College leftists go all Charlottesville and put the Jew Hate on Full Power

Sadly, some of these interactions are so bizarrely delusional that I suspect someone is actually going to get hurt, in the non imaginary sense, and seriously, in the not too distant future.
So while I guess things seem to have been put to bed at universities that people actually might actually give a damn about, apparently not quite so at my law school alma mater...

(Best line: Fortunately, we got rid of shop in many schools years ago so the actual construction of a gallows may prove challenging. Amazon can deliver a guillotine but it is only five inches tall so it might be a bit of a Spinal Tap moment for the new Jacobins.)

Oh, and at my other alma mater, and unrelated to Gaza issues, they seem to have disinvited the commencement speaker at the last minute at the urging of the student newspaper. (This after said newspaper stepped in it a few years back when they published a letter saying white boys should not be allowed to speak in class.) I do love irony, but I sense a trend.
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