What a relief. It's a private matter and PSU absolves itself of any responsibility. I was worried on your behalf..The claim we're both referring to comes from an insurance company and is not based in any official legal proceedings.
What a relief. It's a private matter and PSU absolves itself of any responsibility. I was worried on your behalf..The claim we're both referring to comes from an insurance company and is not based in any official legal proceedings.
Link to insurance company documents? I mean, you saw them, obviously, in order to make this claim. So, you should be able to show them to us. I'll wait.The claim we're both referring to comes from an insurance company and is not based in any official legal proceedings.
Link to these insurance docs?If PSU absolved itself of any matter, why have they spent over $100 million in the aftermath of Sandusky's crimes?
You'll wait? Sounds like you've been waiting for one thing or another your whole life. Google is your friend pal...it was an unfounded claim. Look it up. I won't wait.Link to insurance company documents? I mean, you saw them, obviously, in order to make this claim. So, you should be able to show them to us. I'll wait.
Another lie? I'm shocked. Go home pedo boy. The rest of the pedo enablers at BWI are waiting for you.You'll wait? Sounds like you've been waiting for one thing or another your whole life. Google is your friend pal...it was an unfounded claim. Look it up. I won't wait.
Perhaps this is where the foundation for your stance lies. Was Paterno worshipped? Yes, he was. But most people fell short of such adulation...he was well respected, and rightfully so for the life he led. I truly would to have liked to hear his side of the story. I think he at least deserved to have his voice heard on the matter.You make one.
Says the dude who has a tiger hawk tattoo on his calf?!!I'll tell you this, if I ever find out that one of the Iowa assistants diddled kiddies in the showers and every body knew about it and nobody did anything about it, I'd get the Tigerhawk tattoo on my left calf burned off. Wouldn't still be a fan of the team, and definitely wouldn't be trying to defend them on message boards. There are things bigger than football.
What's your point? I think you're about to make mine for me.Says the dude who has a tiger hawk tattoo on his calf?!!
A lot of people think he maybe could have made his voice heard on the matter years and years before he was forced out. Of course, nothing ever proven there. I guess we'll never know. You do understand why almost everybody else finds it hard to believe that he could have been out of the loop?Perhaps this is where the foundation for your stance lies. Was Paterno worshipped? Yes, he was. But most people fell short of such adulation...he was well respected, and rightfully so for the life he led. I truly would to have liked to hear his side of the story. I think he at least deserved to have his voice heard on the matter.
Wrong. You definitely beat us soundly last year in football. You should not visit our board if you consider us a pimple on your ass. Nobody was calling PSU fans pedophiles. Just pedophile apologists and pedophile-apologist-worshippers. There's a difference.Ah yes Iowa fans. Again another year showing why PSU fans consider them just a hair abover Rutgers. We get our ass kicked in football by them so let's call them pedophiles, that will show them.
Posted again for posterity.
Ah yes Iowa fans. Again another year showing why PSU fans consider them just a hair abover Rutgers. We get our ass kicked in football by them so let's call them pedophiles, that will show them.
We don't, which is why we find this offensive.
Paterno is dead, so I can't say what he knew or didn't know. What is now known is that Sandusky was investigated prior to the campus incident and no charges were filed from that investigation. Take that however you'd like, but prior to 2011, he was thought to be a pillar of the community...he fooled a lot of people for a long time.
Ah yes, uneducated PSU fans that worship a program led by a coach that turned his back on children being violated in the football facilities for years. That would be my hero too but please continue to insult Iowa and it's fans with that holier than thou attitude. Ever think that's what got your coaches into trouble in the first place?
By the way, Iowa leads the series since PSU became a member of the league, 9-8, 12-14 overall and prior to becoming a member of the B1G. Continue to disrespect the Hawks and they will surprise you year in and year out.
Because a large majority of your fans would rather make retarded excuses for Joe and company, rather than face the truth of what they were. That's not all of the PSU fan base, of course. But a large portion of the message board fans. I don't blame the PSU fans for what transpired with Sandusky. That wouldn't be fair.
I don't blame them for what happened - I do question the fact that they could still support the team after the incident - the culture of football was certainly a major reason why it happened for 4 decades
You'll wait? Sounds like you've been waiting for one thing or another your whole life. Google is your friend pal...it was an unfounded claim. Look it up. I won't wait.
Ah yes Iowa fans. Again another year showing why PSU fans consider them just a hair abover Rutgers. We get our ass kicked in football by them so let's call them pedophiles, that will show them.
More made up shit.
More made up shit.
I will say this - Doesn't it feel nice that you can express your opinion (how ever wrong) on this board without being banned??
So it wasn't the culture of football - just like pedophiles walking around your community then? It is common knowledge at this point that incidents were reported and nothing was done - you are better off not defending any part of it - from the coaches to the university
More made up shit.
Penn State is the only school that never had a major NCAA Penalty. This crap about football and pedos is made up shit that only dolts and the stupid believe and repeat.
Believing made up crap is the work of fools and haters.
1 - not concerned about major NCAA penalties - its sports - more concerned about football coaches violating children in a football facility and nothing done about it for years
2 - made up crap? Seriously? What crap was made up - stuff about JoPa or no one reporting it? You don't believe the crimes were made up do you? You don't think it was NEVER reported for 4 decades do you? If so I have a great deal on a bridge to sell you going to the same prison where all those former penn state employees are at
You had 3 administrators of your university sentenced to JAIL for not reporting it, is it a conspiracy or just had bad defense attorneys?
Failure to report was dismissed stupid, along with all the felonies. The state got some misdemeanor rulings all 3 after spending millions.
Please, stop making a fool out of yourself.
Who is the fool douchebag - defending a school that harbored a pedophile - YES harbored - keep investing your time into reading every possible thing you can to exonerate that cesspool - which there is nothing - a coach walked in on jerry Sandusky in the shower standing behind a boy raping him - told Joe paterno - and nothing happened - i don't care if that coach was a ginger - your school sux and any fan that remotely defends paterno is a disgusting POS who needs to be taken out back and get bullet in the back of the head - this world is over populated anyway so might as well start with state college
Your lying hatred is comical. Not a fact to it. Are you in some bed confined place all day shitting in a diaper, and this is your way of getting back at the world? You're an ass.
Are you in some shower giving handjobs to franklin while Brett Pry has butt secks with you? And you are right I do have hatred for pedophiles and those who enable it - all decent human beings do
You're an idiot nothing more. Is this how you pass the day while you shit in bed?
Rather shit in my bed then enable and deny pedophiles, I don't care that you are a part of NAMBLA - it is wrong - accept that freak show
I love the fact that they reference BWI in this article - go back to your denier board
All I did was remind them of who they are and what they represent. Oh well. I didn't use any profanity. Oh well. I suppose they deserve better.