80 Years Ago....

Again, none of that is in dispute. The question is this: Are the parallels being drawn today evidence of a precursor to eventual genocide or is this simply libturds immersed in tribalism and hyperbole arbitrarily connecting the dots for their own political aims?

We can draw comparisons to common traits of the nascent stages of the Nazi movement in 1930s Europe all night. That’s not really saying much, though. The Nazis were very much tribal in their political, social, and military endeavors. But not all forms and expressions of tribalism are created equally, thankfully.

So, again, I ask: What compelling evidence exists that Republicans are on the road to creating concentration camps and slaughtering 6 million libturds? If all anyone has got is Q nuts are crazy and Republicans demonize their political adversaries, then that’s not cogent or compelling.
Has anybody actually drawn parallels to nazism that suggest or imply they think Rs are on the road to concentration camps or genocide? If there are people talking like this I sure as shit haven’t heard them.

Maybe it’s because I don’t trigger easily and someone can draw the parallel with my going immediately to the extreme. Someone could claim Ds are doing Nazi-like stuff and I would just be like, okay, explain. I wouldnt freak out and think that person automatically is suggesting Ds, who I mostly vote for, are on the road to either concentration camps or genocide.

But we live in America. Land of the profoundly and misguidedly prideful. Land, also, of the lazy brain. So we should, I agree, forego triggering comparisons for a softer, snowflaked-down message.

Remember how frequently I used to say “we’re all snowflakes?”
How is Reddit's Herman Cain Awards "gaslighting"?

They pull posts directly from the threads of anti-vaxxers, who end up on ventilators (and often die).

That's not "gaslighting". The narrative is "karma" for folks who listen to Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson over their own Primary Care Physicians.
The gaslighting is to try and claim this board hasn't celebrated.
Link? I mean, I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I’m getting a feeling the actual instances of this are few and even then there is some context to consider.

Please, link me.
By “some context” do you mean that she’s headed down a road that once led to the most evil, murderous dictatorial regime in human history? That sort of context?
By “some context” do you mean that she’s headed down a road that once led to the most evil, murderous dictatorial regime in human history? That sort of context?
No. Not at all. Got a link yet?
Not at all, in any way, even remotely the same.
Yes, they are. You're much more dug-in and rigid to one side to see it. And, that's the way the OTHER side is, in reverse. It IS subjective. That's just human nature. One person' reality is another's fantasy. I've seen it too much, and keep seeing it.

Republicans are not headed down the path of putting Democrats into concentration camps and exterminating them.

They are shamelessly showing how low they will go to pander to the quacks and nuts that found a home in their party's tent. And, I agree... they will even downplay (especially as more time passes) the January 6th riot. However, I have no doubt that the extreme left can perform just as audaciously as needed when the tide turns.

And, insisting that Republicans are Nazis, with a genocidal agenda against their political opposition, is precisely the fuel needed to make the left look as wacky as the right. It infuriates me because it makes it even more difficult to try to convince people on the right of impending realities like climate change. Their nutty base is fixated on crap that's never going to happen, and people on the left join in the party with crazy shit like what was started in this thread. Referencing a human indecency from 80 years ago and trying to correlate it to present-day American political behavior? It's just stupid.
Has anybody actually drawn parallels to nazism that suggest or imply they think Rs are on the road to concentration camps or genocide? If there are people talking like this I sure as shit haven’t heard them.
I asked @Joes Place early in the thread, just to clarify. Go back and read his comments. He's convinced that Republicans are going to do these things.

You're seriously claiming... insisting... that Republicans want to commit genocide? You actually believe that the Republican party is planning to kill millions of people, methodically, like the Nazis exterminated the Jews and others in the 1930s and 40s?
It is exactly where they are headed. They are "normalizing" behavior that is going to get worse.


Dehumanization of those unlike you is Step One.
And, he's been getting help from @Hoosierhawkeye

They're convinced it's absolutely coming.
I asked @Joes Place early in the thread, just to clarify. Go back and read his comments. He's convinced that Republicans are going to do these things.


And, he's been getting help from @Hoosierhawkeye

They're convinced it's absolutely coming.
Prolly watch too much Twitter. I don’t know, man. Remember this is a political message board.
I'm not saying their Nazi's. . . I'm saying they are heading down a road like the Nazis which is to normalize violence against innocents as a good thing.
Then, you and @Joes Place need to stop using the terms "Nazi" and "concentration camps" and using a thread that was started with a direct comparison to NAZIS and the HOLOCAUST and what actually happened 80 years ago!
Prolly watch too much Twitter. I don’t know, man. Remember this is a political message board.
I suggested, several times, that taking a much-needed break would be ideal. But, they love this shit. They love playing "They're so much worse than we are!" It's a-fvcking-mazing how committed people are to politics these days.
I asked @Joes Place early in the thread, just to clarify.

They attacked the Capitol and injured dozens of Capitol police.
They wanted to hang Mike Pence.

You're pretending none of those things happened - and worse- that we don't have the mainstream Republican Party gaslighting people into pretending it was "just tourists".

Remember: Liz Cheney is currently in the MINORITY in standing up to this. The REST of the GOP is "normalizing" it.
Yes, they are. You're much more dug-in and rigid to one side to see it. And, that's the way the OTHER side is, in reverse. It IS subjective. That's just human nature. One person' reality is another's fantasy. I've seen it too much, and keep seeing it.

Republicans are not headed down the path of putting Democrats into concentration camps and exterminating them.

They are shamelessly showing how low they will go to pander to the quacks and nuts that found a home in their party's tent. And, I agree... they will even downplay (especially as more time passes) the January 6th riot. However, I have no doubt that the extreme left can perform just as audaciously as needed when the tide turns.

And, insisting that Republicans are Nazis, with a genocidal agenda against their political opposition, is precisely the fuel needed to make the left look as wacky as the right. It infuriates me because it makes it even more difficult to try to convince people on the right of impending realities like climate change. Their nutty base is fixated on crap that's never going to happen, and people on the left join in the party with crazy shit like what was started in this thread. Referencing a human indecency from 80 years ago and trying to correlate it to present-day American political behavior? It's just stupid.
*sigh* The GOP that again...the GOP LEADERSHIP...has at the very least, implicitly endorsed the actions of a violent mob attacking the US Capitol in support of a coup. One more time - THE GOP NATIONAL PARTY LEADERSHIP.

That's not debatable - they have tied themselves into knots excusing 1/6. If you wish to conflate the two - you're going to have to find the same level of support among the Dems for the idea that we are headed for another Holocaust.

Republicans are headed down the path of putting Democrats into concentration camps and exterminating them.

Hell, find even a minimal level of support for the idea. That it's bandied about on obscure message boards doesn't in any way, even remotely resemble what the GOP is doing. Not at all. It's the worst kind of whataboutism.
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They attacked the Capitol and injured dozens of Capitol police.
They wanted to hang Mike Pence.

You're pretending none of those things happened - and worse- that we don't have the mainstream Republican Party gaslighting people into pretending it was "just tourists".

Remember: Liz Cheney is currently in the MINORITY in standing up to this. The REST of the GOP is "normalizing" it.
What did you use to begin this thread? You compared them to Nazis and the Holocaust. I'm not pretending the Capitol wasn't ransacked. You're making shit up because your OP was crazy as fvck and now you look like an extremist loon because you thrive on this political posturing and "left versus right" bullshit.
*sigh* The GOP that again...the GOP LEADERSHIP...has at the very least, implicitly endorsed the actions of a violent mob attacking the US Capitol in support of a coup. One more time - THE GOP NATIONAL PARTY LEADERSHIP.

That's not debatable - they have tied themselves into knots excusing 1/6. If you wish to conflate the two - you're going to have to find the same level of support among the Dems for the idea that we are headed for another Holocaust. Hell, find even a minimal level of support for the idea. That it's bandied about on obscure message boards doesn't in any way, even remotely resemble that. Not at all. It's the worst kind of whataboutism.
Well, then get ready for your stars, or armbands, and having your heads shaved and put into ovens. It's right around the corner.
Well, then get ready for your stars, or armbands, and having your heads shaved and put into ovens. It's right around the corner. really want so much for your narrative to be true that you don't even read what's posted. I'll ask again - find any level of support among the Democratic leadership for what you allege. Then tell me the GOP - at the highest levels - hasn't excused the attack on the Capitol. I'll wait. really want so much for your narrative to be true that you don't even read what's posted. I'll ask again - find any level of support among the Democratic leadership for what you allege. Then tell me the GOP - at the highest levels - hasn't excused the attack on the Capitol. I'll wait.
My narrative??? Look at the author of this thread and the OP. I've merely scoffed at the comparison to the Holocaust. That's all.
What did you use to begin this thread? You compared them to Nazis

They literally dressed up as Nazis and marched yelling "Jews Will Not Replace Us"

So, it would seem "Nazi comparisons" are quite appropriate here.

They've also started threatening school board members and county voting officials.

Not sure you understand how things "end up" here, because no one in 1920s Germany "envisioned" 1936+ Germany at the time. You have an entire political party fueling these fires, because it gets them elected. Not pushing back on it in the least.
My narrative??? Look at the author of this thread and the OP. I've merely scoffed at the comparison to the Holocaust. That's all.
As have I. I've also scoffed at your assertion that the GOP and Dem leaderships are equally guilty of promoting extremism. That's YOUR narrative. You have yet to actually address keep falling back on a claim I haven't made.
They literally dressed up as Nazis and marched yelling "Jews Will Not Replace Us"

So, it would seem "Nazi comparisons" are quite appropriate here.

They've also started threatening school board members and county voting officials.

Not sure you understand how things "end up" here, because no one in 1920s Germany "envisioned" 1936+ Germany at the time. You have an entire political party fueling these fires, because it gets them elected. Not pushing back on it in the least.
Hell yeah! They're getting fitted for uniforms and getting the Totenkopf emblems polished!
As have I. I've also scoffed at your assertion that the GOP and Dem leaderships are equally guilty of promoting extremism. That's YOUR narrative. You have yet to actually address keep falling back on a claim I haven't made.
Did you read what I wrote?

They are shamelessly showing how low they will go to pander to the quacks and nuts that found a home in their party's tent. And, I agree... they will even downplay (especially as more time passes) the January 6th riot.
There's an encore for you.
Did you read what I wrote?

There's an encore for you.
I read what you wrote. Apparently, you didn't.

And, insisting that Republicans are Nazis, with a genocidal agenda against their political opposition, is precisely the fuel needed to make the left look as wacky as the right.

1) The Democratic leadership is NOT making those claims. No one in authority in the Democratic Party is making those claims. No one in the Democratic Party is running on those claims as far as I know.

2) On the other hand, we have the GOP at the highest levels excusing an attempted coup. We have adherents to Q-insanity BEING ELECTED to Congress on the GOP ticket. We have Republicans across the country being ousted from their state offices because they aren't willing to overturn legitimate elections

And we have you insisting that those are exactly the same f'n thing. I get that you want to be some kind of "a pox on both houses" guy...but this is just stupid.
I won't speak for Joe, since I don't know if he's serious or is making an extreme analogy.

However, in speaking for myself. I do think there are a significant number of Republicans who are more than willing to kill their political opponents in an effort to take back "their way of life". Is it the majority? Absolutely not. But it's enough to cause major issues going forward.

And until the Pubbers who are not willing to do that, realize what the extreme rhetoric coming from their media and their party is doing, and the stand up and tell their brethren to knock it off, it's going to continue to escalate.

As long as the mouth breathers are getting the majority of the attention, it's not going away. The GOP needs to purge them. Instead, they're coddling them, which gives them the power.

Ex. McConnell and McCarthy need to tell Trump to stay out of politics and the likes of MTG to sit down and shut up. They won't though. They prefer politics expedience to morality and ethics.
MTG will be the Speaker of the House in 2023.
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The parallels are obvious however they’ll never get away with it here because everybody else is armed too.

Trump and his cultists are constantly playing the victim similar to Nazi’s and the Treaty of Versailles. Yes they want it and talk openly about it but they will lose if they try.
Compare AOC’s policies to socialism. Great. Compare R rhetoric to that of nazism. Fine. Constructive discussion should be possible. Call Rs nazis. Dumb. Call AOC a socialist. Also dumb.

If people weren’t so quick to being poutraged and triggered, maybe some good dialogue could occur. Instead, we have the fun we have.

And we have a political party in this country that has been riled up enough to repeat this kind of shit again, against people they "don't like".
This is bert worthy
I read what you wrote. Apparently, you didn't.

1) The Democratic leadership is NOT making those claims. No one in authority in the Democratic Party is making those claims. No one in the Democratic Party is running on those claims as far as I know.

2) On the other hand, we have the GOP at the highest levels excusing an attempted coup. We have adherents to Q-insanity BEING ELECTED to Congress on the GOP ticket. We have Republicans across the country being ousted from their state offices because they aren't willing to overturn legitimate elections

And we have you insisting that those are exactly the same f'n thing. I get that you want to be some kind of "a pox on both houses" guy...but this is just stupid.
I'm sure that if this "Republicans are the same as Nazis" shtick gains enough traction, then Democrats will support it. They have to! These sides do whatever is needed to maintain their relevance and their power. Those on either side- depending on how far left or right a person may be- are too biased to see anything except "They're worse than we are."
It's fair to say republicans are heading the wrong direction. It's also fair to say they're not anywhere near that far gone.

Human psychological makeup provides a pathway to the reprehensible behavior associated with Hitler's final solution; lots of us, raised in Germany, would've been part of that solution, I believe.

Thankfully I think we're missing a lot of the pre-conditions that would lead us down this path.

What we're witnessing isn't good, but I'm sure it's played out 1000s of times over without the Hitler result.
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....and when a guy who lived under an actual "authoritarian regime" is warning you about the signs he's seeing, you might wanna listen...

Freedom of speech is also a privilege. As a young chess grandmaster, I had to guard my actions, my words, even my thoughts. Everyone in the Soviet Union, from children to chess champions, had to censor themselves. The Gulag Archipelago awaited anyone who dared to speak up.
But, today, far too many people in America want to constrain public discourse to what is socially acceptable at that particular moment in time. According to one recent study, four out of 10 Americans now engage in self-censorship to ensure social acceptance.
I'm sure that if this "Republicans are the same as Nazis" shtick gains enough traction, then Democrats will support it. They have to! These sides do whatever is needed to maintain their relevance and their power. Those on either side- depending on how far left or right a person may be- are too biased to see anything except "They're worse than we are." they're NOT the same but they'll have to BECOME the same because they ARE the same even though they're....not....the same?

To bring this full circle, that's like claiming all the other parties in Germany would have become the Nazis because they were all the same even when they weren't the same.

You might want to take a break.
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You don't find it odd that they are in public forums asking when they get to use their guns to take back power? Or defending people like Kyle Rittenhouse who killed people for political reasons? Or people who stormed the Capitol and murdered police?

There are definitely Republicans (in name only) who absolutely want to kill their political opponents. They are wishing it openly, and are being egged on by the extreme right. Until the "normal" right comes out and puts the nutcases on blast themselves, it's going to get worse. They NEED to keep their own house in order. It's not up to the rest of the country to do it for them, it's on them, 100%.

@SSG T ,

You claimed in the above post that people "stormed the Capitol and murdered police."

The following 9 board members liked your post:


Can you or any of the other 9 posters that liked your post provide more information on these alleged murders?
Again: "Jews....Will Not......Replace Us!!!"

The context is pretty clear on this one.
I'm sure Joe will have amnesia at this time. Have we heard such a statement by a Pubber at the mayoral level or higher?

„**** you, you Jew son of a bitch, you lousy mother-****er, go home.“ — Richard J. Daley

Said to Senator Abe Ribicoff of Connecticut when the Senator challenged Daley's use of force during the 1968 Democratic National Convention.
But, today, far too many people in America want to constrain public discourse to what is socially acceptable at that particular moment in time.

The difference being, they (Democrats) aren't trying to pass laws to limit it.

Except for the GOP, which wants to eliminate anything they don't like (calling it "CRT") so that it cannot be taught in schools.
@SSG T ,

You claimed in the above post that people "stormed the Capitol and murdered police."

The following 9 board members liked your post:


Can you or any of the other 9 posters that liked your post provide more information on these alleged murders?

Well this is strange. 12 hours later and still no further information provided from the @SSG T or the 9 posters that liked his post which included the claim that people "stormed the Capitol and murdered police." Once again, do any you have any more information on this?
