I did watch the "bobble" in real time and the several replays...I am not expert...nor an official but I think that such a "catch" has been more clearly "defined"...in the NFL and perhaps the NCAA...especially when you are falling down out of bounds. I wasn't surprised it was overturned when they reviewed it. It seems unfair and odd...and it did when I saw it in past games. If he had caught it, had possession with one foot or feet in without going down to the ground and rolling out of bounds it wouldn't be an issue...when he hit the ground, bobbled...then it was up for review and in fact, was overturned. Perhaps more can clarify... Point is...don't give up 5 turnovers and complain about a loss...you had many, many, chances at home to win this Bucky. Glad Wisconsin lost in such a painful way, honestly, sickening fans, mostly. These little piggies cry all the way home... And very glad I have a ticket to cash...taking Northwestern and the 11 points I was most graciously given...