Winston by a LANDSLIDE. While Simpson is much better from the line this year it really hurts your team in crunch time and you have to sit your point guard like Beilien had to do last year because he couldn’t make a FT.
I do not recall Simpson getting benched at the end of any game last season and his FT shooting contributed to no losses.
I do not recall Simpson getting benched at the end of any game last season and his FT shooting contributed to no losses.
You're kind of a year off, but Winston is nails.Winston by a LANDSLIDE. While Simpson is much better from the line this year it really hurts your team in crunch time and you have to sit your point guard like Beilien had to do last year because he couldn’t make a FT.
You're kind of a year off, but Winston is nails.
No, I said this year (66%) was better than last year (49%) when Beilein sat him late in games. Not a year off. He still is not even an average shooter.