GOP lawmakers pass ban on gender-affirming care for minors

Are you saying that it isn't medical? Does mental health not fall under medical? Surgeries are rare and only in dire situations. Why is this hard to understand?
It’s a medical procedure obviously. What is the medical benefit from it?

Seems to have a lot of negative consequences…

The largest study to date of the long-term psychological state of post-SRS persons was an analysis of over three hundred people who had undergone SRS in Sweden over the past thirty years. This 2011 study demonstrated that persons after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behavior, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population (Dhejne et al. 2011).

It’s a medical procedure obviously. What is the medical benefit from it?

Seems to have a lot of negative consequences…

The largest study to date of the long-term psychological state of post-SRS persons was an analysis of over three hundred people who had undergone SRS in Sweden over the past thirty years. This 2011 study demonstrated that persons after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behavior, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population (Dhejne et al. 2011).

Thanks for completely changing the topic. Haha. You don't think the same sample was already under higher risks? You are losing me Bins.
Thanks for completely changing the topic. Haha. You don't think the same sample was already under higher risks? You are losing me Bins.
Well…argument is that “gender affirming care” saves lives. Where’s the comprehensive evidence of that?

Just seems like we’re barreling down this path without solid evidence it’s the correct path to take with children.
Well…argument is that “gender affirming care” saves lives. Where’s the comprehensive evidence of that?

Just seems like we’re barreling down this path without solid evidence it’s the correct path to take with children.
I agree. You are acting like this is a normal surgery though. Gender affirming care can be reversed. The point is that I would prefer to side with medical professionals at this point in time than politicians. You tend to believe the opposite.
Well…argument is that “gender affirming care” saves lives. Where’s the comprehensive evidence of that?

Just seems like we’re barreling down this path without solid evidence it’s the correct path to take with children.

To me it seems far more like we're being inundated with right wing moral panic about something most of us have just ignored for a long time.
Oh but people sure would like that ti happen.

So tell me what does chemical castration do to a kid long term.....
No. I am against it for minors. I am glad it doesn't happen in Iowa. Can you post to all the chemical castrations of kids?
I guess Kimmy and the dipshits Rs should be making these medical choices instead of the families and doctors of these kids. Kimmy and the dipshits Rs are unquestionably who should be making these deeply personal decisions.
Why are you and others so worked up about this? There are guidelines by the FDA about minors getting breast implants, also. I don’t think children should be making decisions about their healthcare. Considering all of the research on the human brain and how it is not fully developed until early 20’s, why would you want teenagers and even pre-teens making decisions that could impact their entire life? Let them mature and see if that is something they truly want to go through with. This is about protecting kids, not an anti trans bill. 🙄
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I agree. You are acting like this is a normal surgery though. Gender affirming care can be reversed. The point is that I would prefer to side with medical professionals at this point in time than politicians. You tend to believe the opposite.
The American College of Pediatricians says differently…

Puberty blockers may cause permanent physical harm

Temporary use of Lupron has also been associated with and may be the cause of many serious permanent side effects including osteoporosis, mood disorders, seizures, cognitive impairment and, when combined with cross-sex hormones, sterility.

Cross-sex hormones (testosterone for women; estrogen for men) may disrupt mental health

Women who identify as men are given enough testosterone to raise their levels 10-40 times above the female reference range. Past studies have documented multiple psychiatric problems with similar high doses of anabolic steroids like testosterone such that 23% of subjects met DSM criteria for a major mood syndrome such as mania, hypomania, and major depression, and 3.4-12% developed psychotic symptoms. Estrogen also impacts mood in complex ways. Post menopausal women treated with estrogen often experience severe anxiety despite being placed on physiologic doses of the hormone. Men who identify as women are given supraphysiologic doses of estrogen; theoretically, this has the potential to worsen both depression and anxiety.

Other health risks are correlated with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones

Temporary use of puberty blocker Lupron has also been associated with and may be the cause of many serious permanent side effects including osteoporosis, mood disorders, seizures, cognitive impairment and, when combined with cross-sex hormones, sterility. In addition to the harm from Lupron, cross-sex hormones put youth at an increased risk of heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, blood clots and cancers across their lifespan. Add to this the fact that physically healthy transgender-believing girls are being given double mastectomies at 13 and hysterectomies at 16, while their male counterparts are referred for surgical castration and penectomies at 16 and 17, respectively, and it becomes clear that affirming transition in children is about mutilating and sterilizing emotionally troubled youth.

Why are you and others so worked up about this? There are guidelines by the FDA about minors getting breast implants, also. I don’t think children should be making decisions about their healthcare. Considering all of the research on the human brain and how it is not fully developed until early 20’s, why would you want teenagers and even pre-teens making decisions that could impact their entire life? Let them mature and see if that is something they truly want to go through with. This is about protecting kids, not an anti trans bill. 🙄
It's not about protecting kids, it's about imposing Christian sharia which your ilk insists is the same thing as protecting kids
Hitting a breaking point and being tired of chasing something unhealthy.

Realizing that no one is inherently trans. Transition is just something done as a coping mechanism for dysphoria, but it avoids doing the actual challenging work to unpack and resolve it.

I'm not sure medicalization is the proper response to dysphoria. This idea that trans identification represents something innate about an individual -- like sexual attraction appears to be for many -- is questionable.
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It's not about protecting kids, it's about imposing Christian sharia which your ilk insists is the same thing as protecting kids
Like I said, when you have pre-teens and such making choices about their gender and having major surgeries or taking hormones and such, it’s irresponsible from a medical standpoint. It’s unbelievable to me people seem to be ok with pre-teens and young teens making medical decisions regarding their gender. I really can’t believe this is even a conversation or debate people are having.
You do know this is a highly anti-lgbtq organization? Edit: You really need to look into your sources a little better.

Only “pro lgbtq” organizations are to be trusted? They may be a little biased on the subject don’t you think?

There’s a lot of conflicting information on the subject so it would indicate to me caution and thorough study are in order…

It doesn't work like that, sorry to say. Still would have rather been born a man but have to accept the limits of my body. That means taking care of it so I don't keep experiencing major health problems from taking cross sex hormones.

It sucks to live a double life where you're stealth and can't be honest with those around you. The fun part of passing becomes mundane and after a while the changes grind to a halt. Then you've done everything achieved your goal but it's not enough. You can't even complain in the trans community because they would think you're spoilt for complaining when you pass and have such great results. The only thing left from there is to live with the medical complications and looking different from others your age. Or you can ask well if this wasn't good enough, then what is the point of all this effort?

It's very hard to go back once you've invested so much into transition. But it's not because we didn't feel the same. It's very possible to enjoy the changes, think that you'll never regret it and still detransition in the end.
The left. The right didn't pluck it out of obscurity. (of course they're perpetuating the topic now, adding gasoline to flames -- it became a political volley)
Haha. Fox News didn't overblow the situation. This isn't a one party issue.
Like I said, when you have pre-teens and such making choices about their gender and having major surgeries or taking hormones and such, it’s irresponsible from a medical standpoint. It’s unbelievable to me people seem to be ok with pre-teens and young teens making medical decisions regarding their gender. I really can’t believe this is even a conversation or debate people are having.

Like you said? K. You don't know what you're talking about in the slightest, if you did it would help you believe what's happening. Why is it irresponsible from a medical standpoint? Because your hick ass says so?
Like I said, when you have pre-teens and such making choices about their gender and having major surgeries or taking hormones and such, it’s irresponsible from a medical standpoint. It’s unbelievable to me people seem to be ok with pre-teens and young teens making medical decisions regarding their gender. I really can’t believe this is even a conversation or debate people are having.
That's why it is done only with parents and medical personnel concurrence.
Now we are going to other countries? You also believe K-3 kids in Florida schools are being taught gender and sexuality. Edit: That is also a map of hormone therapy only. JFC.
All part of “gender affirming” care…

Point is plenty countries tap the brake on this….we lead the way and are objectively the most “liberal” in regards to applying this stuff. Why?

I just think a decade or so down the road we’ll be finding out we F’d a lot of kids up…

Anyway, I’m done for tonight…
What are your feelings on female genital mutilation. The parents want it….

What are your feelings on male circumcision? If naturalmwa was still with us he would argue that it's male genital mutilation. Should parents have the right to make that decision at birth or should the procedure be delayed until the child is able to make that choice as an adult?
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All part of “gender affirming” care…

Point is plenty countries tap the brake on this….we lead the way and are objectively the most “liberal” in regards to applying this stuff. Why?

I just think a decade or so down the road we’ll be finding out we F’d a lot of kids up…

Anyway, I’m done for tonight…

Glad you are waving the white flag. It's been entertaining to watch you get your transphobic ass handed to you in this thread.
GFY - your ignorance and untruths have been outed yet again. FGM is not a recognized treatment by the medical community. Full stop on your lame attempt to equate this with gender transformation treatments.

You continue to show that you have been sucked in by the right wing propaganda.
Why does the left hate truth? The moment this stuff gets exposed to them, they become blind with rage and hate.
Here’s the question no one is asking: If these surgeries aren’t happening to minors in the United States, what’s the issue with a ban on them? They aren’t taking place anyway right?

If teachers aren’t grooming kids in the classroom, if that’s not happening a ban isn’t any big deal…

If people didn’t drink and drive, what would be the point of making it illegal?

You’ll never miss something that isn’t happening in the first place…. Unless…….

Laws can be overturned, just look at Roe… these meatball surgeries however…
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What are your feelings on male circumcision? If naturalmwa was still with us he would argue that it's male genital mutilation. Should parents have the right to make that decision at birth or should the procedure be delayed until the child is able to make that choice as an adult?
Other than not at all being alike….solid.
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Minors can’t buy alcohol
Minors can’t get tattoos
Minors can’t join the Army

But minors can cut their penis and breast off during life altering surgery? Not sure what the problem is here. Once you turn 18 I say hack away if you want.
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Other than not at all being alike….solid.
I wasn't claiming they were the same. Circumcision is an elective surgery that involves a baby's genitals, why is it okay for a parent to make that decision? It is procedure that cannot be reversed. If we are being consistent shouldn't that be a choice left up to the individual when they become an adult?

And because I wish he were still posting with us, here is what naturalmwa had to say about male circumcision.

Let's be frank. The point of male genital mutilation is also to deprive sexual pleasure. Let's not minimize the offense just because it's common. People who cut baby dick should be reported for child abuse and die in prison.
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