Good comeback. Doesn't change realty however. When I post things as facts, such as EU's % of loans to Ukraine, I like to documentation. You however are unable or unwilling to do this. Mostly unable becuase largely what you post is your opinion. That's fine, just don't lie about it and think you're clever with response like the one above. You're not clever. And since you hint at net worth, life really des keep a nice scoreboard that almost always favors those that live in a fact based world. You should self reflect, or post a serious response when confronted with either dissenting opinion, or confronted with facts you aren't aware of. You don't like the way I post? You shouldn't. But I merely copy your style and throw it back at you. Self reflect on that also.
I am convinced you are a believer in civil liberties. I'm also convinced you somehow twist yourself to only think they apply to persons who share your world view.
AS I've mentioned numerous times, I'm fascinated by this board. You actually have a chance to have an intelligent conversation, which of course is entirely up to you. Posters such as
@bcherod are beyond saving. Stating that all the weapons we send to Ukraine are for them to test after I posted the entire inventory of all the weapons we sent. One weapon system out of that list was in testing phase. It's so disingenuous and dishonest it is a bit scary. She just makes shit up and insults others. I insult others also, but people in this world, and on this message board teach me exactly how I should treat them.
Anyway, you're stuck with me more than usual as I'm back up north in cold weather until nest weekend. There really isn't a lot you can do about it. Just as you can't do anything about who is currently POTUS. Just as I wasn't able to do anything about who was the prior POTUS. Although it's pretty clear we handle those situations vastly differently.