GOP lawmakers pass ban on gender-affirming care for minors

My prediction was on suicide rates. The data available on gender affirming care is positive. Which is why it's recommended by the respective medical societies. Children aren't getting surgeries.

You're so damn dumb you doing even understand what you're arguing against.
What you Saud is we need to do this so we can study the long term effect uog evil ****. You admitted we have zero idea long term but back the rhetoric of suicide prevention. You are a liar willing to use the mental health of children in a long term study related to gender transition and suicide. In other words you are a slimebag setting out a hypothesis

I understand just fine what you put forward. You are so far into the bubble you can't even comprehend what you said
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What you Saud is we need to do this so we can study the long term effect uog evil ****. You admitted we have zero idea long term but back the rhetoric of suicide prevention. You are a liar willing to use the mental health of children in a long term study related to gender transition and suicide. In other words you are a slimebag setting out a hypothesis

I understand just fine what you put forward. You are so far into the bubble you can't even comprehend what you said
Lol. Did you have a stroke?

Not sure if you're purposely misrepresenting what I wrote or your comprehension really is that bad. Either way... Let the medical people handle the medical things. The government should GTFO of it.
Dynamite drop in. But as has already been established-no one is doing SRS on patients under 18.

Vanderbilt University Medical Center is temporarily halting gender affirming surgeries on patients under the age of 18 while it reviews new national recommendations on the treatment of transgender patients, the hospital’s deputy CEO and chief health system officer said in a letter to Tennessee Rep. Jason Zachary on Friday.

Until now, the hospital’s Transgender Health Clinic had performed an annual average of five surgeries on minors who were at least 16 years old — none were genital procedures, the letter from Deputy CEO and Chief Health System Officer Dr. C. Wright Pinson said.

Pinson’s letter served as a response to demands last week from Zachary and 61 other members of the House Republican Caucus that medical center immediately halt permanent gender affirmation surgeries on minors. The lawmakers said they were “alarmed” by reports from far-right publication the Daily Wire that the clinic was performing “surgical mutilations” on minors.

Boston Children’s Hospital has always been and always will be committed to providing the best care for ALL of our patients, regardless of their gender identity. The belief that all children deserve the opportunity to live, grow and thrive with love and support, is foundational to who we are and what we do.

At Boston Children’s, we are proud to be home to the first pediatric and adolescent transgender health program in the United States, the Gender Multispecialty Service (GeMS), which has cared for more than 1,000 families to date. We believe in a gender-affirmative model of care, which supports transgender and gender diverse youth in the gender in which they identify. This is a standard of care grounded in scientific evidence, demonstrating its benefits to the health and well-being of transgender and gender diverse youth. In addition to supporting our patients and families, we stand with our colleagues who may identify as transgender or gender diverse, those who provide care to transgender youth and who are allies to the transgender community.

In 2021, about 42,000 children and teens across the United States received a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, nearly triple the number in 2017, according to data Komodo compiled for Reuters. Gender dysphoria is defined as the distress caused by a discrepancy between a person’s gender identity and the one assigned to them at birth.

Overall, the analysis found that at least 121,882 children ages 6 to 17 were diagnosed with gender dysphoria from 2017 through 2021. Reuters found similar trends when it requested state-level data on diagnoses among children covered by Medicaid, the public insurance program for lower-income families.

Gender-affirming care for youths takes several forms, from social recognition of a preferred name and pronouns to medical interventions such as hormone therapy and, sometimes, surgery. A small but increasing number of U.S. children diagnosed with gender dysphoria are choosing medical interventions to express their identity and help alleviate their distress.

These medical treatments don’t begin until the onset of puberty, typically around age 10 or 11.
Dr. Joel Frader, a Northwestern University a pediatrician and medical ethicist who advises a gender treatment program at Chicago’s Lurie Children’s Hospital, said guidelines should rely on psychological readiness, not age.

Frader said brain science shows that kids are able to make logical decisions by around age 14, but they’re prone to risk-taking and they take into account long-term consequences of their actions only when they’re much older.

Coleen Williams, a psychologist at Boston Children’s Hospital’s Gender Multispecialty Service, said treatment decisions there are collaborative and individualized.

“Medical intervention in any realm is not a one-size-fits-all option,” Williams said.

Vanderbilt University Medical Center is temporarily halting gender affirming surgeries on patients under the age of 18 while it reviews new national recommendations on the treatment of transgender patients, the hospital’s deputy CEO and chief health system officer said in a letter to Tennessee Rep. Jason Zachary on Friday.

Until now, the hospital’s Transgender Health Clinic had performed an annual average of five surgeries on minors who were at least 16 years old — none were genital procedures, the letter from Deputy CEO and Chief Health System Officer Dr. C. Wright Pinson said.

Pinson’s letter served as a response to demands last week from Zachary and 61 other members of the House Republican Caucus that medical center immediately halt permanent gender affirmation surgeries on minors. The lawmakers said they were “alarmed” by reports from far-right publication the Daily Wire that the clinic was performing “surgical mutilations” on minors.

Boston Children’s Hospital has always been and always will be committed to providing the best care for ALL of our patients, regardless of their gender identity. The belief that all children deserve the opportunity to live, grow and thrive with love and support, is foundational to who we are and what we do.

At Boston Children’s, we are proud to be home to the first pediatric and adolescent transgender health program in the United States, the Gender Multispecialty Service (GeMS), which has cared for more than 1,000 families to date. We believe in a gender-affirmative model of care, which supports transgender and gender diverse youth in the gender in which they identify. This is a standard of care grounded in scientific evidence, demonstrating its benefits to the health and well-being of transgender and gender diverse youth. In addition to supporting our patients and families, we stand with our colleagues who may identify as transgender or gender diverse, those who provide care to transgender youth and who are allies to the transgender community.

In 2021, about 42,000 children and teens across the United States received a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, nearly triple the number in 2017, according to data Komodo compiled for Reuters. Gender dysphoria is defined as the distress caused by a discrepancy between a person’s gender identity and the one assigned to them at birth.

Overall, the analysis found that at least 121,882 children ages 6 to 17 were diagnosed with gender dysphoria from 2017 through 2021. Reuters found similar trends when it requested state-level data on diagnoses among children covered by Medicaid, the public insurance program for lower-income families.

Gender-affirming care for youths takes several forms, from social recognition of a preferred name and pronouns to medical interventions such as hormone therapy and, sometimes, surgery. A small but increasing number of U.S. children diagnosed with gender dysphoria are choosing medical interventions to express their identity and help alleviate their distress.

These medical treatments don’t begin until the onset of puberty, typically around age 10 or 11.

"None were genital procedures"

Thanks for confirming what I said. Although what's happening at Vanderbilt doesn't really have an effect in Iowa.
Coleen Williams, a psychologist at Boston Children’s Hospital’s Gender Multispecialty Service, said treatment decisions there are collaborative and individualized.

“Medical intervention in any realm is not a one-size-fits-all option,” Williams said.
Correct. Best post you've ever copied. Good thing that's what is done.
Correct. Best post you've ever copied. Good thing that's what is done.
You said it doesn't happen. If you were fact-checked, I'd say your post was missing context. I provided context. But I would not categorically say SRS doesn't happen under 18, if you want clarify and say in Iowa... then okay. But the meatball surgery has taken place for minors in other places.
Trans is a fad that is capturing the attention of at risk kids that latch onto it. Adults then reinforce the issues the kid is facing as gender rather than really understanding what else could be going on and providing the actual help a kid needs. So the kid in question gets shoved into a role that might not actually fit because they are getting validation and support....but not for what they actually need. Since it is gender no one os allowed to challenge the presumption or risk being labeled and dragged.

Adults with an agenda pushing that agenda aren't actually concerned for kids. You can read it in the rhetoric in this thread.
Yeah, kinda like that whole gay thing, right? :rolleyes:

That you think you and your far right wing brethren should be making this choice for children and their parents is appalling.
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Yeah, kinda like that whole gay thing, right? :rolleyes:

That you think you and your far right wing brethren should be making this choice for children and their parents is appalling.
I don't think anyone should be making those decisions until they're old enough to understand the gravity of those choices. There's a reason we don't let kids vote, buy alcohol, sign contracts, drive cars, etc.
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Glad to hear long term isn't known and this is simple a science experiment. Remedial science indeed.

You and mengele would have gotten along just fine

You are so damned.dumb you don't even realize that what you wrote is exactly why this law was needed you evil bastard
You do know that Iowa doctors do not perform SRS on minors, correct?
I don't think anyone should be making those decisions until they're old enough to understand the gravity of those choices. There's a reason we don't let kids vote, buy alcohol, sign contracts, drive cars, etc.
And we let parents make decisions for them. Except, of course, when the far right gets in power.
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And we let parents make decisions for them. Except, of course, when the far right gets in power.
What are your feelings on female genital mutilation. The parents want it….

This happens in the USA?
In the US, approximately 513,000 women and girls have undergone or are at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM). Women and girls who were born in the US may be subjected to FGM here or even during vacations to their families’ countries of origin — a practice known as “vacation cutting.”

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What are your feelings on female genital mutilation. The parents want it….

I am against it and I imagine the medical profession is as well. And before you ask, I am against parents who decide to harm or kill their children as well.

That you're having a problem understanding the distinction in motivation is another demonstration of your ignorance.
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In the US, approximately 513,000 women and girls have undergone or are at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM). Women and girls who were born in the US may be subjected to FGM here or even during vacations to their families’ countries of origin — a practice known as “vacation cutting.”

That doesn't say it happens in the USA.
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In the US, approximately 513,000 women and girls have undergone or are at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM). Women and girls who were born in the US may be subjected to FGM here or even during vacations to their families’ countries of origin — a practice known as “vacation cutting.”

Now you've moved on to your typical misinformation and disingenuity.
I am against it and I imagine the medical profession is as well. And before you ask, I am against parents who decide to harm or kill their children as well.

That you're having a problem understanding the distinction in motivation is another demonstration of your ignorance.
You said it was a parental rights issue. These parents want to do this to their girls…
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He tends to make stuff up when he's trying hard to defend something dumb.

In the US, approximately 513,000 women and girls have undergone or are at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM). Women and girls who were born in the US may be subjected to FGM here or even during vacations to their families’ countries of origin — a practice known as “vacation cutting.”
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I did. FGM is illegal in the USA. These kids were at risk because of FGM happening in the other countries/areas listed in the article. Did you read the cutting vacations? Edit: Everything you are stating about FGM procedures in the USA is from one illegal surgery, correct?

but an alarming rise in the US.

Since 1990, the estimated number of girls and women in the US who have undergone or are at risk of the practice has more than tripled. The increase is due to rapid growth in the number of immigrants from countries where risk of FGM is greatest. These girls and women are concentrated inCalifornia, New York and Minnesota
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but an alarming rise in the US.

Since 1990, the estimated number of girls and women in the US who have undergone or are at risk of the practice has more than tripled. The increase is due to rapid growth in the number of immigrants from countries where risk of FGM is greatest. These girls and women are concentrated inCalifornia, New York and Minnesota
As expected. Immigrants from those areas it is traditionally practiced. It is not legal in the USA. I am not sure what you are arguing. It isn't allowed in this country.
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As expected. Immigrants from those areas it is traditional practiced. It is not legal in the USA. I am not sure what you are arguing. It isn't allowed in this country.
The argument is it’s not a parental rights issue….the parents of these girls want it. But we’ve made laws to make it illegal because it’s child abuse.

“parental rights” have limits….
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You said it doesn't happen. If you were fact-checked, I'd say your post was missing context. I provided context. But I would not categorically say SRS doesn't happen under 18, if you want clarify and say in Iowa... then okay. But the meatball surgery has taken place for minors in other places.
Where? Your own damn link said no genital surgeries were done on minors. Which is what I said.
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The argument is it’s not a parental rights issue….the parents of these girls want it. But we’ve made laws to make it illegal because it’s child abuse.

“parental rights” have limits….
Sure. This is also a procedure with no medical benefits. It's cultural. Zero kids in Iowa have SRS but you would think it happens everyday. You have bought into this culture war.
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The argument is it’s not a parental rights issue….the parents of these girls want it. But we’ve made laws to make it illegal because it’s child abuse.

“parental rights” have limits….
And it's totally reasonable for you to just ask questions and suggest these doctors and parents are maybe wantonly abusing children because you think it's plausible because of cultural female genital mutilation? I'm struggling to follow
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You are a moron

GFY - your ignorance and untruths have been outed yet again. FGM is not a recognized treatment by the medical community. Full stop on your lame attempt to equate this with gender transformation treatments.

You continue to show that you have been sucked in by the right wing propaganda.
The argument is it’s not a parental rights issue….the parents of these girls want it. But we’ve made laws to make it illegal because it’s child abuse.

“parental rights” have limits….
No one has said they don't have limits as I pointed out earlier. A parent can't decide to kill their kid is an example. FGM is not being done for medical or psychological reasons and is not supported by the medical profession. You look stupid trying to suggest that it compares in any way to transgender therapies.
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And it's totally reasonable for you to just ask questions and suggest these doctors and parents are maybe wantonly abusing children because you think it's plausible because of cultural female genital mutilation? I'm struggling to follow
There are limits to parental rights…it’s up to the state to set them.