Wisdom for the posters

It's blue dammit

So don't argue with Riley and Tom.
Don't argue with us...maybe try learning once in awhile. After all that Trump has done, you STILL don't have it in you to take a breath and say, "You guys were right from the beginning." You just can't do it.
Don't argue with us...maybe try learning once in awhile. After all that Trump has done, you STILL don't have it in you to take a breath and say, "You guys were right from the beginning." You just can't do it.
With the Trump stuff I will agree with you mostly. Trump 2023 is pure toxic.

However, sometimes you need to hear a voice that isn’t in the echo chamber.
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You're in the wrong place, bub. There's nothing of value to be gained from HORT besides amusement and wastin' time.

I have gotten good input over the years on various topics. There is a good knowledge base here when it chooses to show itself.
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With the Trump stuff I will agree with you mostly. Trump 2023 is pure toxic.

However, sometimes you need to hear a voice that isn’t in the echo chamber.
I don't need to hear voices who gaslight me. No thank you. Bring facts then we can dialogue. That's the problem right now. There is a good third of the country that aren't using facts. These MAGA rallies are full of people that are just lost. If they get shown they are wrong they just go with, "I don't care." What are we supposed to do with that? Prove me wrong and I will admit it. I have on here. I have apologized for being wrong.

Still waiting for someone else to do it. Especially when something one says is absolutely proven to be false. They just double and triple down with a false narrative. I don't need an echo chamber...I listen to what people are saying, what their actions are, and how they vote on the issues.

I don't need an echo chamber, as an Iowan, to know Chuck Grassley is full of crap in what he tells Iowans.
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