#2 Iowa at #13 Wisconsin PBP

Amos looked like a little overs
Amos missed a single sweep
Amos looking strong
Jon reader told him to go for bonus
End of 1
Ref talking to Franklin maybe about hands to face
Franklin down to start the second
Franklin at his bacse and finally up
Amos picks up and drops at :38
legs in
Claw ride
Stnaidn and mat return at 1:16
Esc in 8 seocds
0-1 with 1 RT
need two TD?
Let's start with one.
1:30 rubbing heads
Doesn't seem to be Amos wants to shoot
Franklin deep single and Amos locks up
Franklin hoping for SW
Amos maybe ahs a cradle. No he has a cradle.
Leg turk
This is bad.
TD for Amos
Franklin but didn't go to his back
Amos has a head
Amos wins 4-0
Wisconsin leads 18-15

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