Your unpopular hot takes

I'm sure everyone is aware boneless wings are not just wings with the bones and other stuff removed.
I am awaiting that marvelous day when science provides us with a genetically modified chicken with no bones that we just feed until the blob is large enough to economically slaughter.
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The following things are overrated or not good:

Leonardo DiCaprio
Protests, parades and rallies of any kind
Big Dogs
Having one kidney
ICEEs (Slurpees are superior)

I realized now that his one decent performance is Wolf of Wall Street, because he plays a con man who makes millions selling people using his mediocre acting skills. That’s smart casting.
My hot takes:

1. Ketchup is the best condiment
2. The type and amount of mustard you use is related to what kind and the amount of trauma you've experienced in your life
3. Mayonnaise is throat lube
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Since I saw it mentioned in another thread and forgot to mention it when this thread was active I have this unpopular hot take:

The Big Lebowski is overrated. Last time I watched it, I had to turn it off maybe a half hour in. We get it, you're "The dude"

*rolls eyes*
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Extensive first aid, including blood loss management/how to use a tourniquet.

I wonder if bigger public schools have stuff like that. Once every 2 or 3 years someone from the police, fire, or EMS would come in with equipment and do first aid demos but it was like 1 hour every few years.
I wonder if bigger public schools have stuff like that. Once every 2 or 3 years someone from the police, fire, or EMS would come in with equipment and do first aid demos but it was like 1 hour every few years.

We just had basic CPR.
Since I saw it mentioned in another thread and forgot to mention it when this thread was active I have this unpopular hot take:

The Big Lebowski is overrated. Last time I watched it, I had to turn it off maybe a half hour in. We get it, you're "The dude"

*rolls eyes*

  • IPAs suck. Tastes like you are drinking a pine tree.
  • The regular chik-fil-a sandwich is just okay. The spicy is fantastic with mayo.
  • Mayonnaise is wonderful.
  • Ranch dressing is phenomenal when home made from Hidden valley ranch packets, skim milk, and Hellmann's mayo. Store bought ranch in a bottle or in the chilled section is disgusting.
  • Ketchup is a delightful condiment on bratwurst, hot dogs, and burgers.
  • Ecpot is stupid. Why spend money on "visiting" artificial "countries" when you can do it for real?
  • Relatedly, people who are Disney fanatics who visit all of the time (from out of state, not locals) are weird. This includes my cousin's family.
  • Brisket is at best, just okay. Making corned beef in the crock pot is infinitely more delicious.
  • High noons, white claws, trulys, etc are great, especially outside on a hot day.
Woah, I agree on all of these. I've never tried ziplining and I never had the Chick-Fil-A sauce so I had to leave those out. Ziplining seems like it has potential, but I'll stick with skydiving and bungee jumping for thrills.
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Zip lining is great. Go up to Whistler sometime after Canada lets us back in. If they ever let us back in.
Woah, I agree on all of these. I've never tried ziplining and I never had the Chick-Fil-A sauce so I had to leave those out. Ziplining seems like it has potential, but I'll stick with skydiving and bungee jumping for thrills.
insert didwejustbecomefriends.gif
Chicken wings are awful. They’re a bunch of work for a sliver of just ok meat that’s really just a vessel for a bunch of low-brow sauces.

So it takes you 20 minutes to eat 20 wings which is the equivalent of 1/2 a breast AND you get your face and hands all dirty.

I’ve never understood why you didn’t just dump your sauce on a breast.
I try to dump my sauce on breasts as much as possible!
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Since I saw it mentioned in another thread and forgot to mention it when this thread was active I have this unpopular hot take:

The Big Lebowski is overrated. Last time I watched it, I had to turn it off maybe a half hour in. We get it, you're "The dude"

*rolls eyes*

This was my opinion of many of the movies my friends always liked in college... enjoyed the beginning and eventually got really sick of the characters.

Very different movies.... but had the same feeling about Scarface, Platoon, And Fear and Loathing in LV.
I would prefer a Constitutional Monarchy to the Republic.

Ranch dressing can be good on a lot of things but it's loaded with calories so I eat sparingly. Ever since May of 2019 I've eaten lite italian on my salads.

Mountain Dew tastes great (Also loaded with calories)

Beer and Whisky taste terrible.

Baseball is a boring sport to both watch and play. Most of the time you spend watching someone spit and adjust their gloves. Unless you are the pitcher most of the time playing is just standing there waiting for something to happen. Soccer is a far superior sport in both regards.

Since I saw it mentioned in another thread and forgot to mention it when this thread was active I have this unpopular hot take:

The Big Lebowski is overrated. Last time I watched it, I had to turn it off maybe a half hour in. We get it, you're "The dude"

*rolls eyes*

Agreed . . . I watched it once. . . it was good to see that one time but I have not since had the desire to watch it again.
I dont think its pathetic. Boneless wyngs are tasty. I would just hope that they know they aren't real wings.

you guys just keep proving my point. There’s nothing inherently better about wing’s just code for “I’m going to eat a crap ton of X sauce.” Wings, boneless wings, like the sauce, not the wing.
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you guys just keep proving my point. There’s nothing inherently better about wing’s just code for “I’m going to eat a crap ton of X sauce.” Wings, boneless wings, like the sauce, not the wing.
This is just a goddamn lie. An unbreaded flat, especially when you bake them in the oven at high temp, say 460, for an extended time, gets a nice crispy/caramelized skin. A boneless "wing" is just a nugget/tender. It is breaded and inferior to a pure wing. It does taste good, just not as good, and it is not the same thing.
This is just a goddamn lie. An unbreaded flat, especially when you bake them in the oven at high temp, say 460, for an extended time, gets a nice crispy/caramelized skin. A boneless "wing" is just a nugget/tender. It is breaded and inferior to a pure wing. It does taste good, just not as good, and it is not the same thing.

If I added a sprinkle of salt and threw either of them in the oven would you eat them w/o any additional seasoning or sauce?
I think we need to let COVID burn through the country and when winter rolls around, we’ll be better off for it.