A little info on Fidone from rivals...


HR Heisman
Feb 17, 2016
I would hate to see us miss out on this guy. Deb the fav even tho in state Iowa is proven with the position and the big boys have come calling.
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If he doesn't want to come to Iowa, he should look at Bama or OSU. NUBBY is a graveyard.
Neither Bama nor OSU has the track record that Iowa does. Any TE who wants to play in the league and make $$$$$$$$ should want to come to Iowa. That is, unless he is afraid of competition. Iowa is stockpiled right now with enough raw talent that they will be putting kids in the league for years to come.
It'll likely come down to Iowa vs Nebby, but I think the edge goes to them.

A) He grew up a Nebby fan
B) Even though Iowa has the clear proven advantage with TE track record, sounds like he might be worried about how stacked our TE room is. He'd probably have a higher ceiling at Iowa, but he'd play earlier at Nebby. If you call blocking on screens and catching the occasional quick hitch "playing".
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This is a FWIW post. I ran into a friend who I hadn't seen in a couple of months 2 weeks ago. He is a retired LC coach in about everything but football and still follows both LC basketball programs in person extensively. I brought up Logan Jones and Fidone and he shared rave reviews on Jones but said he continued to be disappointed in Fidone. His take on Fidone was that he has all of the God given talent and size in the world, but his work ethic is very lacking. He said it was very evident on the basketball floor as he thought he had the most talent of anyone on the team, but seldom extended the effort and that showed up in his minutes and stats. He said someone was going to have to light a fire under him to put in the time in the weight room to be a successful tight end at the next level. Don't shoot the messenger.
People forget how good our 2002 team was cause of the Orange Bowl. While we will be very good on O this year I think we should temper expectations a tad until we see it especially with a new QB. I do think LaPorta will have a huge year. Not only is he a stud and we utilize the TE generally as much as anyone, but a good TE is a great bailout for a young QB.
This is a FWIW post. I ran into a friend who I hadn't seen in a couple of months 2 weeks ago. He is a retired LC coach in about everything but football and still follows both LC basketball programs in person extensively. I brought up Logan Jones and Fidone and he shared rave reviews on Jones but said he continued to be disappointed in Fidone. His take on Fidone was that he has all of the God given talent and size in the world, but his work ethic is very lacking. He said it was very evident on the basketball floor as he thought he had the most talent of anyone on the team, but seldom extended the effort and that showed up in his minutes and stats. He said someone was going to have to light a fire under him to put in the time in the weight room to be a successful tight end at the next level. Don't shoot the messenger.
His physique alone would disagree with you. I don't know the kid, and I don't really care about second hand information. He blew up based on his physical performance, and if in the Iowa room he will continue to develop as many others have.
People forget how good our 2002 team was cause of the Orange Bowl. While we will be very good on O this year I think we should temper expectations a tad until we see it especially with a new QB. I do think LaPorta will have a huge year. Not only is he a stud and we utilize the TE generally as much as anyone, but a good TE is a great bailout for a young QB.

I think the skill of the TE’s, WR’s and RB’s will be very high for the 2020 team. Just like last year we will be as good as the Oline and the Guards in particular end up being. Depth along the O-Line will or has the potential to play a major factor as well. Not sure we can have a lot of missed starts and get away with it.
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This is a FWIW post. I ran into a friend who I hadn't seen in a couple of months 2 weeks ago. He is a retired LC coach in about everything but football and still follows both LC basketball programs in person extensively. I brought up Logan Jones and Fidone and he shared rave reviews on Jones but said he continued to be disappointed in Fidone. His take on Fidone was that he has all of the God given talent and size in the world, but his work ethic is very lacking. He said it was very evident on the basketball floor as he thought he had the most talent of anyone on the team, but seldom extended the effort and that showed up in his minutes and stats. He said someone was going to have to light a fire under him to put in the time in the weight room to be a successful tight end at the next level. Don't shoot the messenger.

Not an excuse for lack of effort ..... but maybe he's not really interested in B-Ball? Or it's just another BS rumor.
This is the same "mating dance" all the coaches went through for The Great Theo Johnson. Go to Iowa, or KMA!
Reading that his father is the Nebby fan. Will see what his final decision may be
Hopefully his Nebbie fan father is looking out for the kids best interest, and the kids best NFL interest and pushes the kid towards Iowa where he will be taught to be a COMPLETE TE, and not just a route runner. Route runner NFL draft round 5-7, complete TE rounds 1-3.
Neither Bama nor OSU has the track record that Iowa does. Any TE who wants to play in the league and make $$$$$$$$ should want to come to Iowa. That is, unless he is afraid of competition. Iowa is stockpiled right now with enough raw talent that they will be putting kids in the league for years to come.

Won't argue with anything you said. It seems he/his dad are not keen on Iowa. If he isn't going to Iowa, the two schools I mentioned would do more for him than the Fuskers.
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Hopefully his Nebbie fan father is looking out for the kids best interest, and the kids best NFL interest and pushes the kid towards Iowa where he will be taught to be a COMPLETE TE, and not just a route runner. Route runner NFL draft round 5-7, complete TE rounds 1-3.

If one looks at what a 1st rounder or 2nd rounder make in contract money in comparison to a late rounder 5-7, the difference is huge. TJ Hockensen signed for $19.5 MM over 4 years (average $4.9 MM per year less signing bonus average) and Noah Fant signed a $12.6 MM deal for 4 years (average $3.15 MM). Bama's TE Irv Smith signed with the Vikings as a second round pick(#50) for about $5.8 MM with less guaranteed money and signing bonus.
I don’t buy any of that with Fidone... dude is blowing up on film/gym/camp circuit. Our coaches probably (my opinion) have him on top of their TE list. I doubt they’d want him so bad if he was lazy.

I think he’s gonna be a Husker tho they rarely use the Te. I also think he’d blow up at Iowa if he came. He’s gonna be a weapon wherever he goes.
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My understanding Nebraska born, bred and raised (until age 13/14), then moved from Tekamah, NE (was living with Mom) to Council Bluffs (to live with Dad) to have a better chance to develop athletically. Mom's brother is in management at First Data in Omaha (one of my best friends works for him) and according to my friend both (Mom and the uncle) are Husker fans. I don't know anything about Dad. FWIW.
You’re seeing a Mackey Award winner at TE, an Outland winner at tackle, a Heisman runnerup at QB, and 1st team All Americans at guard and center?

I’ll certainly take it, but I don’t think we’ll be anywhere close to that level.
I sure the f*** do. Sammy in 2021, Petras in 2021, AJ in 2020, and Linderbomb and whoever in 2021.

Come at me!
If he’s not going to Iowa, he should seriously consider Notre Dame. Unlike Nebraska, it has a proven track record with TE’s and it’s a team we’re not likely to play even once in the next 4-5 years.
If he’s not going to Iowa, he should seriously consider Notre Dame. Unlike Nebraska, it has a proven track record with TE’s and it’s a team we’re not likely to play even once in the next 4-5 years.

Notre Dame got the commitment of a 2021 TE recruit (#12 Cane Berrong out of GA) so maybe ND is not really a player. TE recruits go to die at Michigan, Penn State and LSU. Those schools use a TE every other play and not much happens: The offenses are usually 3 WRs sets. Penn State has the best rep for TEs of those three. Nebraska vs. Iowa.
Like other have stated. It takes a special breed to come to Iowa, can not be scared of hard work and more hard work. Talent doesn't always surpass work ethic.
With this history of being a life long Nebby fan and he's just now announced a top 6...I would be very worried if I was Frost.

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