Reynolds takes aim at AEAs

I could support Vouchers if private schools were required to accept all students like public schools and not be allowed to limit class size. I could support Vouchers if private schools were required to follow the same regulations, guidelines, and laws as public schools. I could support Vouchers if private schools were not allowed to increase their tuition. Since none of the above happen, I cannot support Vouchers. Reynolds is destroying public schools.
It doesn’t matter if you or anyone else support them or not.
What a stupid fvcking post.

Yes, it does. The public is pretty significantly against this scam and yet our legislators ignored their constituents and pushed it through anyway.

That should be appalling for anyone in this state. Then again, you don't appear to care about common sense given your posting history.
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I mentioned previously that my wife works for the AEA. I also know a few former teachers who move over to the AEA and are now part of the group that teaches teachers.

They had a meeting this week. Sounds like the AEA is keeping the front line workers and getting rid of most everything else. Front line = SLPs, SLAs, PT, and Psych. However, it also sounds like school districts will be given a choice to continue to use front line AEA services or hire on their own. Districts could band together to share resources if the chose to hire direct. I don’t know what it costs the districts for AEA services. I’m sure it’s some sort of flat rate x number of students. Wife says it’s very expensive, but I have no numbers to back that up.

So here is what they think will happen. A lot of non frontline contracts will not be renewed in 2024. Schools have already begun to consider hiring direct. My wife is an SLA. The SLPs she is under are already looking to position themselves in certain schools. She’s unsure what will happen to SLAs. We are starting to plan what she might do after her contract is up in August.

For the record, she has stated that the middle and upper management at the AEA is ridiculous, bloated and there are a lot of unnecessary positions. She thinks that it won’t be long before Reynolds eliminates the entire org. Much more quickly if schools go direct this year.

I can’t speak for the entire AEA, but I can tell you that most of the SLPs ACAB make more working in the private sector. However, they don’t get summers off, 2 weeks at Christmas, etc. Not going to lie, my wife and I both enjoy her having summers off. She’s gets paid crap. Less than $30k per year after 15 years. The trade off for her is summers off and pretty solid health insurance. We’ve chosen her insurance over my large employer’s insurance for 15 years.

If anyone here has a question about the AEA, I’d be more than happy to relay it and see if she knows the answer.

Neither of us support Reynolds and this move. A lot of good comes from the AEA. A lot of good people will lose their jobs. Maybe the one positive is that some that left teaching for the AEA will be forced to go back into teaching. Might be a negative if they really don’t want to be teaching.
Wyatt a stupid fvcking post.

Yes, it does. The public is pretty significantly against this scam and yet our legislators ignored their constituents and pushed it through anyway.

That should be appalling for anyone in this state. Then again, you don't appear to care about common sense given your posting history.
The voters knew about this legislation during the election in 2022 and re-elected her by a broad margin. So it seems the public isn't really against this 'scam'. Or not enough to remove her from office anyway.

Vote her out. The fact is, the democrat party in Iowa is a shit show and they couldn't get Barack the Messiah Obama elected as governor right now.
Spoken like a rube following a dictator that you are.
You and everyone else knew Reynolds was going to pass school vouchers. She primaried those who were against them.
Yet, Reynolds was overwhelmingly re-elected. You had your chance.
The voters knew about this legislation during the election in 2022 and re-elected her by a broad margin. So it seems the public isn't really against this 'scam'. Or not enough to remove her from office anyway.

Vote her out. The fact is, the democrat party in Iowa is a shit show and they couldn't get Barack the Messiah Obama elected as governor right now.
The public is against this scam. Many voted for her anyway. Party over all else. It's what got Trump elected and the lead nominee going forward.

This is a subject that those with no kids in school often overlook. When they hear about what is happening they look astonished and wonder how it happened.
Wyatt a stupid fvcking post.

Yes, it does. The public is pretty significantly against this scam and yet our legislators ignored their constituents and pushed it through anyway.

That should be appalling for anyone in this state. Then again, you don't appear to care about common sense given your posting history.
Numerous polls have shown a majority of Iowans oppose gifting private/parochial schools with tax money. Only an agenda driven person supports this legislation that defies the intent of the FF and their Constitution.
The public is against this scam. Many voted for her anyway. Party over all else. It's what got Trump elected and the lead nominee going forward.

This is a subject that those with no kids in school often overlook. When they hear about what is happening they look astonished and wonder how it happened.
As I have said, I am involved in local governement. I have heard zero complaints in my circle or from citizens about this legislation. Sure there are complaints about local public schools I hear from my wife and teachers she works with but none have been about this policy specifically. I heard plenty of complaints when it was moving to become law, but zero since tbh.
This is the first thing my wife, who despises Kim, has ever agreed with her on. She says the AEA is very bloated and at a recent PD day they sent two AWA people to do a training on writing an outline that was a total waste. She said all her school’s interactions with the AEA have been ridiculous. They need to cut back and focus on special needs students. That is her take anyway.
I can see some of this. We played with legos at our last PD...using them to get kids to think while playing. The message, and I totally agree with it despite all the shit my job gets from ignorant people, is that kids learn while playing and competing. I've only preached that for decades. But yeah, there are times when AEA is leading a PD and I wonder why I am there. I'd rather be with the students.
I mentioned previously that my wife works for the AEA. I also know a few former teachers who move over to the AEA and are now part of the group that teaches teachers.

They had a meeting this week. Sounds like the AEA is keeping the front line workers and getting rid of most everything else. Front line = SLPs, SLAs, PT, and Psych. However, it also sounds like school districts will be given a choice to continue to use front line AEA services or hire on their own. Districts could band together to share resources if the chose to hire direct. I don’t know what it costs the districts for AEA services. I’m sure it’s some sort of flat rate x number of students. Wife says it’s very expensive, but I have no numbers to back that up.

So here is what they think will happen. A lot of non frontline contracts will not be renewed in 2024. Schools have already begun to consider hiring direct. My wife is an SLA. The SLPs she is under are already looking to position themselves in certain schools. She’s unsure what will happen to SLAs. We are starting to plan what she might do after her contract is up in August.

For the record, she has stated that the middle and upper management at the AEA is ridiculous, bloated and there are a lot of unnecessary positions. She thinks that it won’t be long before Reynolds eliminates the entire org. Much more quickly if schools go direct this year.

I can’t speak for the entire AEA, but I can tell you that most of the SLPs ACAB make more working in the private sector. However, they don’t get summers off, 2 weeks at Christmas, etc. Not going to lie, my wife and I both enjoy her having summers off. She’s gets paid crap. Less than $30k per year after 15 years. The trade off for her is summers off and pretty solid health insurance. We’ve chosen her insurance over my large employer’s insurance for 15 years.

If anyone here has a question about the AEA, I’d be more than happy to relay it and see if she knows the answer.

Neither of us support Reynolds and this move. A lot of good comes from the AEA. A lot of good people will lose their jobs. Maybe the one positive is that some that left teaching for the AEA will be forced to go back into teaching. Might be a negative if they really don’t want to be teaching.
As I was reading this I was wondering if they would go back to teaching because there are a lot of openings. OR they will go do something outside of education because I would guess that the thought of going back into a classroom isn't overly appealing to most of them. Just a guess though.
As I was reading this I was wondering if they would go back to teaching because there are a lot of openings. OR they will go do something outside of education because I would guess that the thought of going back into a classroom isn't overly appealing to most of them. Just a guess though.
The two former teachers I know are in their 50’s and have been out of the classroom for 10+ years. Both were very good teachers, from what we know. They got tired of the BS in their school district that had consolidation and a lot of top administrative turnover.
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I can see some of this. We played with legos at our last PD...using them to get kids to think while playing. The message, and I totally agree with it despite all the shit my job gets from ignorant people, is that kids learn while playing and competing. I've only preached that for decades. But yeah, there are times when AEA is leading a PD and I wonder why I am there. I'd rather be with the students.
I read my wife this post and she agrees 100%. Said they had to do a 32 hour workshop with the AEA on the new DOJ rules and wondered why they couldnt have just covered this in a half day meeting and that most of the professional development led by the AEA is a waste of time.
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Again, Iowans vote against their best interests. We try to tell guys on here but hating democrats in something they can't move away from.
I’m honestly think that a lot of Iowans vote this way. They vote R blindly as an anti D vote, without really knowing what is at stake. I know a lot of teachers who lean R, but are furious over Kim’s stance on public education and the AEA. However, my best guess is they didn’t vote for.

One of the problems in Iowa, and it’s already been stated in this thread, is the lack of a strong Democrat party in Iowa. I had to look up who I voted for in 2022. I honestly couldn’t remember who opposed Reynolds. Deidre DeJear. I have no idea who the hell that is, but I voted for her. Apparently Deidre’s political message is, according to her web page, “Voter. Wife. Foodie. Democracy Defender.” After looking her up today, I can see why she lost. She’s not qualified to be a governor of any state. And she’s black. It took Iowans 42 elections to vote in a woman. It will be quite a few more before the pull the lever for a black woman.

I despise Reynolds, but at least, on paper she appears qualified to be a state governor. Clarke County treasurer, state senator, then lieutenant governor. Fair game to go after her non-traditional college degree route and DUI record.

With all of the above stated, it should surprise no one why Reynolds won in a landslide.
I do think there's some validity to what you're saying, because some schools will take advantage in that manner, but that view by the school is short-sighted. Given time, you'll have public schools upping their game and new private options popping up (expanded capacity of existing plus new startups).

Where the state may not have started a "science academy" before, a private entity now could.

Seems it has real potential to increase the quality of education kids receive in ways 'throwing more money at it' never has.
How do public schools up their game? Their funding is through the state, their rules are dictated by the state. Public schools can't simply respond to this like Pepsi competing with Coke.
As I have said, I am involved in local governement. I have heard zero complaints in my circle or from citizens about this legislation. Sure there are complaints about local public schools I hear from my wife and teachers she works with but none have been about this policy specifically. I heard plenty of complaints when it was moving to become law, but zero since tbh.
Gus….YOU and I don’t live in the same neighborhoods, do we? People complain about “public schools” because they are too phuquing lazy to attend meetings and listen to problems as they are being discussed! I mean after all, maybe 10-15% of voters bother to vote in school elections…..
Parent and grandparents react to shit only when it id presented to them in a negative way…..and Iowa Republicans have become masters of this strategy o der the past 30 years…..and hoinestly, THEY are the ones responsible for most of these issues today. When was the last time Democrats ever controlled the legislature and the Executive branches of government? (The answer is 1965)……
As I have said, I am involved in local governement. I have heard zero complaints in my circle or from citizens about this legislation. Sure there are complaints about local public schools I hear from my wife and teachers she works with but none have been about this policy specifically. I heard plenty of complaints when it was moving to become law, but zero since tbh.
Lol. This is precious. You haven't heard any complaints so there aren't any. SMFH
I mentioned previously that my wife works for the AEA. I also know a few former teachers who move over to the AEA and are now part of the group that teaches teachers.

They had a meeting this week. Sounds like the AEA is keeping the front line workers and getting rid of most everything else. Front line = SLPs, SLAs, PT, and Psych. However, it also sounds like school districts will be given a choice to continue to use front line AEA services or hire on their own. Districts could band together to share resources if the chose to hire direct. I don’t know what it costs the districts for AEA services. I’m sure it’s some sort of flat rate x number of students. Wife says it’s very expensive, but I have no numbers to back that up.

So here is what they think will happen. A lot of non frontline contracts will not be renewed in 2024. Schools have already begun to consider hiring direct. My wife is an SLA. The SLPs she is under are already looking to position themselves in certain schools. She’s unsure what will happen to SLAs. We are starting to plan what she might do after her contract is up in August.

For the record, she has stated that the middle and upper management at the AEA is ridiculous, bloated and there are a lot of unnecessary positions. She thinks that it won’t be long before Reynolds eliminates the entire org. Much more quickly if schools go direct this year.

I can’t speak for the entire AEA, but I can tell you that most of the SLPs ACAB make more working in the private sector. However, they don’t get summers off, 2 weeks at Christmas, etc. Not going to lie, my wife and I both enjoy her having summers off. She’s gets paid crap. Less than $30k per year after 15 years. The trade off for her is summers off and pretty solid health insurance. We’ve chosen her insurance over my large employer’s insurance for 15 years.

If anyone here has a question about the AEA, I’d be more than happy to relay it and see if she knows the answer.

Neither of us support Reynolds and this move. A lot of good comes from the AEA. A lot of good people will lose their jobs. Maybe the one positive is that some that left teaching for the AEA will be forced to go back into teaching. Might be a negative if they really don’t want to be teaching.
We're a small school district (under 600 students) and we are sending them just under $300k this year. That obviously goes up and down depending on enrollment.
The voters knew about this legislation during the election in 2022 and re-elected her by a broad margin. So it seems the public isn't really against this 'scam'. Or not enough to remove her from office anyway.

Vote her out. The fact is, the democrat party in Iowa is a shit show and they couldn't get Barack the Messiah Obama elected as governor right now.
Every poll shows the public is against it, but she doesn't care what others think obviously.

Lots of dumb Trumpers who just vote for whoever the candidate is with the R next to their name in this state. Unfortunately, the uneducated will only grow in number thanks to Kimmy's policies.
Every poll shows the public is against it, but she doesn't care what others think obviously.

Lots of dumb Trumpers who just vote for whoever the candidate is with the R next to their name in this state. Unfortunately, the uneducated will only grow in number thanks to Kimmy's policies.
Tghe educated will say “Pay me and get my ass outta Dodge!”
Gus….YOU and I don’t live in the same neighborhoods, do we? People complain about “public schools” because they are too phuquing lazy to attend meetings and listen to problems as they are being discussed! I mean after all, maybe 10-15% of voters bother to vote in school elections…..
Parent and grandparents react to shit only when it id presented to them in a negative way…..and Iowa Republicans have become masters of this strategy o der the past 30 years…..and hoinestly, THEY are the ones responsible for most of these issues today. When was the last time Democrats ever controlled the legislature and the Executive branches of government? (The answer is 1965)……
Because Iowans dont believe in Democrat policies. Or they care for more certain Republican ones they don't vote for Democrats.
Every poll shows the public is against it, but she doesn't care what others think obviously.

Lots of dumb Trumpers who just vote for whoever the candidate is with the R next to their name in this state. Unfortunately, the uneducated will only grow in number thanks to Kimmy's policies.
Leadership is doing the right thing in the face of public opinion.

You yourself stated the voters are dumb. They cant be expected to know always what is best public policy.

Or is it that you feel that democrat voters are smart and republican voters are dumb.? Because that flat out doesnt compute.
I’m honestly think that a lot of Iowans vote this way. They vote R blindly as an anti D vote, without really knowing what is at stake. I know a lot of teachers who lean R, but are furious over Kim’s stance on public education and the AEA. However, my best guess is they didn’t vote for.

One of the problems in Iowa, and it’s already been stated in this thread, is the lack of a strong Democrat party in Iowa. I had to look up who I voted for in 2022. I honestly couldn’t remember who opposed Reynolds. Deidre DeJear. I have no idea who the hell that is, but I voted for her. Apparently Deidre’s political message is, according to her web page, “Voter. Wife. Foodie. Democracy Defender.” After looking her up today, I can see why she lost. She’s not qualified to be a governor of any state. And she’s black. It took Iowans 42 elections to vote in a woman. It will be quite a few more before the pull the lever for a black woman.

I despise Reynolds, but at least, on paper she appears qualified to be a state governor. Clarke County treasurer, state senator, then lieutenant governor. Fair game to go after her non-traditional college degree route and DUI record.

With all of the above stated, it should surprise no one why Reynolds won in a landslide.
And to be accurate, Iowans didn't vote in a woman to be governor initially. They voted for her in a reelection after she assumed office as lieutenant governor with Branstad's move to Embassador of China iirc.
AEAs are absolutely necessary especially for small rural schools. This is another attack on the rural communities that tend to vote Republican. When will they open their eyes and see that the people they elect are not working in their best interests?

Are you shitting anyone? Iowa voters opening their eyes!
It is unfortunate that some people want to take their political dogmatic views to an extreme. Kids are going to suffer due to Kim's plans. She probably should have had AEA services given it took her 12 years to get a 4 year degree.
Are you willing to concede that Kim is not exactly the best person to decide education issues?

(her past points no)
No governor has the level of expertise in this area to withstand scrutiny.

She is the governor, has advisors giving her advice, and I trust, as with all executives, has good people working for her giving her sound recommendations.

I've been happy with her state leadership. She has surprised me in that way. I figured, as LG, she wasn't going to be up to the task. I was wrong. Recall that Terry Brandstad, who many of you liked, chose her as LG and knew when he left the Governor's office, who would be assuming it.
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Oh surprise! Another personal attack. True to form I guess. Be better.
No - an easy observation. You don't want to hear it so you don't. Or, at least, say you don't.

BTW - you've been hearing a lot about it on here so your premise is false from the get go.
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No governor has the level of expertise in this area to withstand scrutiny.

She is the governor, has advisors giving her advice, and I trust, as with all executives, has good people working for her giving her sound recommendations.

I've been happy with her state leadership. She has surprised me in that way. I figured, as LG, she wasn't going to be up to the task. I was wrong. Recall that Terry Brandstad, who many of you liked, chose her as LG and knew when he left the Governor's office, who would be assuming it.
So you like that she is giving a subsidy to religious schools and the parents who already send their kids to private schools at the expense of taxpayers? All without any oversight, reporting or testing to determine how the money is being used and if they are successful? You like that she is responsible for Iowa being in the bottom half of all states on spending per student? You were happy with her support of Trump? Those are just a few of positions that she's taken that are not only bad for the people of the state of Iowa, but they are deplorable as well.
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Leadership is doing the right thing in the face of public opinion.

You yourself stated the voters are dumb. They cant be expected to know always what is best public policy.

Or is it that you feel that democrat voters are smart and republican voters are dumb.? Because that flat out doesnt compute.
Nothing about school vouchers suggests it's the "right thing to do."

Didn't you say you were on a public school board, or was that someone else? If so, yikes.

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