80 Years Ago....

You're seriously claiming... insisting... that Republicans want to commit genocide? You actually believe that the Republican party is planning to kill millions of people, methodically, like the Nazis exterminated the Jews and others in the 1930s and 40s?

I won't speak for Joe, since I don't know if he's serious or is making an extreme analogy.

However, in speaking for myself. I do think there are a significant number of Republicans who are more than willing to kill their political opponents in an effort to take back "their way of life". Is it the majority? Absolutely not. But it's enough to cause major issues going forward.

And until the Pubbers who are not willing to do that, realize what the extreme rhetoric coming from their media and their party is doing, and the stand up and tell their brethren to knock it off, it's going to continue to escalate.

As long as the mouth breathers are getting the majority of the attention, it's not going away. The GOP needs to purge them. Instead, they're coddling them, which gives them the power.

Ex. McConnell and McCarthy need to tell Trump to stay out of politics and the likes of MTG to sit down and shut up. They won't though. They prefer politics expedience to morality and ethics.
I won't speak for Joe, since I don't know if he's serious or is making an extreme analogy.

However, in speaking for myself. I do think there are a significant number of Republicans who are more than willing to kill their political opponents in an effort to take back "their way of life". Is it the majority? Absolutely not. But it's enough to cause major issues going forward.

And until the Pubbers who are not willing to do that, realize what the extreme rhetoric coming from their media and their party is doing, and the stand up and tell their brethren to knock it off, it's going to continue to escalate.

As long as the mouth breathers are getting the majority of the attention, it's not going away. The GOP needs to purge them. Instead, they're coddling them, which gives them the power.

Ex. McConnell and McCarthy need to tell Trump to stay out of politics and the likes of MTG to sit down and shut up. They won't though. They prefer politics expedience to morality and ethics.
I rarely, if ever, find anything in common with present-day Republicans... but, I'm not aware of their open desire to murder people in political opposition to them. Admittedly, I'm not transfixed on political matters. Regardless, that sounds like a very extreme analogy.
I won't speak for Joe, since I don't know if he's serious or is making an extreme analogy.

However, in speaking for myself. I do think there are a significant number of Republicans who are more than willing to kill their political opponents in an effort to take back "their way of life". Is it the majority? Absolutely not. But it's enough to cause major issues going forward.

And until the Pubbers who are not willing to do that, realize what the extreme rhetoric coming from their media and their party is doing, and the stand up and tell their brethren to knock it off, it's going to continue to escalate.

As long as the mouth breathers are getting the majority of the attention, it's not going away. The GOP needs to purge them. Instead, they're coddling them, which gives them the power.

Ex. McConnell and McCarthy need to tell Trump to stay out of politics and the likes of MTG to sit down and shut up. They won't though. They prefer politics expedience to morality and ethics.
Lol good gravy. Smh.
I won't speak for Joe, since I don't know if he's serious or is making an extreme analogy.

However, in speaking for myself. I do think there are a significant number of Republicans who are more than willing to kill their political opponents in an effort to take back "their way of life". Is it the majority? Absolutely not. But it's enough to cause major issues going forward.

And until the Pubbers who are not willing to do that, realize what the extreme rhetoric coming from their media and their party is doing, and the stand up and tell their brethren to knock it off, it's going to continue to escalate.

As long as the mouth breathers are getting the majority of the attention, it's not going away. The GOP needs to purge them. Instead, they're coddling them, which gives them the power.

Ex. McConnell and McCarthy need to tell Trump to stay out of politics and the likes of MTG to sit down and shut up. They won't though. They prefer politics expedience to morality and ethics.

Good grief...
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I rarely, if ever, find anything in common with present-day Republicans... but, I'm not aware of their open desire to murder people in political opposition to them. Admittedly, I'm not transfixed on political matters. Regardless, that sounds like a very extreme analogy.
Fvck you, fascist!

Staff Sergeant Dumbshit sez genocide be fomenting!

I won't speak for Joe, since I don't know if he's serious or is making an extreme analogy.

However, in speaking for myself. I do think there are a significant number of Republicans who are more than willing to kill their political opponents in an effort to take back "their way of life". Is it the majority? Absolutely not. But it's enough to cause major issues going forward.

And until the Pubbers who are not willing to do that, realize what the extreme rhetoric coming from their media and their party is doing, and the stand up and tell their brethren to knock it off, it's going to continue to escalate.

As long as the mouth breathers are getting the majority of the attention, it's not going away. The GOP needs to purge them. Instead, they're coddling them, which gives them the power.

Ex. McConnell and McCarthy need to tell Trump to stay out of politics and the likes of MTG to sit down and shut up. They won't though. They prefer politics expedience to morality and ethics.
What are you gonna do about it, Staff Sergeant?
I rarely, if ever, find anything in common with present-day Republicans... but, I'm not aware of their open desire to murder people in political opposition to them. Admittedly, I'm not transfixed on political matters. Regardless, that sounds like a very extreme analogy.

You don't find it odd that they are in public forums asking when they get to use their guns to take back power? Or defending people like Kyle Rittenhouse who killed people for political reasons? Or people who stormed the Capitol and murdered police?

There are definitely Republicans (in name only) who absolutely want to kill their political opponents. They are wishing it openly, and are being egged on by the extreme right. Until the "normal" right comes out and puts the nutcases on blast themselves, it's going to get worse. They NEED to keep their own house in order. It's not up to the rest of the country to do it for them, it's on them, 100%.
You don't find it odd that they are in public forums asking when they get to use their guns to take back power? Or defending people like Kyle Rittenhouse who killed people for political reasons? Or people who stormed the Capitol and murdered police?

There are definitely Republicans (in name only) who absolutely want to kill their political opponents. They are wishing it openly, and are being egged on by the extreme right. Until the "normal" right comes out and puts the nutcases on blast themselves, it's going to get worse. They NEED to keep their own house in order. It's not up to the rest of the country to do it for them, it's on them, 100%.
What are you gonna do about it, Staff Sergeant?

It's not up to me to do something about it, it's up to the GOP to do something about it.

See, the first step in leaving the cult is acknowledging you are in a cult. I got out before it became a cult because it was obvious what was happening and I couldn't do anything about it.

So, what are YOU going to do about it. If you aren't going to hold others in your party responsible for their actions, you're part of the problem. That's my point

So, you're OK with killing for political power? Because that's what people in your party want, and are willing to do.

Note, I'm not saying the majority are. But look at people like the Oath Keepers, 3 %ers and the like showing up at every event with guns and tell me they aren't willing to use them. Get those people out of the party and get them out of power in the party.
Staff Sergeant is on a roll here.

He's absolutely right. . . the extreme right is in charge of the Republican party in big part because the people in power of the Republican party give them dog whistles to nodding approval when they talk about killing the libs.
Staff Sergeant is on a roll here.

He's absolutely right. . . the extreme right is in charge of the Republican party in big part because the people in power of the Republican party give them dog whistles to nodding approval when they talk about killing the libs.
He's not remotely "right." He's defending the idiot OP's comparison between present day Republicans and Nazis that murdered 6,000 Jewish children in 3 days. Are you people insane?
He's not remotely "right." He's defending the idiot OP's comparison between present day Republicans and Nazis that murdered 6,000 Jewish children in 3 days. Are you people insane?

Do you think the Nazi's started on day 1 with killing the Jews?

No they started with very similar talk to how the Republicans are talking now.

It doesn't just start with genocide. There is a long road towards it and Republicans are on that road right now.
Do you think the Nazi's started on day 1 with killing the Jews?

No they started with very similar talk to how the Republicans are talking now.

It doesn't just start with genocide. There is a long road towards it and Republicans are on that road right now.
You have to normalize the hatred first, then you mobilize the followers.
You don't find it odd that they are in public forums asking when they get to use their guns to take back power? Or defending people like Kyle Rittenhouse who killed people for political reasons? Or people who stormed the Capitol and murdered police?

There are definitely Republicans (in name only) who absolutely want to kill their political opponents. They are wishing it openly, and are being egged on by the extreme right. Until the "normal" right comes out and puts the nutcases on blast themselves, it's going to get worse. They NEED to keep their own house in order. It's not up to the rest of the country to do it for them, it's on them, 100%.
Rittenhouse didn't kill people for political reasons. He killed people because they were looting and trashing and setting fires.

The massacre at Sosenki was a horrific event. The Holocaust was arguably the worst event in human history. The violent rhetoric among extreme Republicans is cause for concern. Anyone who draws parallels between the current Republican party and the Nazis is so goddamn stupid that everything else they say is automatically suspect.
Rittenhouse didn't kill people for political reasons. He killed people because they were looting and trashing and setting fires.

The massacre at Sosenki was a horrific event. The Holocaust was arguably the worst event in human history. The violent rhetoric among extreme Republicans is cause for concern. Anyone who draws parallels between the current Republican party and the Nazis is so goddamn stupid that everything else they say is automatically suspect.

The death penalty is not an appropriate penalty for looting, trashing and setting fires. And it doesn't count as self defense either. Unless they are setting fire to your home while you are occupying it, it's not self defense. Given that Rittenhouse was in fact outside and not in a building when this happened, I see no valid claim of self defense here.

And also how do you know that the people he in fact did kill were looting, trashing or setting fires?
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He's not remotely "right." He's defending the idiot OP's comparison between present day Republicans and Nazis that murdered 6,000 Jewish children in 3 days. Are you people insane?
Madison Cawthorn has talked openly about how it might come to bloodshed and killing his fellow Americans. MTG is right behind him. Ted Cruz gave a speech last week saying it’s just about time to secede because Dem states are out of step, and it’s time to take America back from the radical socialists. There aren’t any in charge of anything, but that is besides the point when you are agitating for violence.
And, on top of the giant dog pile that is your GOP sits Donald Trump, who a year after being beaten continues to lie with no repercussions or blow back from elected Republicans. He now has 80 percent of Republicans believing the election was stolen. Well, if Dear Leader says it’s stolen, and your rights are being stolen, violence is allowable.
I’ve been saying for a year now that Trump is nurturing the next Timothy McVeigh. People are going to get killed unless Republicans regain their sanity, and purge the cult members.
You don't find it odd that they are in public forums asking when they get to use their guns to take back power? Or defending people like Kyle Rittenhouse who killed people for political reasons? Or people who stormed the Capitol and murdered police?

There are definitely Republicans (in name only) who absolutely want to kill their political opponents. They are wishing it openly, and are being egged on by the extreme right. Until the "normal" right comes out and puts the nutcases on blast themselves, it's going to get worse. They NEED to keep their own house in order. It's not up to the rest of the country to do it for them, it's on them, 100%.
Well Bill and Hillary do it all the time.
Rittenhouse didn't kill people for political reasons. He killed people because they were looting and trashing and setting fires.

The massacre at Sosenki was a horrific event. The Holocaust was arguably the worst event in human history. The violent rhetoric among extreme Republicans is cause for concern. Anyone who draws parallels between the current Republican party and the Nazis is so goddamn stupid that everything else they say is automatically suspect.
Anyone who rushes to defend a 17 year old that identifies with far right white supremacy groups , and went people hunting with his AR-15 is immediately suspect.
I won't speak for Joe, since I don't know if he's serious or is making an extreme analogy.

However, in speaking for myself. I do think there are a significant number of Republicans who are more than willing to kill their political opponents in an effort to take back "their way of life". Is it the majority? Absolutely not.
The majority is doing absolutely NOTHING to temper it.
They're "riding the wave" to gain representation. And we already know how that ends up.
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Anyone who rushes to defend a 17 year old that identifies with far right white supremacy groups , and went people hunting with his AR-15 is immediately suspect.
I'm not defending Rittenhouse. I'm saying he didn't kill for political reasons. Unless you think looting, trashing, and burning is political.
The death penalty is not an appropriate penalty for looting, trashing and setting fires. And it doesn't count as self defense either. Unless they are setting fire to your home while you are occupying it, it's not self defense. Given that Rittenhouse was in fact outside and not in a building when this happened, I see no valid claim of self defense here.
And also how do you know that the people he in fact did kill were looting, trashing or setting fires?
I don't know if the people he killed were looting, trashing, and setting fires. But I know that the reason Rittenhouse grabbed his guns and headed to Kenosha in the first place was that a lot of people were looting, trashing, and setting fires.
You don't find it odd that they are in public forums asking when they get to use their guns to take back power? Or defending people like Kyle Rittenhouse who killed people for political reasons? Or people who stormed the Capitol and murdered police?

There are definitely Republicans (in name only) who absolutely want to kill their political opponents. They are wishing it openly, and are being egged on by the extreme right. Until the "normal" right comes out and puts the nutcases on blast themselves, it's going to get worse. They NEED to keep their own house in order. It's not up to the rest of the country to do it for them, it's on them, 100%.
I think they are very much at-odds with their opposition. I think some of them are maybe even keen or fond of going so far as to seeing a second civil war as a solution, but it's just posturing.

But, genocide??? Concentration camps and methodical mass murder? Absolutely not.
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I'm not defending Rittenhouse. I'm saying he didn't kill for political reasons. Unless you think looting, trashing, and burning is political.

I'm pretty sure the reason he went there is political.

Do you really think he goes if the looting, trashing and setting fires is happening because of a sports team losing?

What makes a person grab a gun and drive a long distance to interfere in law and order in another part of the country?
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Do you think the Nazi's started on day 1 with killing the Jews?

No they started with very similar talk to how the Republicans are talking now.

It doesn't just start with genocide. There is a long road towards it and Republicans are on that road right now.
Oh, FFS, Hoosier. You too?

This shit has got to stop. Q nuts think there’s a Democratic conspiracy to traffic kids and perform ritual sacrifices. You really want to put yourself in the camp that believes Republicans are prepping to commit genocide against the libturds?

C’mon, dude.
I think they are very much at-odds with their opposition. I think some of them are maybe even keen or fond of going so far as to seeing a second civil war as a solution, but it's just posturing.

But, genocide??? Concentration camps and methodical mass murder? Absolutely not.
People have lost their f#cking minds.

Is this the byproduct of swallowing too many Chis bombs? 🤔