Woman shoots and kills 2 of 3 suspected carjackers.

Those ok with her killing them are getting shredded by some people who said no big loss when people who didn't wear masks died from Covid.

Wow. Heavy and just SO relevant to the topic.

For once I agree with Goldmom. Probably one of your dumbest posts. Bravo.

If she shot them during the car jacking then I'd say she had a self defense case. Because she waited, tracked them down, and shot them, it's Murder 1st degree. All people in the situations are SMOE
If this were the wild west, sure.

This lady did society a favor. I highly doubt these felons would have stopped stealing if arrested and prosecuted. She put them down like the animals they are
This lady did society a favor. I highly doubt these felons would have stopped stealing if arrested and prosecuted. She put them down like the animals they are

Are you in favor of vigilante justice? Somebody steals from you, go kill them?
Are you in favor of vigilante justice? Somebody steals from you, go kill them?
I’m in favor of justice. Someone steals my car which then takes away my ability to work and put food on the table. Yes, that person can catch the deds
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I’m in favor of justice. Someone steals my car which then takes away my ability to work and put food on the table. Yes, that person can catch the deds
There is no other way for you to get to work other than your car? I hope you never get in an accident or have it break down causing it to be in the shop for an extended period. I pity the person who hit you or the person you perceive to have caused the breakdown. Their life will be in danger.
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There is no other way for you to get to work other than your car? I hope you never get in an accident or have it break down causing it to be in the shop for an extended period. I pity the person who hit you or the person you perceive to have caused the breakdown. Their life will be in danger.

Check out this guys privilege
That's not justice. Justice is them being arrested, charged, sentenced and serving 10 for grand theft. Stealing a car is not worthy of a death sentence, that's nothing more than murder.
Whose going to prosecute them? Have you heard of Kim Gardner the Prosecuting Attorney in St.L? This is what happens when politicians run for DA knowing full well they are only doing it to spite law enforcement, and promote racial justice. She has a list of police officers from whom she refuses to prosecute any crime they bring to her. Why, ask her, she won't tell anyone.

You want to encourage more vigilante justice, keep electing DAs like Gardner.

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Why do people think a possession, a thing, is worth killing someone over? I mean, if they were in the act of stealing it and she felt they might kill her, ok. But after the fact? That's just murder
Exactly. ☝️

Putting myself in that situation, I'd like to believe I'd:

1. Track my vehicle to the location (probably armed)
2. Assess the situation:
2a. If it's empty, reclaim my property (if I'm then confronted and in fear of my life I'd defend myself with lethal force)
2b. If it's occupied, I'm calling the police to reclaim my property for me.
3. If 2 a/b isn't an option, I'd follow my vehicle from a safe distance while on the phone with the police to reclaim my property.

I can't imagine shooting two people to get them out of my vehicle unless maybe one of my kids were in the vehicle.
I’m in favor of justice. Someone steals my car which then takes away my ability to work and put food on the table. Yes, that person can catch the deds

You don't have insurance which should in this situation provide for a rental car and/or provide the funds to get yourself another car in these situations??

I mean honestly if you have the ability to chase them down you have the ability to use that same method to get to work.

This lady did society a favor. I highly doubt these felons would have stopped stealing if arrested and prosecuted. She put them down like the animals they are

Maybe, you don't know. For me the bigger thing is the system provides justice not individuals. We've done the whole individual justice thing in the past and it did not work very well. For all it's faults, the legal system is far better.
Exactly. ☝️

Putting myself in that situation, I'd like to believe I'd:

1. Track my vehicle to the location (probably armed)
2. Assess the situation:
2a. If it's empty, reclaim my property (if I'm then confronted and in fear of my life I'd defend myself with lethal force)
2b. If it's occupied, I'm calling the police to reclaim my property for me.
3. If 2 a/b isn't an option, I'd follow my vehicle from a safe distance while on the phone with the police to reclaim my property.

I can't imagine shooting two people to get them out of my vehicle unless maybe one of my kids were in the vehicle.

Couldn't you just provide the police the location of your vehicle and have them do the rest?
There is no other way for you to get to work other than your car? I hope you never get in an accident or have it break down causing it to be in the shop for an extended period. I pity the person who hit you or the person you perceive to have caused the breakdown. Their life will be in danger.

This is dumb if someone hits your car and it’s an accident then it’s an accident. If people purposely steal your shit which in this case my reverberate to other issues: no car, inability to get to work or groceries or taking your kids somewhere, etc.

I would bet dollars to donuts this wasn’t the criminals first theft but it will be their last thanks to this hero
The people who vote for the Pro-Life party are showing up in force in these threads lately.
Unborn babies are innocent and have the potential to do good things for society. These guys proved not so much in their case. She will go to jail, probably, but score two for the good guys.
Couldn't you just provide the police the location of your vehicle and have them do the rest?
Absolutely. I just know me and if my Jeep was at a gas station in my immediate area (for example), I'm 99.9% certain I'd at least make the drive over to check out the situation. Who knows, maybe I'd get lucky and it was just sitting there empty and I could hop in, drive home and file a police report.

Again, I'd like to believe I'd be smart in the situation.

In Alaska a kid was breaking into vehicles outside our apartment complex on New Years Eve. When my buddy pulled into the parking lot he witnessed this kid attempt to smash a cinder block into the car window of my wife's vehicle. When the kid saw my buddy he took off. My friend called the cops, but continued to follow the kid around the neighborhood with his lights off while on the phone with the police giving them directions to where he was until they arrived.
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This is dumb if someone hits your car and it’s an accident then it’s an accident. If people purposely steal your shit which in this case my reverberate to other issues: no car, inability to get to work or groceries or taking your kids somewhere, etc.

I would bet dollars to donuts this wasn’t the criminals first theft but it will be their last thanks to this hero
The point you made was if you lost your car, you would lose your livelihood and your family would suffer. Does it matter why your kids would starve? What if it was a drunk driver who ran a red light and totaled your car but caused no bodily harm? Would it then be perfectly acceptable to execute them in the middle of the intersection?
My bank acct and retirement fund are worth more than a Kia. Additionally, the punishment for stealing a vehicle, being in possession of a stolen vehicle or just being in a stolen vehicle is not a death sentence. This is straight up murder.
Agree that it was murder.

That said, you might want to think about what that Kia might have meant to that lady, and that it might be just as valuable to her as your 401K is to you. It might actually be the most valuable thing she has, and integral to her livelihood.
The point you made was if you lost your car, you would lose your livelihood and your family would suffer. Does it matter why your kids would starve? What if it was a drunk driver who ran a red light and totaled your car but caused no bodily harm? Would it then be perfectly acceptable to execute them in the middle of the intersection?
a drunk driver, yes, by any and all means, execute them.
thanks to this hero
...but is she, though?

Normally like your posts, but you are way off on this one. Stealing property does not give the right to shoot them in summary education.

We are well past the wild west. Now she has put herself in criminal and civil liability. Let the LEO take care of the situation.
Man, believe me, I know. It's my one thing where I know that I'm way out mostly on my own.

I think there are WAY too many people and it's unsustainable. If we're supposed to be one big collaborative society working towards making things better, it'd be REAL easy to cull the population AND get rid of all the criminals. The lives of everyone who helps and contributes to make things better will improve. Those who don't will be gone and won't ever hurt anyone again.

We have to stop acting like the lives of bad people have any value though, because they don't. Or at least they shouldn't.

Yeah, ideally the police and courts would take care of all that for us, but it doesn't usually work out, and you have people being arrested dozens of times and hurting people over and over again. So, if those car thieves are never able to steal again, I'm good with how it happened.
Man, believe me, I know. It's my one thing where I know that I'm way out mostly on my own.

I think there are WAY too many people and it's unsustainable. If we're supposed to be one big collaborative society working towards making things better, it'd be REAL easy to cull the population AND get rid of all the criminals. The lives of everyone who helps and contributes to make things better will improve. Those who don't will be gone and won't ever hurt anyone again.

We have to stop acting like the lives of bad people have any value though, because they don't. Or at least they shouldn't.

Yeah, ideally the police and courts would take care of all that for us, but it doesn't usually work out, and you have people being arrested dozens of times and hurting people over and over again. So, if those car thieves are never able to steal again, I'm good with how it happened.

Fair enough. Maybe it is the former defense attorney in me, or even as former Magistrate that knows that there people that CAN be rehabilitated. Not all of them. Or the majority of them. But I believe in due process and I am abhorrent to every gun toting person taking the law into their own hands.
Fair enough. Maybe it is the former defense attorney in me, or even as former Magistrate that knows that there people that CAN be rehabilitated. Not all of them. Or the majority of them. But I believe in due process and I am abhorrent to every gun toting person taking the law into their own hands.
I understand your point. I think there are a whole lot of good people that don't need rehabilitating that we could focus those resources on. And it's hard to know which criminals could potentially be rehabilitated until it's too late and they've gone on to hurt more people.

And, I think it would be a very effective deterrent to know that if you choose to be a criminal (no, not every single offense), that when you're caught you're gone forever, rather than a plea deal, reduced sentence, probation, etc.

I'd prefer a large desolate, remote island like Australia where we could send all the criminals to fend for themselves. It doesn't seem very likely though.
I understand your point. I think there are a whole lot of good people that don't need rehabilitating that we could focus those resources on. And it's hard to know which criminals could potentially be rehabilitated until it's too late and they've gone on to hurt more people.

And, I think it would be a very effective deterrent to know that if you choose to be a criminal (no, not every single offense), that when you're caught you're gone forever, rather than a plea deal, reduced sentence, probation, etc.

I'd prefer a large desolate, remote island like Australia where we could send all the criminals to fend for themselves. It doesn't seem very likely though.
They've done that in "Escape from L.A." It didn't stop Kurt Russell
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