$42 billion more tax dollars going to President Musk.

Ok, well, what is actually happening is 42 billion dollars has been "sitting" for 4 years because of a shit ton of red tape and those restrictions are actually being removed instead of protected so that maybe we actually get something from it before we all focus on the next 50 billion dollar windmill that never turns out to be a dragon.
WOW! Musk is so brave to remove the red tape that will directly benefit his company. What foresight!!
WOW! Musk is so brave to remove the red tape that will directly benefit his company. What foresight!!
There is nothing that says we are going to, simply that it is an option.

I live in rural Iowa, I'm on the road and have fiber, I like it, my neighbor built back off the road and now uses starlink, he and his wife have small businesses out of their home, he likes it. Options are ok.

I believe it was that Lutnick guy..... on fox yesterday.... for those who want to hear him. Frankly, he pushed back on starlink due to reliability but again he mentioned places they couldn't bore like Alaska and Appalachia.
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It would be way cheaper to send those people a satellite setup than run fiber to their homes. Satellite Internet had been around since long before starlink (albeit less reliable and kind of slow), but if there was a federal program to get Internet to rural populations why weren't they using satellite long ago?
Actually, many people in rural areas do use Starlink. But it is clearly a inferior product.

Personal experience speaking.
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The original plan was moving along as projected.
4 years in, not a single home connected.

"iT wAs GoInG aS PrOjEcTeD!!!!"


There is a reason these people make 200k a year and die worth 75 million.

You want to know a really easy way to make money, give yourself a loan before the world goes through 30% inflation over the next 4 years while you figure out your next move and then when the time finally comes to do something explain you can only buy half the shit you originally talked about because prices have gone up. Meanwhile you just made a shit ton of money while "42 billion" sits somewhere.

And I'm just some idiot in Iowa.
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I wouldn't try to run a business using it, but we use T-mobile 5G wifi at home and we can do all the things we want with little issue like streaming and gaming and during the hurricanes, we lost power before we lost internet signal.

I'm not knocking either fiber is a great product, delivers a great service.
I don’t understand why this isn’t the answer. Incentivize building out cell systems and connect everyone that way. A huge percentage of the country is already covered. Focus,on speeds.
Again: Go review the timeline for the infrastructure buildout.

End costs will be LESS THAN HALF of just signing everyone up for shittier Starlink service.
I realize it sucks for you that the math doesn't favor Elno's system, but it simply doesn't.
I know, because if you say everyone here or everyone there it is more cost effective to run fiber. No doubt Joe, read what I have said, or go listen to the man, satellite type internet would only be used where fiber isn't an option and more importantly, shits going to get done.

Now we believe it when we see it.
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I wouldn't try to run a business using it, but we use T-mobile 5G wifi at home and we can do all the things we want with little issue like streaming and gaming and during the hurricanes, we lost power before we lost internet signal.

I'm not knocking either fiber is a great product, delivers a great service.
That's better than satellite. And has growth potential for speeds and latency.
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What "information" is not available to me?

Connecting cell towers means running fiber lines.
And the end product for consumers using those towers for internet is cheaper, faster and more reliable than satellite service.
The guy running the program spoke aboit this yesterday, on Fox, if you want the direct source.

Or, you know, what I have been saying as far as how this would be used.

But instead you cut post... because Joesplace.
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The guy running the program spoke aboit this yesterday, on Fox
Again: if it's a WH Trumper, you were probably lied to (again).

The WH (currently) and Fox (for years) have not been reliable sources of accurate information.
You keep going back to that trough, and getting your ass handed to you on a daily basis by people who have access to the real info.
What "information" is not available to me?

Connecting cell towers means running fiber lines.
And the end product for consumers using those towers for internet is cheaper, faster and more reliable than satellite service.
Holy crap you posted something I can be on board with… and since we don’t often come to a place of mutual understanding, I will give you the credit you’re due here.

Joe is right.
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Again: if it's a WH Trumper, you were probably lied to (again).

The WH (currently) and Fox (for years) have not been reliable sources of accurate information.
You keep going back to that trough, and getting your ass handed to you on a daily basis by people who have access to the real info.
I know, because it's easier foe you to believe that guy is lying and this is all a backdoor way to get the richest man in the world a couple billion dollars instead of thr possibility that satellites may work better in....... alaska...... than drilling fiber optic cable.

Joe...... bless your heart.
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Again: if it's a WH Trumper, you were probably lied to (again).

The WH (currently) and Fox (for years) have not been reliable sources of accurate information.
You keep going back to that trough, and getting your ass handed to you on a daily basis by people who have access to the real info.
And then you had to go and say this garbage and totally redeem yourself!

How fortunate are we to have someone in our midst who has access to the real information while us plebes just have to trust the idiots on TV with White House access and FOIA accessibility?
Again: if it's a WH Trumper, you were probably lied to (again).

The WH (currently) and Fox (for years) have not been reliable sources of accurate information.
You keep going back to that trough, and getting your ass handed to you on a daily basis by people who have access to the real info.
Drilling fiber optic to someone's doorstep and cable to a giant tower miles apart, via an advantageous path, are considerably different task. You are capable of understanding that.
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I know, because it's easier foe you to believe that guy is lying and this is all a backdoor way to get the richest man in the world a couple billion dollars instead of thr possibility that satellites may work better

They WILL NOT work "better" in MOST of the locations, Cletus.

That's the entire POINT.

And, the math has been posted for you to understand that satellite allows poorer access, no upgradeability and 2x the monthly cost to consumers.

Over a 10 yr period, using Starlink for 100% of the areas noted, the costs are TWICE AS MUCH

Stop listening to Elno and his Merry Band of Bandits, because they are grifting the American taxpayer and pushing bullshit at you that you are lapping up like chocolate ice cream.
while us plebes just have to trust the idiots on TV with White House access

The 2023 article about "buildout" by 2030 was posted for you.

So, if you're listening to propaganda from the current WH and it's megaphone, Fox News, that is inconsistent with the original plan, I simply cannot help you here. You are too far gone.

Building out Cell towers to serve MANY of those areas requires fiber. If you're unable to Google to understand how cellular networks and towers work, and what "cellular backhaul" means, then you are literally too stupid to post on this topic.
They WILL NOT work "better" in MOST of the locations, Cletus.

That's the entire POINT.

And, the math has been posted for you to understand that satellite allows poorer access, no upgradeability and 2x the monthly cost to consumers.

Over a 10 yr period, using Starlink for 100% of the areas noted, the costs are TWICE AS MUCH

Stop listening to Elno and his Merry Band of Bandits, because they are grifting the American taxpayer and pushing bullshit at you that you are lapping up like chocolate ice cream.
You don't get it do you.

Low population area, mountains, your options are drill fiber to every home, drill a cable to a giant tower, or they don't get internet.

Sure, when homes are built like suburbia fiber is a mich better option, but, this will create other options. That's good.
The 2023 article about "buildout" by 2030 was posted for you.

So, if you're listening to propaganda from the current WH and it's megaphone, Fox News, that is inconsistent with the original plan, I simply cannot help you here. You are too far gone.

Building out Cell towers to serve MANY of those areas requires fiber. If you're unable to Google to understand how cellular networks and towers work, and what "cellular backhaul" means, then you are literally too stupid to post on this topic.
See, again I agreed with you but you insist on being an ass. Who pees in your cheerios everyday?
There is nothing that says we are going to, simply that it is an option.

I live in rural Iowa, I'm on the road and have fiber, I like it, my neighbor built back off the road and now uses starlink, he and his wife have small businesses out of their home, he likes it. Options are ok.

I believe it was that Lutnick guy..... on fox yesterday.... for those who want to hear him. Frankly, he pushed back on starlink due to reliability but again he mentioned places they couldn't bore like Alaska and Appalachia.
You're too stupid to understand that Starlink is already an option. This bill is to give rural folks the option of good internet service.

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