Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez-Cortez


HR Legend
Feb 17, 2004
Interview on 60 Minutes tonight. Contrary to the knee jerk reaction from the right that wil inevitably occur, it wasn’t a puff piece and they hit her pretty hard on her stance in some issues.

All in all she came off as intelligent, well-versed in the issues, and believable. I understand why the right is scared to death of her.
Interview on 60 Minutes tonight. Contrary to the knee jerk reaction from the right that wil inevitably occur, it wasn’t a puff piece and they hit her pretty hard on her stance in some issues.

All in all she came off as intelligent, well-versed in the issues, and believable. I understand why the right is scared to death of her.
Here's the problem. I think you really believe that, and that's probably why you are where you are.
I'm sorry... I was watching football. I missed this trainwreck.
That is your loss Trad. She is no dummy. She has a different viewpoint on the function of government but that doesn't mean it is wrong....and it may mean more on what government looks like in the future. I would expect your to believe she is a "trainwreck"....but that is about all you got any way.
That is your loss Trad. She is no dummy. She has a different viewpoint on the function of government but that doesn't mean it is wrong....and it may mean more on what government looks like in the future. I would expect your to believe she is a "trainwreck"....but that is about all you got any way.
LOLOLLOL you’re effing kidding me
If you just say she's unlikable and leave it at that, yes. If you actually explain what it is about her policies you don't like (and don't make any mention about her looks, whether she's likable, etc), then no.

What policies of Trump was everyone saying they hated while calling him an Orange turd? Same goes for Boehner for that matter? All of those people hate men, you're saying?
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We are not far away from wealth confiscation.

In a way it’s the fault of the republicans. What did they expect when they have policies that help only the super elite.
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She comes across as passionate, well meaning and determined. When pressed, she came across as a person regurgitating talking points versus a person with a plan on how to implement their desired policies. Will be a fun person to watch as they start the immersion into Washington.

Also will be interesting to see the reaction to the interview, I thought Cooper pressed at the right times.
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Not in the least. As America gets darker and poorer, her ideas will resonate with more and more. Then you might be laffing out the other end, Sota. Remember what Bob Dylan told you 50 years ago......."the times they are a changin'.........
What policies of Trump was everyone saying they hated while calling him an Orange turd? Same goes for Boehner for that matter? All of those people hate men, you're saying?
Leave NATO
Ban Muslims
Wall the entire border
Leave Paris Accord
Refuse to sanction Russia

I can go on if your post wasn't a turd itself, which we both know it was.
Leave NATO
Ban Muslims
Wall the entire border
Leave Paris Accord
Refuse to sanction Russia

I can go on if your post wasn't a turd itself, which we both know it was.

Trump was being called names before he stated one stance. You know...part of the "Clown Bus". But yeah...let's make sure you have all of AOC's insane policies down before you call her a crazy idiot that can't answer questions about her own positions.
Trump was being called names before he stated one stance. You know...part of the "Clown Bus". But yeah...let's make sure you have all of AOC's insane policies down before you call her a crazy idiot that can't answer questions about her own positions.
To be fair there were decades of stuff to judge him on BEFORE he started running and then the "pussy grabber" comment came out.
Trump was being called names before he stated one stance. You know...part of the "Clown Bus". But yeah...let's make sure you have all of AOC's insane policies down before you call her a crazy idiot that can't answer questions about her own positions.
The man was the leader of the birther movement before he ran. That alone earns him all the ridicule he got.
She can get it.

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That is your loss Trad. She is no dummy. She has a different viewpoint on the function of government but that doesn't mean it is wrong....and it may mean more on what government looks like in the future. I would expect your to believe she is a "trainwreck"....but that is about all you got any way.
communism is wrong , we have fought against it in wars
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The man was the leader of the birther movement before he ran. That alone earns him all the ridicule he got.
Hillary was. then he found out there was no birth certificate. from Hawaii officials. then Obama invented a digital fake and said he got OBL as a distraction just to throw people off, but OBL was dead since 2001 of natural causes
Leave NATO
Ban Muslims
Wall the entire border
Leave Paris Accord
Refuse to sanction Russia

I can go on if your post wasn't a turd itself, which we both know it was.
Another few things-
Most Americans approve the new NAFTA
the USA left NATO? Disingenuous. Trump wants NATO countries to pay up, Americans approve.
Vet, not ban Muslims. Kick out Muslims who enter illegally
Southern border, but ibgry what you're talking about.
Americans approve. Let others pay their fair share and we can talk.
See previous post
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