***Official 2024 fishing thread ***

Yes. Using 3" Gulp Paddletails tioped with large minnows. 14-18". Perch were 12 ish.

Tomorrow if the walleys arent biting at Boji we will drop down to 2" paddletails and target crappie. We could have caught more today with smaller bait.
Never heard of these. Heading to the boundary waters in June with my two boys. Something I should get for walleyes for the trip?

Accomplishments made by '23 D all the more impressive in hindsight

Also, let’s face it, the best defense is an offense that can sustain drives, suck time off the clock, and put points on the board. When an offense can’t at least sustain drives and suck time off the clock, it makes it very difficult for a defense.

And our offense is the polar opposite…no rest for the defense, no field position help, turnovers….

2 Questions for Christian Creationists

What about the gullible, the desperate and easily convinced versus the empirical and skeptical? The former have such an easier time relying on faith while the latter are basically setup to fail and be condemned.

In that same vein the people of the last 1700-1900 years undoubtedly found it easier to believe and hold onto faith. Having lived through the information age where things like magic and most would-be, miraculous phenomena are now readily explainable, faith has to be exponentially more difficult to come by for us. Humans are more set up now for damnation than at any other point in history AD. Can't listen to a thunderstorm roll by or see a rainbow after and think as easily "God created that."

What was god purpose for creating humans?

Society defines it. Society is the “lawgiver”. YOU judge evil based on your own moral code. Society establishes standards that we (mostly) follow but sometimes we find those standards immoral based on our own code. Society says capital punishment is moral. Many of us disagree. I’ll ask again, how do you claim to find “objective morality” in the Bible when others can disagree with you on what it means? You’ll say they are misinterpreting it. They say the same about you. That is the definition of subjectivity.
Too simple of an answer Tar.

Who was the first society to define it? Who was the first individual in said society to define it? Did anyone challenge that person? What happened when that society encountered a different society? How did they agree on what is moral?

You won’t like to hear this, but God implanted morality in us at the BIOS level. That’s how infant children have a sense of fairness and justice. Think I’m wrong? Go take candy from a baby and tell me what happens.

Objective morality exists in the Bible. Jesus defined it. Just because men debate it does not take away from the fact there was an original lawgiver.

Surgeon dies in Israeli custody.

What would have been a more appropriate way to conduct the war in Gaza? How would you have singled out Hamas from citizen there?
By utilizing targeted strikes against militants in Gaza. By going after their leadership where they live. Qatar. Israel has not marginalized and isolated the leadership of Hamas. A more effective strategy would be to go after the financing of Hamas and their political power. New leadership for the Palestinians as well as the Israelis will end the war more quickly than Israel pounding Gaza into rubble with conventional weaponry, and occupying it for years with 300,000 soldiers. There isn't a number of dead civilians that will end the war more quickly in Israel's favor. Promoting new leadership for Palestine, agreeing to land for peace, and allowing for some form of self rule with economic development will end the war.

What was god purpose for creating humans?

You don't think morality has morphed over time even? Your book says it's OK to kill someone for adultery.

As I said previously in the thread, back in the day they would kill newborns with mental or physical handicaps. Morality has certainly changed as humans have evolved and social norms and expectations have changed.
I dunno man, it wasn’t that long ago that elites in this country wanted mass chemical castrations so we wouldn’t have morons (medical term). We have Muslims today that want to throw gays off roofs.

We are just over 100 years from the Russian revolution which killed off countless souls. I’m sure you are aware of this thing called the Holocaust….

If you look at the entirety of humanity, have we really evolved that much?
