Zelenskyy/Trump press conference...

You’re just another despicable person who was ok with how his guy withdrew from Afghanistan. And somehow in your ass backwards mind, you think the way Trump talked to Zelensky is more embarrassing.

Go **** yourself.
Fvck off you imbecile. Both are embarrassing AF. You refuse to let Trump own the disaster he’s responsible for. Lick his dick in the privacy of your own closet so we don’t have to watch.
Dude, the US is NATO. Everybody in the world should be for a stronger and more united Europe. If that happens because of today, then that’s a win for everybody. We as Americans should be 100% for Europe stepping up to the plate and doing more for their own security. Not piggy backing on the US military and grifting us American tax payers.

We’re running a 2 Trillion deficit, that is only ballooning and driving this country off a cliff, due to stupid BS like funding an endless Ukraine-Russian war. It’s what people voted for and most people are fed up with it.

But do we have the financial resources? We are $36 trillion in debt.
But another massive tax cut that will add another $7 Trillion to it is just fine.

Zalensky owned Biden because Ukraine has the dirt going back to when Joe was peddling influence as VP and got his boy on the board at Burisma. Joe had to bend over or Ukraine would produce receipts. USA shouldn't have to kiss Zalensky's ass to help them out. Take our help or don't. Europe now is starting to act like they want to help, but has done next to nothing for 3 years. We all know Europe doesn't have the stomach to really help. If they did they already would have.
That’s got to be a HBOT record for being wrong on every point made in a single post. I’m surprised you had the time to look away from QAnon sources that long to actually type it.
Kind of like how Elon Musk dresses whe he is in the Oval Office or a cabinet
Are you unaware of just how much the Europeans have done for Ukraine? The money, the weapons, the logistical support? The sanctions on Russia? The massive effort to find new sources of natural gas? Seriously Europe has done a ton and continues to do a ton.

Looks like they will have to go it alone.

I’m just worried that President Musk and his lapdog Trump will find a way to provide financial or even military support to Russia.
Better pucker up buddy.

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Again this is about Biden. Look at the topic dipshit.

Zelenskyy/Trump press conference . . . .​

So you started the whataboutism by bringing up Biden when he isn't involved at all. This is your only argument.

Now this gets fun, and I think you are showing your true Russian colors. How exactly is Zelensky a Nazi? I still think they can win the war but they can't be handcuffed on what they can or can't do and they need more resources. Claiming he is padding his bank account is real rich, how much did the Saudi's give members of the Trump family to invest again?? Trump is ending shit. He is sucking up to Putin and giving him everything. How the hell do you expect that negotiation to go. Putin you are the aggressor you caused everything, but we will let you have all the lands, we will give you a reprieve to build up your weapons, we will drop all sanctions and try to rebuild your economy and F you to Zelensky. That is what played out yesterday. So if you want to be a Russian stooge, which you probably are (paid or otherwise) . . . then just continue to babble.
Dude, you need to use paragraphs, reading that garbage was difficult.
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Sorry but anyone calling for another to kill themselves is actually the real POS.

Mods? Its time to put this stuff to a stop. This sort of online bullying isnt acceptable.
I've heard this type of crap from liberals since Trump won the presidency the first time. This is the type of stuff these tolerant libs say on line from time to time to Trump supporters like myself. I don't let it bother me.
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I don't like Bolton, but he has more intelligence in his pinky toe than Trump
He might have made a difference in Trump's first impeachment trial, but he chose to say nothing until he could make money from it. Trump's entire first cabinet/administration decided to wait to tell their story until they could make money from a book rather that standing up for America when they had the chance. All of them are responsible for voters thinking Trump deserved a second chance.
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I've heard this type of crap from liberals since Trump won the presidency the first time. This is the type of stuff these tolerant libs say on line from time to time to Trump supporters like myself. I

I don't like Bolton, but he has more intelligence in his pinky toe than Trump
Like most of the crowd that used to hang w Bonespurs... they got used by him, realized he cared nothing for them, and decided to stop enabling him. Sometimes people actually wake up to reality...
Victims? I’m making fun of you for playing the victim. Your proud boy & patriot compadres are shaking their heads seeing you cry bully.
I am not crying about anything. Grow the hell up.. Certain things should be considered unacceptable, even for this trash bin of indecency. Telling someone to kill themself is one of them. These calls, perhaps more than any other personal attacks, have a long and storied history of being the probable cause for many actual attempts at self-harm. I dont care if it is joking or not. You have NO IDEA what a person is dealing with at any one time and how this may affect them. I personally deal with patients that have heard these things or been affected by these things. So many people get upset about people using the wrong pronouns, calling people the R word etc yet few seem to raise an eyebrow at something like this which is much more abhorrent. I'm sure @kwik44 would agree. @CarolinaHawkeye is one of the worst posters on this board. You are close behind. You should be agreeing with me yet you aren't. Why is that?

Some people come on this board, it seems to me, with the sole intent of being one of the worst people imaginable. Its excusable to fall into it once, and I am guilty as well from time to time, but to constantly post with no intention to have a discussion and only to flame is reason for the ban hammer IMO. It only stops if the rules are applied.

Cyber bullying laws in Iowa. Now this applies to students to be clear but I dont think it is any less relevant when supposed adults do it to other adults. Maybe it isnt illegal but the premise is the same. I am not a lawyer. But this conduct is wrong. Maybe the only way for this to stop is to have others on here call people out as I am. I get it, you dont care what I think. But I have skin in this game and I am over it.

(1) Places the student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or property. (2) Has a substantially detrimental effect on the student’s physical or mental health. (3) Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s academic performance. (4) Has the effect of substantially interfering with the student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by a school. “On or before September 1, 2007, the board of directors of a school district and the authorities in charge of each accredited nonpublic school shall adopt a policy declaring harassment and bullying in schools, on school property, and at any school function, or school-sponsored activity regardless of its location, in a manner consistent with this section, as against state and school policy.” Criminal harassment statute (708.7) includes electronic forms: “A person commits harassment when, with intent to intimidate, annoy, or alarm another person, the person does any of the following: (1) Communicates with another by telephone, telegraph, writing, or via electronic communication without legitimate purpose and in a manner likely to cause the other person annoyance or harm.” Proposed bill would require schools to create bullying prevention programs (summer 2016):
I've heard this type of crap from liberals since Trump won the presidency the first time. This is the type of stuff these tolerant libs say on line from time to time to Trump supporters like myself. I don't let it bother me.
See my follow up post. Just because it doesn't bother you specifically doesn't mean it should be tolerated. Like at all.
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Zelenskyy is no Churchill. JFC.
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He might have made a difference in Trump's first impeachment trial, but he chose to say nothing until he could make money from it. Trump's entire first cabinet/administration decided to wait to tell their story until they could make money from a book rather that standing up for America when they had the chance. All of them are responsible for voters thinking Trump deserved a second chance.
Bingo. I'd shoot 20 paintballs at his face and one to his nuts just for flinching. Fuq him.
He should wear a suit and tie also. But at least he wore a suit coat over his t-shirt. Z shows up in a fvcking Henley. And you want respect? As they say in Jersey…Get outta here.

Why does he need to bite his lip? Because we have given him hundreds of billions of dollars that's why and without that he'd be out if power at best and dead at worst.

I think we should stop sending tax dollars and start asking people to write checks directly to the effort. As usual, leftists are more than willing to spend money as long as its someone else’s. Or are willing to spend their own money as long as that money forces richer people to send more.

I am NOT willing to spend a nickel more on this war or spill a drop of American blood on this stalemate Sorry not sorry.
As for Zelensky:

The scoundrel burns his country to the ground to rule over the ashes," Sun Tzu