Weasel Gavin Newsome & California adopts nation's broadest gun seizure laws

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) opposed the bill, saying it "poses a significant threat to civil liberties" because a restraining order can be sought before a gun owner has an opportunity to dispute the request.

Additionally, those making a request under the new law may "lack the relationship or skills required to make an appropriate assessment," the ACLU said.

Illegal legislation such as this will not survive legal challenges!

California: First Illegal Alien Appointed To State Post

California has been moving to this point for some time now. For the first time in its history, the Golden State has named an illegal alien to a statewide post, which ironically enough after the college scandal last week, that helps to increase college access for students from low-income or underserved communities.

Lizbeth Mateo, a 33-year-old attorney and immigrants rights activist, was appointed to serve by the Senate Rules Committee on Wednesday.

I can't tell you the irony of the Senate appointing someone who is illegally in the country to a position that uses taxpayer money to then use tax payer money again to educate people, including illegal aliens at taxpayer expense

25% of America Suffers from Mental Illness and Hallucinations

Note: It wasn't just Fox viewers...
POLL: 25% Say God Wanted Trump To Be President
February 14, 2019 Donald Trump, Idiocracy

Fox News reports:

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a recent interview that she believes God wanted Donald Trump to become president. A quarter of voters agrees. A Fox News Poll released Wednesday finds 25 percent believe God wanted Trump to win the election. Sixty-two percent disagree and 14 are unsure.

Over half of white evangelical Christians, 55 percent, feel God put Trump in office. That drops to 36 percent among Protestants and 20 percent among Catholics. Trump voters are nearly six times as likely as Clinton voters to believe God wanted Trump to win the election (46 vs. 8 percent).

This was a standard telephone poll of registered voters, not of just Fox News viewers.
