8 former Hawkeyes sue the university and ask for Ferentz firing

While not surprising, the fact that there is little to no substance unfortunately won't make it go away.
Given most people's attention spans are quite short any negative effects will likely not last.
KFs program has been based on 2nd and 3rd tier recruits. Those same players are still going to have the choice of a MAC equivalent school or Iowa. Some disgruntled former players with questionable claims isn't going to have much effect on that.
Funny how people think if they delete their account the data doesn't still exist. Even text messages live when you delete them from your phone. how naive some people are.
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I'll be curious to read what outside law firm is retained by the University to address/defend against the allegations. It was my opinion then and it remains my opinion now that it was a really poor decision by the University to have the Attorney General's Office serve as trial counsel for the Jane Meyer case.

If suit is filed, it isn't going away with a nominal $2,500 nuisance payment. It is going to be scorched earth.

The former athletes' lead counsel:
Background story:

Seems pretty clear that Plaintiffs will try to certify a class. The University will resist. Good chance that deposition testimony will get leaked. Novel legal theories will be tested. It will be a public relations challenge to manage the messaging against what I anticipate will be a media aggressive effort to paint the football program in an incredibly unflattering light. If it goes to trial, jury selection will be a nightmare.

I'll be shocked (and disappointed) if the university doesn't bring in a silk stocking civil rights/discrimination specializing law firm from Minneapolis or Chicago to take the lead.
In all honesty, how does this not amount to bribery? I mean they aren't accusing anyone of breaking a law, so they're saying if you don't give us $20million, we're going to tell people bad things about you.

To the contrary, the letter directly accuses the football of civil rights violations - disparate treatment between white and black football players.
To the contrary, the letter directly accuses the football of civil rights violations - disparate treatment between white and black football players.

How is a football able to violate rights? (kidding)
I just skimmed it and saw they were complaining about hearing bad words, having their feelings hurt, and other such things.
One of their demands as they try to hold the U of I hostage, is for these damaged and abused players to be able to return to the scene of the crimes against humanity so they can finish school? I mean if I was traumatized and needed $20 million dollars to feel whole, I'm not going back there.
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I'll be curious to read what outside law firm is retained by the University to address/defend against the allegations. It was my opinion then and it remains my opinion now that it was a really poor decision by the University to have the Attorney General's Office serve as trial counsel for the Jane Meyer case.

If suit is filed, it isn't going away with a nominal $2,500 nuisance payment. It is going to be scorched earth.

The former athletes' lead counsel:
Background story:

Seems pretty clear that Plaintiffs will try to certify a class. The University will resist. Good chance that deposition testimony will get leaked. Novel legal theories will be tested. It will be a public relations challenge to manage the messaging against what I anticipate will be a media aggressive effort to paint the football program in an incredibly unflattering light. If it goes to trial, jury selection will be a nightmare.

I'll be shocked (and disappointed) if the university doesn't bring in a silk stocking civil rights/discrimination law firm from Minneapolis or Chicago to take the lead.

Exactly. I would hire Littler Mendelson out of Minneapolis. They have a bunch of offices but specialize in this type of work. I have had cases with and against them. They are really good. And will motion and paper the hell out of this case. If they use the AG’s office again my donation level goes down considerably. The AG’s just don’t have the resources.
Was he also paying for this service?
He was supposed to be, but ****ed me over hard. As did his mom. Which is why I posted it.... I TOTALLY disagree w these protests in every way, but that's not what this is about at all. This is just a matter of him clowning me, and then threatening to kick my ass when I tried to get my money. smfh
He was supposed to be, but ****ed me over hard. As did his mom. Which is why I posted it.... I TOTALLY disagree w these protests in every way, but that's not what this is about at all. This is just a matter of him clowning me, and then threatening to kick my ass when I tried to get my money. smfh

So you are saying maybe their attorneys should be asking for some cash up front? I am sure this firm took the case on a contingent fee basis, meaning no money down and they take x% of the award or settlement.
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How is a football able to violate rights? (kidding)
I just skimmed it and saw they were complaining about hearing bad words, having their feelings hurt, and other such things.

Wadley claims he has his meal card suspended and he got yelled at when he was running late and had to park in a staff parking spot.
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Thinking this won't have the effect their lawyer think it will. It was put out now for a reason. But when the national media looks into it they will see a bunch of disgruntled players looking for a payday. Just like in July it will be stopped being talked about very quickly.
The problem is the national media won't "look into it". They will see an easy story with the ability to rile up people on both sides of the aisle. The talking heads at ESPN will start yelling and screaming. There is very little actual jounrnalistic integrity anymore due to the fact that everything needs to be done at warp speed. Screw the facts - it's all about clicks. We'll just apologize, sort of, at a later date.
I’m definitely not smart enough to be a lawyer, but it seems to me they should have done this when the fire was blazing hot. It’s definitely died down to barley smoking and now they’re trying to stoke it back up. It’s a sad state of affairs anyway you look at!
So you are saying maybe their attorneys should be asking for some cash up front? I am sure this firm took the case on a contingent fee basis, meaning no money down and they take x% of the award or settlement.
Yea I would highly recommend it lol. That kid just has a screw loose. "Flake" is the perfect word to describe him. I was warned by like 5 different guys that he was bad news and not to trust him... obviously shoulda listened
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Getting yelled at for parking in the staff parking lot is a civil rights violation?

No it is not, but that is one of his complaints, lol. He was late getting his shake from the facility so he just had to park in the staff spot so he would not be late for something else too. You see this was not his fault. That shit totally reminds me of a 12 year old kid making excuses. maybe having staff only parking spots is discriminatory.
Yea I would highly recommend it lol. That kid just has a screw loose. "Flake" is the perfect word to describe him. I was warned by like 5 different guys that he was bad news and not to trust him... obviously shoulda listened

I am sure he was 100% NFL Bound in his mind so not much else mattered.
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I am sure he was 100% NFL Bound in his mind so not much else mattered.
1st round pick this, 1st round pick that. "I'm number 2 ranked RB behind Guice at LSU." Such a dbag.... anyway, u seem like a good ass dude, ppreciate u being polite and shit lol. Idk if you're in the area, but I can get u tickets to a game (as in this season). Let me know 👍
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The problem is the national media won't "look into it". They will see an easy story with the ability to rile up people on both sides of the aisle. The talking heads at ESPN will start yelling and screaming. There is very little actual jounrnalistic integrity anymore due to the fact that everything needs to be done at warp speed. Screw the facts - it's all about clicks. We'll just apologize, sort of, at a later date.

I am not so sure about this actually. Keep in mind this summer when it broke there was absolutely zero sports and BLM was at its peak. Plus, there was a new story every single day. Now with football in full swing I think outside of Cyclone Fanatic this will gain little if any traction nationally and die down super quick here. I am not saying that is right or wrong. I just think there is so much more stuff to cover plus an election. And honestly, I cannot tell you how many people have said it looks like a money grab. And this comes from ISU people. I have no idea. And I hate racism and if Iowa should be liable for civil damages so be it. Also keep in mind after the lawsuit is filed nothing noteworthy at all will happen for months in terms of depositions and trial will be in 2022.
Exactly. I would hire Littler Mendelson out of Minneapolis. They have a bunch of offices but specialize in this type of work. I have had cases with and against them. They are really good. And will motion and paper the hell out of this case. If they use the AG’s office again my donation level goes down considerably. The AG’s just don’t have the resources.
Question I have is what actual damages are these players attempting to recover? I get what they are claiming what I don’t get is the monetary damages they feel they are entitled to. I saw a reference to “mental anquish and pain/suffering”. Do any of these players have documented therapy bills or other evidence?