He wasn’t all over the place, Might is Right is a neo-Nazi text. And neo-nazis hate minorities, women AND “weak-willed white guys” who follow the “Jew-led” Christianity of hope and equality. Only by murdering the weak willed will the supreme white slavemasters go to the top. That’s all straight out of Might is Right (I’m a speed reader so I read it last night via a free pdf as I’m not giving anyone connected to that %*%* money). If you read the text, he was following it 100%.
He was reading white supremacist stuff about the Evils of radical Islam not trying to join.
You gotta get off wikipedia
Hate science so much they think people with penises are male....ridiculous.the republican party hates science, only god can tell them what to do.
Nope read that sick %*%* myself online. I’m not going to link to any white supremacist materials especially to someone who is already white supremacist-adjacent but you can just google Might is Right and pdf and you’ll find it.
Nope read that sick %*%* myself online. I’m not going to link to any white supremacist materials especially to someone who is already white supremacist-adjacent but you can just google Might is Right and pdf and you’ll find it.
Here a similarly aged man shoots at multiple targets (mass shooting) while yelling specifically that he doesn’t like the race of his targets, and this is likely the first you are hearing about it. You are being programmed
The white man is the enemy
Never forget
OR....and wait for this....nobody but racists looking to excuse their racism by saying everyone does it (when stats show its 80% white guys that shoot up random locations rather than targeting an individual) would try to compare a kid who shot four bullets at a car with a pistol injuring no one to an incident where 4 people were killed and 11-15 more shot.
Well you’ll have to excuse his lack of planning and success. He was a victim of poor socioeconomic circumstances.