Your favorite war movies (Top 5)

Netflix needs to do a multipart remake of Audie Murphy “To Hell and Back”. From some interviews taken with fellow soldiers they said the movie didn’t do him justice.

Das Boot
The Big Red One
Master and Commander

I enjoy Troy and 300 for ancient history war.
Master and Commander… great choice!
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The patriot
The Patriot came out the summer between high school and college for me. Went to see it with a bunch of my buddies. There’s one part where a white guy asks the black slave who’s fighting for his freedom, “and just what do you plan to do with all this freedom?”

My buddy, doing his best impression of Nate Dogg, shouted out “SMOKE WEED EVERY DAY!”

People in the theater laughed.
Here’s my Top 25

1) Inglorious Bastards
2) Fury
3) Last of the Mohicans
4) Saving Private Ryan
5) 1917
6) Greyhound
7) Enemy at the Gates
8) Master and Commander
9) Kingdom of Heaven (Director’s Cut only as the Theatrical Cut makes it a confused mess)
10) Glory
11) The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare
12) Midway (2019)
13) Defiance
14) Full Metal Jacket
15) Dunkirk
16) Blackhawk Down
17) We Were Soldiers
18) The Patriot
19) All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)
20) Das Boot
21) Tae Guk Gi- The Brotherhood of War
22) Red Baron
23) Seediq Bale- Warriors of the Rainbow
24) Patton
25a) Platoon
25b) Narvik

Bonus Miniseries
1) Band of Brothers
2) Shogun (2024)
3) Masters of the Air
4) Generation Kill
5) The Pacific
In no particular order:

Full Metal Jacket
Inglourious Basterds
Apocalypse Now

Bridge of Spies was outstanding but IMO Cold War movies are a separate category. My other favorites from that genre would be The Good Shepherd, Thirteen Days, and The Death of Stalin.
This is a good list. I was surprised no one mentioned Full Metal Jacket earlier.
The Deer Hunter is probably my favorite, disturbing as it can be to watch. Not so much about the war itself but the toll it takes on those impacted by it.

Rest of the top 5 would probably include Apocalypse Now, Glory, Bridge on the River Kwai, and Saving Private Ryan.
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There are many on here I had not heard of:

Best Marines Movie🍿🍷
1. The Wall (II) (2017)
2. Hard Kill (2020)
3. Jarhead 3: The Siege (2016)
4. Kill, Die, Laugh (2017)
5. A Grunt's Life (2019)
6. We, the Marines (2017)
7. Dead Sea (2014)
8. Devil Dogs (2017)
9. You're the Enemy: Welcome Back! (2014)
10. Saber Rock (2017)
11. War Brides of Japan (2018)
12. Gentleman Warrior Self Defense System Volume 3, (2016)
13. The Man in the Cowboy Hat (2016)
14. Dream & Play (2022)
15. The Field (2014)
16. Garden of the Peaceful Dragon (2019)
17. Royal (2017)
18. War Brides of Japan, a documentary: The Brides (2019)
19. War Brides of Japan, a documentary: The Culture (2019)
20. War Brides of Japan, a documentary: Herstory (2019)
21. War Brides of Japan, a documentary: BFF's; Buddhist Friends Forever (2019)
22. We'll Always Have Parris (2016)
23. Excuse My Accent (2020)
24. Parris Island 100 Years: We Make Marines (2015)
25. War Brides of Japan, a documentary: The Kids (2019)
26. NCR Marines: NCR Special Forces (2021)
27. Military History Visualized (2016)
28. Florida Road Trip (Central Florida Roadtrip) (2017)
29. Ukraine on Fire 2 (2022)
30. The Toys That Made Us (2017–2019)
31. Halo (2022)
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Apocolypse Now
Saving Private Ryan
Full Metal Jacket
The Pianist

Shoutout to War Horse. I loved that movie but not on same level as my top 5
No particular order...

Lawrence of Arabia
They Were Expendable
12 O'clock High

Funny thing is, I could easily change this list tomorrow because there's about a hundred or so different "war movies" I enjoy.
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Kelly's Heroes is one of my all time favorite movies regardless of genre. The cast was great the humor was extremely well done and just a fun watch. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor.
Saving private Ryan
Fog of War
Last of the Mohicans

Apologies in advance for being a Gen-Zer
The fact that you have 1917 and Last of the Mohicans in your top five means that you and I can be friends. Great list.
1. Platoon/ Saving Private Ryan
3. Blackhawk Down
4. Glory
5. The Dirty Dozen
Any conflict, any order

1. Thin Red Line
2. Saving Private Ryan
3. Dunkirk
4. Inglorious Basterds
5. Downfall

Hon Mention/Not sure if a “war movie”

The Great Escape
Bridge of Spies
Apocalypse Now
Saving Private Ryan
Schindler's List
Here are a few to add to the collective list. I am attempting to not be too repetitive.

-Arch of Triumph
-Sink the Bismark
-Henry V: Prince Hal blows up the entire French Army on St. Crispin's Day in the year 1415 at the Battle of Agincourt. Shakespeare coined the term "We Band of Brothers" for use in Prince Hal's famous speech. If he had not coined this phrase, we would never have had the widely acclaimed TV miniseries.
-Braveheart: Mr. Gibson does an admirable job of recreating the Battle of Stirling Bridge, even though he leaves out the bridge, filming it simply as the Battle of Stirling. Here is an artist's depiction that I believe makes up partially for this dereliction. (He filmed the movie in Ireland and did not have access to a suitable bridge, or so the story goes.)


-The Good German: set in the aftermath of WWII Berlin and Potsdam, it deals mostly with hubris and confusion after the total destruction of Germany. Everyone is seeking to establish a new identity, by disavowing their wartime acts and activities. Animosity and suspicion is everywhere.
-The Book Thief
-The Killing Fields:
-Oppenheimer is a "best ever" in whatever sub-genre, you wish to place it.
-Master and Commander: Mentioned above
-Gone With the Wind; A superlative recreation of the era and of the aftermath of War - Scarlett O'Hara will remain as everyone's dream debutante for all time. Not even her namesake, Scarlett Johanson can come close. What a Woman, fictional or otherwise!

Several semi-obscure and "Not for everybody" war movies - "arthouse films" that are highly focused, narrow in scope but brilliantly done

-Richard III - a highly stylized Shakespearean masterpiece/Updated to include tanks, machine guns and open staff cars with motorcycle outriders.
-Seven Beauties (Lina Wertmuller) - hard to watch, not much is in good taste except perhaps the ultimate message
-The English Patient
-The Garden of the Finzi-Continis
-The Night Porter - provocative and problematic, very controversial / Charlotte Rampling and Dirk Bogarde
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Rewatched Fury last night........I don't know if I had a critical eye or what but it was way worse than I remember. Everybody is hip firing rounds, the jab shot they do in movies. And if your going to hole up in a tank and turn it into a turret, you dont leave ammo outside the tank ( why Brad pit gets killed) i don't care if you can move your legs or not, ammo is your life line at that point.

It went down on my top 10 list.