Trump challenges Biden to cognitive test but confuses name of doctor who tested him.

What about actual results? Record job production, infrastructure so good even the Republicans try taking credit for, a strong economy that is the envy of the world. Sure he's old, but the results speak for themselves.
Why is my grocery bill up over 50% since biden took office? Why do I pay thousands a year more in taxes? Why is gas almost 4 bucks? **** off with the stock market, nobody wants to hold onto cash bc of bidenflation. Ofc they're investing it lol. What a hollow "w"
I think we'll be fine no matter who is president. I was alive in 2016 and still am currently alive. I know for some liberals 01/06 was equivalent to 100 9/11's but Trump did get on a plane and Biden did move into the White House.
Your wallet is what will get lighter. The economy will slow down with more markets under control of non democracies.
One of the biggest economic driving forces of the past 30 plus years is emerging markets. That can be significantly curtailed under more Chinese and Russian control. Trump and his minions especially don’t understand the long game.
NATO and the current alliances have been around for 80 yrs and kept things relatively calm. Vs let’s say a World War. These idiots can **** it up.
I think we'll be fine no matter who is president. I was alive in 2016 and still am currently alive. I know for some liberals 01/06 was equivalent to 100 9/11's but Trump did get on a plane and Biden did move into the White House.
No one is saying you'll die if Trump wins again.

But I think it's a fair argument that the long-term consequences for the country could be bad - if violence after losing elections, questioning election integrity after losing elections can be viewed as okay; that just encourages more, and more of that.

2016-2020 was as chaotic a 4 year period we've seen in DC in a century tbh. There were many things Trump was prevented from doing because there were just enough guardrails in place...but also quite a few areas where Trump pushed the boundaries far beyond what we'd ever envisioned possible because we'd relied on tradition to keep his predecessors in check. Imagine for a moment if Pence had decided to go along with Trump's scheme, instead of showing that he did in fact have a spine.
No one is saying you'll die if Trump wins again.

But I think it's a fair argument that the long-term consequences for the country could be bad - if violence after losing elections, questioning election integrity after losing elections can be viewed as okay; that just encourages more, and more of that.

2016-2020 was as chaotic a 4 year period we've seen in DC in a century tbh. There were many things Trump was prevented from doing because there were just enough guardrails in place...but also quite a few areas where Trump pushed the boundaries far beyond what we'd ever envisioned possible because we'd relied on tradition to keep his predecessors in check. Imagine for a moment if Pence had decided to go along with Trump's scheme, instead of showing that he did in fact have a spine.
I'm not arguing with anything you said but are we forgetting Hillary Kept calling him an illegitimate president because of Russia Collusion?
You know the thing that was proved false after an investigation.
I'm not arguing with anything you said but are we forgetting Hillary Kept calling him an illegitimate president because of Russia Collusion?
You know the thing that was proved false after an investigation.
You mean the thing that our intel agencies, Senate Intel committee all agreed that Russia interfered in the election to help Trump, and that we have numerous DOCUMENTED cases where Trump campaign people met with Russians, his campaign chief shared polling data, etc?

I'll agree that Hillary shouldn't have called him an illegitimate president...but 1) she DID concede the election; and 2) quite honestly, I view everything she's said since about the election thru the lens of a woman who still can't believe she lost to that guy.
I'm not arguing with anything you said but are we forgetting Hillary Kept calling him an illegitimate president because of Russia Collusion?
You know the thing that was proved false after an investigation.
Everything Trump does is in service of Russia. From him begging them to hack her campaign. They did. Him completely bowing down to Putin when they met. He did. Him saying he believed Russia over our own intelligence. And him promising to end all aid to Ukraine if he gets elected to give the country over to Russia. Everything that Trump does comes across as him as a Russian asset.
You mean the thing that our intel agencies, Senate Intel committee all agreed that Russia interfered in the election to help Trump, and that we have numerous DOCUMENTED cases where Trump campaign people met with Russians, his campaign chief shared polling data, etc?

I'll agree that Hillary shouldn't have called him an illegitimate president...but 1) she DID concede the election; and 2) quite honestly, I view everything she's said since about the election thru the lens of a woman who still can't believe she lost to that guy.
Yeah man a legitimate investigation determined Russia did not interfere with the election.
Also here's a wild idea but in the age of Nuclear War don't we want our Prez and Russia's Prez to get along? Seems like a good idea.
So you agree that Trump is a legitimate felon who committed campaign fraud, correct?
Again based off an investigation, legitimate evidence, and a trial yes.
Now whether he was railroaded into felonies instead of misdemeanors is solely based off your political leaning.
But based off the trial sure I agree he's at least guilty of some shady money maneuvering.
Again based off an investigation, legitimate evidence, and a trial yes.
Now whether he was railroaded into felonies instead of misdemeanors is solely based off your political leaning.
But based off the trial sure I agree he's at least guilty of some shady money maneuvering.
You also agree that Trump very likely raped E Jean Carroll and that he very likely committed near $400 million in financial fraud against the state of New York, correct?
You also agree that Trump very likely raped E Jean Carroll and that he very likely committed near $400 million in financial fraud against the state of New York, correct?
No clue. Haven't read into either of them
Damn you're telling me he did all that himself?
So full of crap. Anything. And I mean anything that’s wrong with this country in the slightest way is 100 on Biden. If something works, he didn’t do that. You’re a joke.

Name a single achievement of the Trump administration that had the impact the infrastructure bill will have. Tax cuts? Lol. So the rich can have more money in the bank.
So full of crap. Anything. And I mean anything that’s wrong with this country in the slightest way is 100 on Biden. If something works, he didn’t do that. You’re a joke.

Name a single achievement of the Trump administration that had the impact the infrastructure bill will have. Tax cuts? Lol. So the rich can have more money in the bank.
Again I am not endorsing Trump. I'm not even saying Trump is a good person.
Again I am not endorsing Trump. I'm not even saying Trump is a good person.
I mean he is a rapist. Who is a felon. Who cheats on his wife. And he tried a coup against the United States. And he has no solutions. To anything. And he commits fraud. Half a billion dollars in fraud. And he loves dictators. And says he will enact revenge if he gets back in power. And he's racist. And sees women as his personal sex objects. And he's a shitty father. And he cheers on violence. And he still has 60+ other indictments against him.

"Not a good person" left the station quite a while ago.
I mean he is a rapist. Who is a felon. Who cheats on his wife. And he tried a coup against the United States. And he has no solutions. To anything. And he commits fraud. Half a billion dollars in fraud. And he loves dictators. And says he will enact revenge if he gets back in power. And he's racist. And sees women as his personal sex objects. And he's a shitty father. And he cheers on violence. And he still has 60+ other indictments against him.

"Not a good person" left the station quite a while ago.
Agreed. Viva la 3rd party
What about actual results? Record job production, infrastructure so good even the Republicans try taking credit for, a strong economy that is the envy of the world. Sure he's old, but the results speak for themselves.
Can you imagine if Trump even accomplished a tenth of what Biden has? Republicans would be tripping over themselves to fellate the man (not that they aren't alread). They already say he's the best president since Lincoln... imagine if he actually did something
I think it's in spite of him. I don't believe he's done much of anything to be honest. I don't think he's a bad president but I think the bigger story here is the last 4 years is a true testament to our system. The country for the most part can run smoothly even with a corpse up top.
It was actually proven the 4 years before that when the man who is STILL trying to get back in power and was doing everything to tear the country apart and couldn't. THAT showed the strength of our system.

As far as Biden, why do republican congressmen who go into work with him all say he's competent and say he was tough to negotiate with? Kinda goes against your narrative and that's people on your side 🤷
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You don’t think Scrud Man has a point?

Guys Trump and Biden’s ages should be fishing, golfing, and playing with the grandkids. Not running the free world.
Nope….none at all.
Rewrite the Constitution…this time through make felons eligible to become President. Burn we are a nation of laws/rules……and both these guys qualify. Lots of folks thought Abe Lincoln was a waste of time, too.
OkNope….none at all.
Rewrite the Constitution…this time through make felons eligible to become President. Burn we are a nation of laws/rules……and both these guys qualify. Lots of folks thought Abe Lincoln was a waste of time, too.

The Office Boomer GIF by MOODMAN
Why third party? Economy is good. Market is setting records. Record job production. Inflation is under control. You really want to risk all that for some dumbass like Kennedy?
Absolutely. Besides being the best of the worst how is our economy doing? Groceries sucks. Gas sucks. God forbid you want to rent or buy a home.
Why is my grocery bill up over 50% since biden took office? Why do I pay thousands a year more in taxes? Why is gas almost 4 bucks? **** off with the stock market, nobody wants to hold onto cash bc of bidenflation. Ofc they're investing it lol. What a hollow "w"
Sorry you are so poor, Scrudlip. You should ask for some assistance if you can’t make ends meet…
Sorry you are so poor, Scrudlip. You should ask for some assistance if you can’t make ends meet…
No argument or defense of bidenflation I see. Great messaging going into the election btw. Let every American paying 5o% more for groceries know to just stop being poor. Typical lib.
No argument or defense of bidenflation I see. Great messaging going into the election btw. Let every American paying 5o% more for groceries know to just stop being poor. Typical lib.
They want the working class to suffer. If you are born poor you can do nothing for life get government welfare as long as you vote democrat.

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