Search results for query: pence

  1. ButtersHawk

    Trump challenges Biden to cognitive test but confuses name of doctor who tested him.

    I'm not arguing with anything you said but are we forgetting Hillary Kept calling him an illegitimate president because of Russia Collusion? You know the thing that was proved false after an investigation.
  2. RagnarLothbrok

    Could Donald Trump actually be the Antichrist in the Bible?

    Lol. That’s awesome! 🤩
  3. Scruddy

    January 6th Trespassing Not Insurrection

    Lol another Ryan accusation
  4. alaskanseminole

    January 6th Trespassing Not Insurrection

    ...sustained serious injuries . Threats and Intimidation: Rioters chanted threatening slogans, including calls to hang Vice President Mike Pence. A makeshift gallows was erected outside the Capitol . Obstruction of Congress: The certification of the Electoral College results was delayed as...
  5. ericram

    January 6th Trespassing Not Insurrection

    Don't forget the Poopoo
  6. B

    Pence finds a backbone. Will NOT endorse Donald Trump

    Pence didn't say he wouldn't vote for trump. Here's what might help, all of those not endorsing trump, go out everyday ant tell America to follow me and vote for Joe Biden. That might hold some water.
  7. ItsinourDNA

    Pence finds a backbone. Will NOT endorse Donald Trump

    Since you seem to have a good grasp on things, can you interpret this quote from Pence for me: "Donald Trump is pursuing and articulating an agenda that is at odds with the conservative agenda that we governed on during our four years, and that is why I cannot in good conscience endorse Donald...
  8. Tom Paris

    Since Dems took charge: Gas: +55.5%; Groceries: +21.3%; Restaurants: +21.8%; Baby food: +30%; Pet food: +23.1%; Rent: +20.8%; electricity: +28.5%;

    ...are always capable of finding a new false equivalency that tops the last one. Holy shit. Storming the Capitol building, looking to hurt Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi is a nothing burger. That's what you're implying here. One of Ryan's multiple handles LOVED your post so that should tell you...
  9. gohawks50

    Trump unlimited terms…. find fraud. Trump then changes the line of succession to replace Pak with a US attorney who he believes will “do something” about the election, according to the Senate report. Separately, Trump meets with Pence in the Oval Office. Also in attendance is right-wing lawyer John Eastman, who...
  10. S

    Trump challenges Biden to cognitive test but confuses name of doctor who tested him.

    ...also quite a few areas where Trump pushed the boundaries far beyond what we'd ever envisioned possible because we'd relied on tradition to keep his predecessors in check. Imagine for a moment if Pence had decided to go along with Trump's scheme, instead of showing that he did in fact have a...
  11. lucas80

    Rs aren't even hiding their plans to steal the election.

    ...around the country, and the attempts to, "find votes". You also seem to be forgetting the bloody assault on the Capitol. What happens if Pence refuses to certify the election and all of the Republicans in the House fall into line? What happens in 2025 if the House refuses to certify the...
  12. noleclone2

    This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

    Yes yes yes Natty Light. We all know your position on this.
  13. SA_Hawk

    Special Counsel: Biden will not be charged because he is old,feeble, and his memory is shot

    Good news this now clears President Trump in his classified documents case. Along with Pence, Obama, Bush, Clinton and Bush.
  14. RagnarLothbrok

    A vote for Biden is a vote for Elder Abuse

    ...If I did, Google works just as fine for me as it does you. My question to you is why are you so concerned with trying to degrade and belittle her to such an extreme extent? Btw, without using Google, what were 5 accomplishments Mike Pence as VP achieved besides avoiding being lynched on 1-6?
  15. TJ8869

    Lisa Murkowski leaving the GOP?????

    ...Mitt Romney (UT) Senator Susan Collins (ME) Senator Mike Rounds (SD) Senator Lisa Murkowski (AK) Senator Todd Young (IN) Rep Chip Roy (TX) Rep Thomas Massie (KY) Rep Greg Pence (IN) Rep Larry Bucshon (IN) Rep Mike Gallagher (WI) Rep David Joyce (NY) Rep Mike Lawler (OH) Rep David Valadao (CA)
  16. seminole97

    This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

    ...from hypothetical attack. Trump’s own administration has failed to change the policy. On a trip to Georgia in 2017, for example, Vice President Mike Pence publicly repeated the pledge of eventual membership. The concept of NATO expansion, which dates to the Clinton administration, has...
  17. IAFB2021Champs

    As Republicans Put the Future of IVF Clinics in Jeoparday

    To lazy to look myself but has anyone asked pence about this or has he publicly announced anything? I would be nice to see someone in politics go against something their party is in favor of for once.
  18. ButtersHawk


    Not sure but I agree it was crazy. All I'm saying is Trump better spend some time in jail if the Dems want to be taken seriously in the future. As much as they want to say it is his own doing and not a witch hunt a good chunk of the population doesn't agree. I know he doesn't speak for all of...
  19. ItsinourDNA

    Pence finds a backbone. Will NOT endorse Donald Trump

    There are also some white house staff/aids to add to the list ie: Cassidy Hutchinson. Liz Cheney and John Bolton too. Although idk if Liz was ever on the Trump bandwagon...
  20. TJ8869

    Pence finds a backbone. Will NOT endorse Donald Trump

    Off the top of my head I would say: George W Bush Dick Cheney Mitt Romney Paul Ryan Mike Pence William Barr Mark Esper