American College of Pediatrics Calls For "Immediate" Stop To Leftist Backed Trans "Healthcare" For Minors

I mean.... They're a tiny fringe "medical community", if that's what you mean. The much larger professional pediatric organizations disagree with most of their beliefs.
Europe disagrees strongly
Sorry the actual medical community is shunning your junk science.
Calling ACPeds the “actual medical community” is like calling QAnon the actual news media. They are extremists with no legitimacy who have been denounced as quacks by the genuine medical establishment.

But you already knew that.
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Y'all quoting far leftist wikipedia isn't the win you think it is. Even the co-founder of Wikipedia laments on what leftists have done to it. Sorry the actual medical community is shunning your junk science.

I mean.... They're a tiny fringe "medical community", if that's what you mean. The much larger professional pediatric organizations disagree with most of their beliefs.
JWolf beat me to it, and did so perfectly. Scummy’s original post is small anti-science activist group.
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I’d agree. My guess is we will tend more towards the European stance over time. As I said, I don’t really have much passion one way or the other so haven’t researched it well.

That said, I wouldn’t expect this organization to take the lead on making any “wow, huge statements” along the way per the scrudster’s statement. While you focused on the SPLC’s view in your assessment of them, I noted AAP and NIH’s perspective to make mine. Plus, they just crazy based on the eye test. So, using them in an attempt to make some kind of point means you’re either uninformed or a partisan hack.
I agree that his argument didn't work. That group doesn't seem to speak for all pediatricians but was sold as such.

With SLPC in the culture war error, they seemed to get silly with some of their politics. I think Sam Harris landed on there for some reason, which was nuts.

I don't expect them to have a balanced view on something like trans issues at this point in time.

The way I look at it this group does have a conversative lean, but then some of these organizations like SPLC have political leans on issues and are imbalanced in some of their assessments
Calling ACPeds the “actual medical community” is like calling QAnon the actual news media. They are extremists with no legitimacy who have been denounced as quacks by the genuine medical establishment.

But you already knew that.
This sounds like many of the same type of responses from the pro Covid crowd in the medical community who ridiculed any medical professional who questioned vaccine mandates, school closures, lab leak theory and lockdowns. Again you can attack this group and go into your name calling playbook but neither you or Jwolf have addressed how this is becoming the norm position all across European medicine as well.
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This sounds like many of the same type of responses from the pro Covid crowd in the medical community who ridiculed any medical professional who questioned vaccine mandates, school closures, lab leak theory and lockdowns.
Well, since they were wrong, it makes since, eh?

Again you can attack this group and go into your name calling playbook but neither you or Jwolf have addressed how this is becoming the norm position all across European medicine as well.
I don't feel the need to explain my position on European medicine to you, but the fact that American medicine ranks first worldwide in science and technology by a wide margin might have something to do with it. I also don't think it's a coincidence that the some of the most medically advanced European countries (Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Luxemburg) are also tops in transgender rights in Europe.

But you and Scruffy can both move to Europe. I'm sure nobody would miss you.
Well, since they were wrong, it makes since, eh?

I don't feel the need to explain my position on European medicine to you, but the fact that American medicine ranks first worldwide in science and technology by a wide margin might have something to do with it. I also don't think it's a coincidence that the some of the most medically advanced European countries (Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Luxemburg) are also tops in transgender rights in Europe.

But you and Scruffy can both move to Europe. I'm sure nobody would miss you.
So, the "minority" medical association, run by rightwing zealots, wants to "call out" the mainstream medical associations for not following their minority position...
Lolol are you claiming wpath is the majority? They lost over 60% of their members in the last year so that wouldn't even be possible lmao
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Try again
In English.
Lol so sorry for putting it vs is. I assumed the self declared smartest man would be able to pick up on the obvious message, which is that wpath has lost over half its members in the last 12 months for a reason.
I don't really have a strong opinion on this topic. That said, I always look into the source of these "voices."

So, for transparency, here's the first paragraph of the Wikipedia entry for the American College of Pediatrics organization:

The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a socially conservative advocacy group of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States, founded in 2002. The group advocates against abortion rights and rights for gay, queer, and transgender people. ACPeds promotes conversion therapy and purity culture.[3][4][1] As of 2022, its membership has been reported at about 700 physicians.[5][6][1]

Thus, this position does not appear to be a "huge statement" as the scrudster proclaims. Rather, it is right in line with their usual position.

Per the second paragraph:

The organization's view on the relevance of sexual orientation to parenting differs from the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics, which holds that there is no connection between orientation and the ability to be a good parent and to raise healthy and well-adjusted children.[6][7][8] ACPeds has been listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for pushing "anti-LGBTQ junk science".[3] A number of mainstream researchers, including the director of the US National Institutes of Health, have accused ACPeds of misusing or mischaracterizing their work to advance ACPeds' political agenda.

Oh, and....

Yeah, this crap has been debunked on here several times over the years, but the cultist morans keep believing it.
I assume you'd understand the entity you linked is a minority voice over the entire medical community.

Not sure why this cannot sink in for you here.
60% membership shrinkage in a year. Yikes! Rats fleeing the sinking ship

No wonder the rats are fleeing WPATH. Imagine claiming this organization has any legitimacy at this point 😂

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