***2024 Presidential Debate Thread****


HB Heisman
Nov 5, 2006
It’s clear my candidate was more cogent. I thought they addressed the [talking point] well. The [line] was a home run.
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I think we are at an interesting tipping point with the media aspect of this. One would think the host might be more or less inclined to help one candidate or another but there may be something to the fact ALL outlets are starved for material right now and if we get a

Explain why water tumbles in a pipe vs spell "red" type questioning "cnn" is going to call that out as well.
Facts? My candidate don't need no stink'in facts...
If you're Trump, hammer California crime and random immigration stats (call her border czar a few times). Yell tax cuts and gas prices a bunch of times, and your base will shit their pants in happiness.
If you're Kamala, lob some cheap shots toward Trump for all of his low-hanging fruit (maybe even his old balls) and your base is happy.

And then both sides win per the talking heads!
I just got back from the future, here's what the pundits on MSNBC and CNN said after the debate:

Kamala was powerful, presidential, clearly owned the room, really seized the moment.

Trump was himself, he lied about everything. Never gave any specifics and has no policy positions.