To one of our own, excellent work Andegre.
Your site continues to evolve based on viewer input and suggestions. The information you provide is useful and entertaining.
Most are probably already using this site as a reference, if not, take the time to check it out. It keeps getting better every month/year.
Again, thank you for your hard work in giving college wrestling fans a top notch portal to a sport we all love. When we couple this with your willingness to give your audience a voice in how the site is constructed we are party to a rare combination--exceptional talent and humility.
Suggestion. Add a category tab for past NCAA results/brackets. These are found easily on the web, but to have them on your site would further enhance the experience. Comparing current/past results and having NCAA brackets handy would also appear to be a natural fit with what you are doing.
Your site continues to evolve based on viewer input and suggestions. The information you provide is useful and entertaining.
Most are probably already using this site as a reference, if not, take the time to check it out. It keeps getting better every month/year.
Again, thank you for your hard work in giving college wrestling fans a top notch portal to a sport we all love. When we couple this with your willingness to give your audience a voice in how the site is constructed we are party to a rare combination--exceptional talent and humility.
Suggestion. Add a category tab for past NCAA results/brackets. These are found easily on the web, but to have them on your site would further enhance the experience. Comparing current/past results and having NCAA brackets handy would also appear to be a natural fit with what you are doing.