Midlands Session 3 Thread

Afraid W going to walk into something. Not sure he is moving forward with a plan. Still more bong forward. A couple weak shots. Stalling on Warner? No idea why
9 matches in a 2 day high school tournament? Why would coaches would set that tourney up? I can understand if it’s big national tournament, but seem like an injury waiting to happen. Seems excessive for a holiday tourney TBH.
It is a pretty cool tournament. They put 4 - 6 man pools for the first day, which are somewhat seeded. The top 2 from each pool go into an 8 man bracket the next day. The 3rd place guys from each bracket wrestle in a 4 man pool (only 2 matches) the fourth place guys from each pool wrestle in a 4 man bracket the next day etc. (only 2 matches) It gives your not so good kids a chance to wrestle and wrestle same level kids on the second day. That way your poor kids are not going to a big tournament and going 0-2 and sitting for 2 days.
I would like to see the winners bracket only be 3 matches at most for the second day though. It is a definite character builder.
I like seeing kids fight thru the stuff. They will be talking about how tough it was for years to come. Who cares about 3 miles to school every day in the snow. I wrestled 9 matches in a tournament one year, sort of stories.
3rd period. B escapes. 2-2. Bad shot by b. Warner with go around for TD. Stalling on bottom for b. Point for W. 5-2. Escape b. 5-3
You are Wrestling WAY TOO many matches! Not trying to make excuse, but we have gotten away from TEACHING, PRACTICING, and TRAINING! Now everyone thinks you have to Wrestle 100 matches a year. It is BS. The more you look back in time, the less matches the kids Wrestled.

What the did do is Practice!!! I see a lot of problems with our current thinking. One is the obvious injuries. The other is throwing kids into tournaments who have not done the necessary Training. My son started Youth Wrestling, and on the 3 practice they are talking about having him Wrestle in a tournament!!!

Did not even know the very basics, rules, positions, etc.... I will add here. It is NOT about the adults!!! As a coach all you hear is. "whens the game, next match, my kid is not getting game time, etc....


All this being said. Many places you will be at a disadvantage come end of the year seeding due to the point system they use. I get this and honestly would not worry about is!

Other problems are the kids DISCIPLINE! It is very hard to grind through practices day after day, week after week! This though is what will truly make a kid better. This is another reason why YEAR ROUND LIFTING PROGRAMS work so well for those who will follow them!!!

Which brings me to the Coaches. Sad to say, many do not have a clue!!! They do not know how to USE INFORMATION, how to cycle or vary practices, how to run practices, etc...

This is the biggest problem. Going back to the beginning. Many coaches will point to a very elite athlete and say, " see what he is doing, you need to do that!!!' Meanwhile the kid does not have the foundation laid to accomplish it.

A quick example is Tumbling!!! GREAT SKILLS TO HAVE!!!! BUT you have to TEACH THEM!!! Can not say, do rolls, back tumbles, cartwheel, hand springs etc.... Please go to any camp and watch the warm ups!!!

Well Im all over the place here and rambling, so I am going to stop because I am trying to do this fast and all. I need to take time and start writing articles again!!!!
This is the only tournament where they wrestle this many matches. It is a good learning experience for the good ones, because they finally see what we mean by being in shape and wrestling sore and tired. If we did that all the time, it would be insane. The point I was trying to make is a lot of kids wanted to give up and sit out some of the last matches. I expect that at the high school level, but not so much at the college level.
I appreciate your advice and thoughts on coaching and philosophy. Thanks.
JW seemed tentative the whole match. Glad he won, but he didn't take a shot. Breske was ripe for a beat-down.
Warner is obviously having some issues that need to be straightened out!!! I hope to GABLE that the coaches can get it done!
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Class on Mat 4. 2-0. Other coaches telling their guy on bottom to get all the way flat. I assume so he can be turned. Seems like that should be stalling.
W wins 5-3. Still don’t understand why W was dinged for stalling
Two times for pushing Breske off the mat while Breske was trying to circle in. Its the correct call, you cant just push him, you need to shoot him off.

Something definitely wrong with Warner as Breske is terrible. Only offensive points coming off an easy counter to Breskes poor attempt. That should be a bonus win without breaking a sweat for a contender.