Alabama Supreme Court rules IVF embryos are protected under Wrongful Death of a Minor Act

I mean, this is silly, right? It isn't like this could advance to the SCOTUS and be used to overturn some long case, right?
This should chill people. The same nuts who brought us Dobbs, are bringing us this. They want to control every aspect of a woman's reproductive system. This will push fertility treatments out of red states. Anyone else notice the sprinkling of religious views throughout the argument? Almost like the judges looked to their religion over the law.
That won't spread, right?
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Can a baby survive in a freezer let alone an adult? The exception is Han Solo of course.


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An observation: liberals are trending more and more toward originalism, and conservatives are trending more and more toward "living breathing constitution/law" ...

... when it suits their underlying interests, of course.
Two things are correct.

If you believe an embryo is protected, then this ruling makes sense.

The republicans who agree with this ruling are crazy. This rule is insane.
How much is child support on an embryo?

The implications for considering an embryo human are off the wall. I can't wait for legal and civil matters issues to catch-up with this decision. Laws authored or implied to grant a glob of goop the rights of an adult human being. It was months. Then weeks. Now it' doesn't even have to be a fetus.

What's next - the thought of have a child?

Abortion is not the end game - the goal. Christian Nationalism's agenda knows no bottom.