appeared on johnny Carson''s show, I believe. appeared on johnny Carson''s show, I believe.
Molly's name was not Bolin in HS+-.- Van Benthuysen.Denise Long and Molly Bolin were both famous 6 on 6 players. Bolin played on the Iowa Cornets professional team and was easy on the eyes. (no
Wonder why the parents would put that handle on their girl.You forgot Fonda Dicks!
I think the defender could touch the ball if the offensive player was in the lane.Another strange rule in 6 v 6. The defender could not touch the ball while it was in the offensive players hands. If you did, it was a foul.
Girls on offense would just hold the ball in front of them with the defender right on them. It was weird to watch.
I actually met her. She went to college with my wife-sorry no pics guys. She was very nice.I didn't forget her, but most people I mention her name to think I'm kidding. She was All-State in 1968 or 1969.
Iowa girl's HS basketball, 6 players a team, 3 on offense 3 defense.
The offense stayed on it's half of the court, the defense on it's
The defense would dribble the ball to half court, pass it to the offense and then stand, waiting to once again defend.
Only 2 dribbles allowed.
I think she received about 10 mentions in Playboy magazine over the years.I didn't forget her, but most people I mention her name to think I'm kidding. She was All-State in 1968 or 1969.
It would have been funny if Fonda had married a man with the last name of Peters.I think she received about 10 mentions in Playboy magazine over the years.
I worked for ACT for quite awhile. Had a financial aid request from a girl named Chastity Beaver. I swear it's the truth. We saw thousands of apps and saved the good names for fun.You forgot Fonda Dicks!