Arrests of the Traitors coming in now

That community is filled with people who have way more money than him, and are willing to piss some of it away. I read a story a week or so ago that one resident has already filed a complaint with the city putting them on notice that they must enforce the contract. Because of the historic nature of the property I think the city had to sign off on some aspects of the deal. Some city clerk is going to have a tough decision to make pretty soon. My prediction is Trump will not be classy about it.
And, it's been mentioned, he has other properties in the area. He just enjoys the prestige and the big shot persona he gets to put on at Mar A Lago.
Mar a lago or any other trump joint looks like business class on Emirates. Too much wood veneer and gold plating on shit that just doesn't need it. Looks like puke.
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@HawkeyeShawn, still think it wasn’t violent?

@HawkeyeShawn does not. He is a POS...

but its cool guys, he didnt vote for Trump
(Just defends him in everything)

as well intended as he (and others) may think he is on his hypocritical crusade against the “R Word”, him defending the actions of Trump supporters undermines his efforts
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Fox News graphics designers were "prophetic"...

The fact that those on the left don’t see one ounce of hypocrisy in themselves, is amazing.
If "the other side" would have laid siege to my Capitol building I would have wanted every one of them rounded up and arrested in no different manner than what I want for the Crop of thugs that invaded the capitol. I'm not sure why you are attempting to compose a moral equivalence between the two sides here. Could you please give me an example of when the BLM/ANTIFA/etc movement laid siege, breached, and destructively entered the US capitol while congress was in the session along with the vice president in attendance?. Also, could you give me an example of when the leader of the most powerful nation encouraged said groups to do so? They breached the US Capitol building, not a CVS pharmacy.
with the exception of violent offenders.
Attacking, breaching, and entering the US Capitol while Congress is in session is a violent offense against our republic. You have your opinion. How bout we try these folks and let a jury of their peers decide. I'm willing to bet that once the gravity of the situation is laid out with clarity by the prosecutors the defense in such a case will have little to work with.
His grandma looked like she wanted to shoot someone. I am sure she's as f****** crazy as her grandson. From the looks of her I can imagine a string of babies plopping out of her starting at age 15, and a hefty dose of public assistance over the years.
Socialism. She enjoys it but I bet she speaks against it.
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Speculation is that it's related to the school voucher legislation.

At the center of the investigation is Rep. Glen Casada, the one whose chief of staff was doing coke in the state office building, who sent racist and sexists text and who was found of misusing campaign funds and subsequently ousted as Speaker...only to be reelected this year.
Speculation is that it's related to the school voucher legislation.

At the center of the investigation is Rep. Glen Casada, the one whose chief of staff was doing coke in the state office building

....and ONLY Diet Coke is allowed.....cuz of them liberal school vouchers/bans on sugary soft drinks, Amirite???!!!!
10 years? I’m all in favor of punishing those that break the law, but 10 years is ridiculous. We should be working towards less jail time for all criminals, with the exception of violent offenders.
This you, bro? You pro-terrorist now?
learned something new today. I had no idea you could do that.

Im very sorry that you can’t see clearly enough to see what ANTIFA really is. Or maybe you do see it and that’s who you are, a terrorist or a supporter or terrorism. Their actions over the last few days have shown their true colors.
Oh, wait. You got out your chart...
Attacking, breaching, and entering the US Capitol while Congress is in session is a violent offense against our republic. You have your opinion. How bout we try these folks and let a jury of their peers decide. I'm willing to bet that once the gravity of the situation is laid out with clarity by the prosecutors the defense in such a case will have little to work with.
These people need to be tried, convicted, and executed... to set a precedent. Or... it happens again.

Severe penalties are the only way to control this.

And when he's a civilian... Trump needs arrested as inciting a felony.

This isn't complicated.
I’m not saying Trump is Hitler. I remember learning about the third reich and the Holocaust and thinking to myself how could a country or society standby and let this happen? Even be part of the extermination of the Jews? Well I have now seen for myself what one man with others that are willing to aid and abet him telling lie after lie, demonizing anyone who disagrees, and spread unfounded fear amongst once decent people can bring.
This is why this behavior and action can not go unpunished and has to be condemned by everyone in leadership from every walk of life in our society. We have to stand up and be counted. Thank god these people didn’t actually succeed and were not heavily armed. We’ve seen people from all walks of life from Drs to police officers, CEOs, teachers, every walk of life be radicalized by Donald Trump. If that doesn’t wake this country up I don’t know what will.

Some might say I am being overly dramatic or sensationalizing what had happened in Washington DC. I don’t believe that I am, when you see and listen to these citizens that took part in this insurrection at the capital and even those that didn’t but are excusing the act, they all think what they are doing is right, normal, and just. They somehow came to the conclusion that they can do whatever they want and there was not going to be any consequences to these actions. How did that happen? Donald Trump. The scary part is how easily he has done it.

Dr. Tammy’s video rantings made me think of the videos that the guy in the linked video makes. Maybe Dr. Tammy and Nurse Nancy should combine forces with Super Humann, share their collective talents and make videos about “Patriot Jugalos” and “Patriot Jugalettes” fighting for the freedoms that our forefathers promised that are supposedly being stolen from under our noses and only DT Barnum can protect. About the same mindset ....

I’m not saying Trump is Hitler. I remember learning about the third reich and the Holocaust and thinking to myself how could a country or society standby and let this happen? Even be part of the extermination of the Jews? Well I have now seen for myself what one man with others that are willing to aid and abet him telling lie after lie, demonizing anyone who disagrees, and spread unfounded fear amongst once decent people can bring.
This is why this behavior and action can not go unpunished and has to be condemned by everyone in leadership from every walk of life in our society. We have to stand up and be counted. Thank god these people didn’t actually succeed and were not heavily armed. We’ve seen people from all walks of life from Drs to police officers, CEOs, teachers, every walk of life be radicalized by Donald Trump. If that doesn’t wake this country up I don’t know what will.

Some might say I am being overly dramatic or sensationalizing what had happened in Washington DC. I don’t believe that I am, when you see and listen to these citizens that took part in this insurrection at the capital and even those that didn’t but are excusing the act, they all think what they are doing is right, normal, and just. They somehow came to the conclusion that they can do whatever they want and there was not going to be any consequences to these actions. How did that happen? Donald Trump. The scary part is how easily he has done it.

You’re not being overly dramatic. Not even close. A while ago, I started to re-read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Hadn’t read to for 20+ years. The similarity of the strategies used for the rise to power between Hitler and Trump are striking.

For anyone rolling their eyes while reading this (and I quote my brother-in-law who said “you can’t credibly compare anyone to Hitler”) ... I challenge you to read the book. It is an incredibly thorough study (1,500+ pages).
I’m not saying Trump is Hitler. I remember learning about the third reich and the Holocaust and thinking to myself how could a country or society standby and let this happen? Even be part of the extermination of the Jews? Well I have now seen for myself what one man with others that are willing to aid and abet him telling lie after lie, demonizing anyone who disagrees, and spread unfounded fear amongst once decent people can bring.
This is why this behavior and action can not go unpunished and has to be condemned by everyone in leadership from every walk of life in our society. We have to stand up and be counted. Thank god these people didn’t actually succeed and were not heavily armed. We’ve seen people from all walks of life from Drs to police officers, CEOs, teachers, every walk of life be radicalized by Donald Trump. If that doesn’t wake this country up I don’t know what will.

Some might say I am being overly dramatic or sensationalizing what had happened in Washington DC. I don’t believe that I am, when you see and listen to these citizens that took part in this insurrection at the capital and even those that didn’t but are excusing the act, they all think what they are doing is right, normal, and just. They somehow came to the conclusion that they can do whatever they want and there was not going to be any consequences to these actions. How did that happen? Donald Trump. The scary part is how easily he has done it.
You’re absolutely correct. Even scarier is the poll I saw this morning indicating that 62% of Republicans do NOT think this was a threat to our democracy.
You’re absolutely correct. Even scarier is the poll I saw this morning indicating that 62% of Republicans do NOT think this was a threat to our democracy.
It is shit like this that makes me feel intellectually superior as a Democrat. Although I know I am not....but GD it, are the majority of Republicans really that phuquin' ignorant? 'Cause if they are....I can believe they are capable of damn near anything. I can understand disagreements on tax rates, stance on abortion, climate change and the like.....but what I saw Wednesday was an organized attempt at overtaking the legal government of the United States by the powers that be and that my friend is TREASON. And "treason" is a punishable/capital offense according the the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America.
Hang the traitors!
Seriously? Hang them? Well if this is what you really want I’d say you have issues.

I suspect you’d also be ok with the death penalty in general? I just want you on record here.
You’re absolutely correct. Even scarier is the poll I saw this morning indicating that 62% of Republicans do NOT think this was a threat to our democracy.
I don’t. There was no chance that this was gonna morph into anything even remotely successful. Bunch of disaffected losers that fell into a mob mentality. Look it up.
It is shit like this that makes me feel intellectually superior as a Democrat. Although I know I am not....but GD it, are the majority of Republicans really that phuquin' ignorant? 'Cause if they are....I can believe they are capable of damn near anything. I can understand disagreements on tax rates, stance on abortion, climate change and the like.....but what I saw Wednesday was an organized attempt at overtaking the legal government of the United States by the powers that be and that my friend is TREASON. And "treason" is a punishable/capital offense according the the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America.
What is inexcusable is two things.
1) this happened
2) the lack of adequate security allowed it to. There is no way in hell an angry mob that is largely unarmed should be allowed to take the capital.
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they are traitors who attacked the capitol
They should be hung for treason
Ok so your ok with the death penalty? Anyone that is ought to be ok with pulling the trigger so to speak. So would you be willing to wrap around the noose and pull the lever?
Seriously? Hang them? Well if this is what you really want I’d say you have issues.

I suspect you’d also be ok with the death penalty in general? I just want you on record here.
They brought a noose to hang the Vice President so it seems a safe assumption those who committed crimes at the Capital are pro hanging. Pence didn't even commit a crime and they were ready to carry out 'swift justice' without a trial.
Just wish we could make all these eventual trials public. Or at least make them PPV.

Noticed some of the terrorists are already backing down and making excuses for their behavior. The clown from Arkansas that was in Pelosi's office and stole material says he only took it because it had blood on it from being maced.

Didn't realize being maced drew blood?;););););)
I don’t. There was no chance that this was gonna morph into anything even remotely successful. Bunch of disaffected losers that fell into a mob mentality. Look it up.
Successful no. But what about the next time. Got to be serious consequences or the next one is bolder.
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