play games with creating viruses. That is the only thing that kept Trump from a second term.
Complete lies. Trump dismantled the pandemic response system, told people that vaccines didn't work, gave zero federal guidance, and opined about shining lights into people to kill the virus. His response was a disaster.
He did quite well too until Fauci (a career democrat) and the Chinese decided to play games with creating viruses. That is the only thing that kept Trump from a second term.
May we direct you to 4chan to discuss your theories further, please? I think we've reached our max capacity for crazy on the GIAOT forum.

Go Away Goodbye GIF
You must not ever visit any small town in Iowa then. Talk about shitholes!

I'll bet you could lose your wallet in that small Iowa town and it would be returned to you just as you lost it, in a big blue city, well, good luck with that.
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Every MAGA I hear talking says Biden is destroying this country. They hate what we’ve become; what with all the wokeness, Transgenders taking over everything, and public schools indoctrinating our children. Seems to me the MAGAs are the ones ready to leave the country that they seem to hate so much.
We're aren't the one trying to change everything, so there is that fact.
So do you see how what you just said could also be applied to larger cities and metro areas as well?
I do. I was only replying to someone bitching about small towns.
I don’t give a crap where someone lives. Some like big cities and some like small towns. Every small town and large city is different.
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The nice thing about not living in a city is I don’t have to lock my doors and always being on the lookout for some trying to rob or shoot me.
I don’t have to see some abandoned or run down buildings wondering if some homeless meth head is in there. I don’t have to see someone on the streets drugged out scaring the shit out of me.
I don’t have to deal with someone thinking they are of the opposite sex.
Sure I have a neighbor that’s a pretty hardcore democrat but once you get to know him he’s alright and just wants to live a decent normal life.
Does it cause me to miss out of some of the events and conveniences of a big city. Sure
But it’s much better then encountering nutjob liberals every day.
What a weird worldview of fear you operate in. I can’t imagine going through life thinking there’s an imaginary monster around every turn. Such a strange and pathetic existence you’ve invented. How do you muster the courage to leave your home everyday?
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I do. I was only replying to someone bitching about small towns.
I don’t give a crap where someone lives. Some like big cities and some like small towns. Every small town and large city is different.
No, the post you replied to that started this didn't mention anything about small towns. He was talking about the pros of living in a metro area and that means he doesn't have to see the MAGA types.

It's usually a common complaint of the RIght of how bad big cities are. But I have to tell you that every year we go on a fishing trip into Southern Iowa and the towns we travel through look like mini versions of Detroit. Now I fully realize not all small towns are like this as technically I live in a small town/city. But I'm also not out here banging the drum of how awful small town conservative America is either.
What a weird worldview of fear you operate in. I can’t imagine going through life thinking there’s an imaginary monster around every turn. Such a strange and pathetic existence you’ve invented. How do you muster the courage to leave your home everyday?
Do you guys have selective reading skills?
Or do you not understand humor.
Someone writes something stupid and I respond with something stupid yet you only see what I write.

But to answer your stupid post, here it goes.
I probably live the opposite of what you just put in your head about me
If you’ve read anything at all about me. You’d know that I never lock my own home, I often leave my vehicle parked outside with the keys still in it. I don’t own any gun or any sort of weapon for that matter.
During Covid I was laid off from work and I went everywhere and if I wasn’t forced to wear a mask, I didn’t wear one. (The horror!)
So no I don’t hide in my mom and dad’s basement and cry about how scary life is.
Plus if you looked at how I voted on this post, I wouldn’t run away in fear either if Trump is elected president.
No, the post you replied to that started this didn't mention anything about small towns. He was talking about the pros of living in a metro area and that means he doesn't have to see the MAGA types.

It's usually a common complaint of the RIght of how bad big cities are. But I have to tell you that every year we go on a fishing trip into Southern Iowa and the towns we travel through look like mini versions of Detroit. Now I fully realize not all small towns are like this as technically I live in a small town/city. But I'm also not out here banging the drum of how awful small town conservative America is either.
Am I not allowed to talk about the negative aspects of a big city or the positives about a small town in response?

It’s usually a common complaint of the left that all small towns are run by MAGA’s and are trash. I’ve been to plenty of them in my life and some do look like small versions of Detroit and many do not.
I’ve been through and visited some big cities in my life and not all of them are like Detroit and I’m not out here banging the drum that all of them are large liberal America either.
Am I not allowed to talk about the negative aspects of a big city or the positives about a small town in response?
Yes but you said you were just replying to a post that bitched about small towns. That post you speak of did not bitch about small towns. You were the one who brought the big town vs small town into this thread. You. No one else.

Otherwise, I agree with what you say.
He did quite well too until Fauci (a career democrat) and the Chinese decided to play games with creating viruses. That is the only thing that kept Trump from a second term.
Well that and his inept ability to manage anything. As noticed by the 8 and 1/2 million more people that voted for biden.
Yes but you said you were just replying to a post that bitched about small towns. That post you speak of did not bitch about small towns. You were the one who brought the big town vs small town into this thread. You. No one else.

Otherwise, I agree with what you say.
What is this a reference to then if he isn’t talking about a small town?
He’s talking about how in a big city these things don’t happen.

“There aren't loud red hatted people wearing their political costumes, there isn't Trump (or Biden) flags and signs littering poorly maintained yards. There's no risk that the rando on the barstool next to you will repeat the recent thing they heard Biden did from Fox/Newsmax/Twitter, you're not going to hear whatever wacky conspiracy theory is currently running through MAGA world. You don't run into people whose identity is consumed by Trump (or Biden).”
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Like where?

Canada would be the easiest in terms of culture and language but also safety. If not there than the UK

If you forget about the culture and language barriers, Iceland, Norway and Sweden have some of the happiest people on earth. I personally have an affection for the way Germany runs their country via their government and healthcare systems.

All of those countries are safer, happier, and probably have higher social mobility than the one I'm living in.
If Trump wins, I would consider moving back to New York City. I could run for AOC's House seat. (My guess is that New York will experience both an economic and a political bloodbath over the next decade if Trump wins.)

If Biden wins, I would probably go with Colombia or even Argentina. I really like Javier Milei. There is essentially a ground-floor opportunity for immigrants in Argentina. Those with a working knowledge of Supply-Side Economics will be in high demand.
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I'm actually moving into the mountains. It is definitely red in our new area but they are also very pro environment. They are most certainly more pro gun than I am but I can respect the need for guns out there. Not only for hunting but protection against some of the wildlife. It's fairly interesting because it is a pretty good mix of staunch conservatives and old hippies in the county. A whole lot of mind your own business types which is probably what attracted them to the area in the first place. Which is where I settle on most issues.
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May we direct you to 4chan to discuss your theories further, please? I think we've reached our max capacity for crazy on the GIAOT forum.

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Darn, Matti, thanks for all the love, seduction and research in the other thread! Sorry it got locked!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣🤡
I ain't going nowhere. But I'll happily help any of the whine babies on this board who say they will pack up the moving van. I'll even bring the beer.
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He did quite well too until Fauci (a career democrat) and the Chinese decided to play games with creating viruses. That is the only thing that kept Trump from a second term.
Yeah, that "wait two weeks" approach was solid. I definitely won't be moving if Trump is elected, I will simply enjoy the ride. Hopefully if another worldwide pandemic happens, the response won't get completely fugged up.