8 former Hawkeyes sue the university and ask for Ferentz firing

Exactly as Kluver is getting after, multiple of these players (specifically Wadley and KMM) tried hard post-football leveraging their Hawkeye careers to make money through merchandise and appearances. It didn’t work for them, so now they’re going the other way and trying to suck money out of the school and drag it down. This kind of money grabbing at any cost is just sad and reveals much about the characters of the individuals involved
Figured this was coming at some point. KMM thing is just weird. Also, Wadley is really making himself look bad. This won’t go very far. But I could see a small settlement at some point just to make it go away.
F that. Either fire the ferentzs if you believe it, or counter sue them!
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Said this on HROT but there will likely be a settlement. Don’t think the university will want to let it play out too long and risk some bad PR and recruiting disadvantages.

That said, I’d love to see them fight it all the way and have a nonstop parade of character witnesses for KF.
Does paying them and keeping coaches help? I say defend yourself!

Why don't we have a bunch of black players transferring, they could easily transfer without ncaa punishment
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I thought the opposite, seems more like they waited for the season to begin than rushed it.

Sorry, I didn't state my sarcastic remark very well. I was thinking the same as you. You had all this time since the report came out and you decided to come out with this during opening week? Got to do better than that.
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Alfredo Parrish is involved. The quintessential lawyer when you picture a slimy money grubbing attorney.


In a related trivia question...Where was the "lawyer" in this GIF born?
Only $20 million? Why not $400 million? I mean, for God's sake, they asked you where you got your BMW, told you to pull your pants up and asked you young men to tie your shoes within the facility; how did you poor kids survive that?

Apparently KMM wasn't able to stir enough people to purchase his autographed photos. Guy actually sent me a private message on Facebook a few years back asking me to purchase. I didn't respond.
He did the same to me on Twitter.
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Iowa can't settle this lawsuit, take it to court. Settle and every disgruntled former player in the country will be licking his chops. I think every athletic dept in America will be watching how this plays out. After reading some of their complaints I think they're really reaching.
Please, allow me to comment on Kirk's behalf:

"We're currently focused on this year's team, and producing the best team we can. Regarding the former player's lawsuit, my staff and I are prohibited from commenting on pending legal matters, but do we feel confident in our program's history. Additionally, and I'm sure you'll understand, any other questions surrounding these allegations should be directed to our Legal Department."
Irony that Wadley’s photo is on the frontline page of this site under “This day in Hawkeye history.”
Please, allow me to comment on Kirk's behalf:

"We're currently focused on this year's team, and producing the best team we can. Regarding the former player's lawsuit, my staff and I are prohibited from commenting on pending legal matters, but do we feel confident in our program's history. Additionally, and I'm sure you'll understand, any other questions surrounding these allegations should be directed to our Legal Department."
When he actually should say, "This is utter bullshit, and clearly an attempt by guys who either weren't good enough or didn't have the stones to play Big10 football to make some quick, and ridiculously large coin to make up for their lack of ability which has translated into them missing their NFL dream."
Pretty high bar to set if a coach can’t get you to the nfl.
this is why the early touchy feely shit was dangerous. If you feel wronged for getting yelled at then we should live in a world without sports because that will never happen.
also notice the players didn’t transfer up. They went Mac/IAA.

Exactly as Kluver is getting after, multiple of these players (specifically Wadley and KMM) tried hard post-football leveraging their Hawkeye careers to make money through merchandise and appearances. It didn’t work for them, so now they’re going the other way and trying to suck money out of the school and drag it down. This kind of money grabbing at any cost is just sad and reveals much about the characters of the individuals involved
Well, I assume this will put a sad end to the phrase we all love, "Once a Hawk, always a Hawk". No more fellas, no more......
F that. Either fire the ferentzs if you believe it, or counter sue them!
I doubt the school would ever be involved in a counter sue, just too messy for them, but frankly at some point I wouldn't be surprised to see KF get after someone in court. I mean the guys got to be pretty red ass by now about all this BS, and he evidently has some pretty good lawyers of his own....