Anti-ICE protesters pull down American flag, raise Mexico flag, vandalize 'Blue Lives Matter' flag

It amazes me how people get more outraged about the treatment of a piece of cloth than the treatment of other human beings.
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Last week I was listening to Simon Conway. He is a proud naturalized US citizen. He said that during the naturalization ceremony they are instructed to renounce their allegiance to their country and pledge their allegiance to the US. In the middle of his ceremony there was a group of Mexicans and when it was their turn they began waving Mexican flags and chanting "Meh-e-co".

If that is what they want they should have thrown their asses back over the border.

I've been to a couple naturalization ceremonies, and never seen anything remotely close to that.
This made me chuckle. I am going to go over and review the Antifa thread.
Review the crime statistics.

Crime statistics? If there was some accuracy to those, it would help.

The problem arises when you have a group that is asking us to accept them as US citizens. Well, instead of working with us, and doing it the right way they break the laws and don't properly apply.

So instead of winning hearts and minds they raise a Mexican flag, which totally pisses people off.

Will never understand that.
Was "Antifa" at the ICE rally? I didn't see any of them in the news coverage. Never seen any of them in uber-liberal Boulder, either.

Do they exist?
Crime statistics? If there was some accuracy to those, it would help.

The problem arises when you have a group that is asking us to accept them as US citizens. Well, instead of working with us, and doing it the right way they break the laws and don't properly apply.

So instead of winning hearts and minds they raise a Mexican flag, which totally pisses people off.

Will never understand that.
Well if Trump can’t count, perhaps you should fire him. The rest of your post has nothing to do with terrorism and who commits it in America. I do agree that immigrants could use better PR. Christians should feel obligated by their faith to help with that, don’t you think?
Prolly because someone just made shit up there.

Ok Joe. Time to put up or shut up. 515-284-1040 tomorrow between 4-7pm. Call Simon and tell him he made the "shit" up about his naturalization ceremony. Bet he puts you on the air and I'll be listening.
Crime statistics? If there was some accuracy to those, it would help.

The problem arises when you have a group that is asking us to accept them as US citizens. Well, instead of working with us, and doing it the right way they break the laws and don't properly apply.

So instead of winning hearts and minds they raise a Mexican flag, which totally pisses people off.

Will never understand that.
Well if Trump can’t count, perhaps you should fire him. The rest of your post has nothing to do with terrorism and who commits it in America. I do agree that immigrants could use better PR. Christians should feel obligated by their faith to help with that, don’t you think?

No, it has to do with the original post of putting a Mexican flag up in place of an American flag.
Ok Joe. Time to put up or shut up. 515-284-1040 tomorrow between 4-7pm. Call Simon and tell him he made the "shit" up about his naturalization ceremony. Bet he puts you on the air and I'll be listening.

Simon made the shit up. You can call him yourself.
Yeah....exactly what I thought.....nice job Joe.

If you'd been to a ceremony, you'd realize it's not "all Mexicans"; there were probably 30-40 different countries represented at the one I was at last.

And during the oath recitiation, there really isn't any time to "add in" 'Go Mexico!'. It's a roomful of people (probably 100 or more) all reciting the same thing following the recitations of the leader.

So, no idea what Simon is referring to here. Perhaps he could contact others who were naturalized at his ceremony and have them corroborate his "observation", because I've never seen anything close to that. People are quiet and excited about becoming citizen. DAR hands out mini American flags (I still have one of mine), and gives a short speech about immigration and their commitments to being part of the ceremonies.

So, I'll go with my personal observations over those of a talk show pundit.
If you'd been to a ceremony, you'd realize it's not "all Mexicans"; there were probably 30-40 different countries represented at the one I was at last.

And during the oath recitiation, there really isn't any time to "add in" 'Go Mexico!'. It's a roomful of people (probably 100 or more) all reciting the same thing following the recitations of the leader.

So, no idea what Simon is referring to here. Perhaps he could contact others who were naturalized at his ceremony and have them corroborate his "observation", because I've never seen anything close to that. People are quiet and excited about becoming citizen. DAR hands out mini American flags (I still have one of mine), and gives a short speech about immigration and their commitments to being part of the ceremonies.

So, I'll go with my personal observations over those of a talk show pundit.

You’ve been to two ceremonies according to you.

I’ve been to two Hawkeyes games. They got beat badly at both. Therefore, the Hawkeyes never win. Right?
You’ve been to two ceremonies according to you.

I’ve been to two Hawkeyes games. They got beat badly at both. Therefore, the Hawkeyes never win. Right?

A more apropos claim would be "no one cheers at Hawkeye games" when they lose.

Which center was Simon naturalized at? That's the first question to ask.
And, yes, I've been to 2 ceremonies. I'm going to guess that few, if any, of Simon's listeners have ever been to one, and have no idea how nonsensical his claim sounds.
If you'd been to a ceremony, you'd realize it's not "all Mexicans"; there were probably 30-40 different countries represented at the one I was at last.

And during the oath recitiation, there really isn't any time to "add in" 'Go Mexico!'. It's a roomful of people (probably 100 or more) all reciting the same thing following the recitations of the leader.

So, no idea what Simon is referring to here. Perhaps he could contact others who were naturalized at his ceremony and have them corroborate his "observation", because I've never seen anything close to that. People are quiet and excited about becoming citizen. DAR hands out mini American flags (I still have one of mine), and gives a short speech about immigration and their commitments to being part of the ceremonies.

So, I'll go with my personal observations over those of a talk show pundit.
You are a naturalized citizen? Tell us your story please. That sounds interesting.
Yes high taxes, baby killing, slavery and open borders are great ideas from the left. Thanks.
Get serious. There is no baby killing, slavery is a conservative value, open borders are a myth but they would be part of free trade which is another conservative value. Most everything great about America comes directly from a constitutional form of government making investments in its people. All of that is thanks to liberals.
You are a naturalized citizen? Tell us your story please. That sounds interesting.

No. I've been to naturalization ceremonies where friends/colleagues were naturalized.
Anyone can attend a ceremony; they are open to the general public. They generally occur every week or two at each of the centers around the US.
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A more apropos claim would be "no one cheers at Hawkeye games" when they lose.

Which center was Simon naturalized at? That's the first question to ask.
And, yes, I've been to 2 ceremonies. I'm going to guess that few, if any, of Simon's listeners have ever been to one, and have no idea how nonsensical his claim sounds.

Then why don't you call and ask him for details? I'm not the one who called him are... and there is a very easy solution 515-284-1040.

I'm sure Simon would welcome your call and be more than happy to share the details of his naturalization ceremony with you and also provide the details of when in the process the Mexican contingent displayed their support of Mexico.

Ask him to prove his claim.
He ought to be able to find a dozen or more folks at his ceremony naturalized along with him, who could verify it.

What date was he naturalized?
At what center?
Who was the administrative lead at that ceremony? Because the head of the center administers the oath, and would easily be able to verify his claims, along with dozens of other attendees AND employees at the center.

I know this, because I know how naturalization ceremonies work. Because I've been to them.
Have you?
Then why don't you call and ask him for details? I'm not the one who called him are... and there is a very easy solution 515-284-1040.

I gave you a list of questions to ask. You listen to him, so you know when he's 'on the air'. I don't live in White Nationalist Western Iowa, where I can listen live to his tripe. You apparently think he's believable. I think he's a liar.
Then why don't you call and ask him for details? I'm not the one who called him are... and there is a very easy solution 515-284-1040.

I'm sure Simon would welcome your call and be more than happy to share the details of his naturalization ceremony with you and also provide the details of when in the process the Mexican contingent displayed their support of Mexico.

'Member that time WH Press Sec Sarah Sanders told us all she knew "dozens" of FBI agents who were happy about Comey being fired?

Then, under oath, she completely backtracked and admitted she made it all up? (It's in the Mueller report, p. 72, Vol 1; footnotes 478-483)

Birds of a Feather....
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Here's more questions to ask him:

  • Did this alleged "shoutout" occur during the oath recitation?
  • Or, is he simply misrepresenting something that occurs at EVERY naturalization ceremony? A 'callout' of each nation of origin for those being naturalized, where they list off each country, and ask all from that country to stand and be recognized - and EVERYONE applauds for EVERY country being mentioned. And when there are lots of people from a particular nation, they tend to cheer loudly as a group for their original homeland.

If you actually went to any naturalization ceremonies, you'd know the 2nd bullet point is what likely actually happened, and Simon is completely misrepresenting this.

I'm sure Simon felt like a minority there, because there was only one person from England being naturalized at the last ceremony I was at: there were more Mexicans, Canadians, Swedes and Iraqis than British. And they all seemed damn emotional and proud in becoming new US citizens.
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You pro life?
I am pro treating all human beings that have been born humanely. As far as abortion goes, I am pro choice, but willing to restrict abortions after viability except in extreme circumstances. I am also against the death penalty. What about you? I assume you are pro life. What programs do you support for children after they are born?
I am pro treating all human beings that have been born humanely. As far as abortion goes, I am pro choice, but willing to restrict abortions after viability except in extreme circumstances. I am also against the death penalty. What about you? I assume you are pro life. What programs do you support for children after they are born?
For the death penalty people had a choice and got caught. Babies don’t have a choice. I would love to support a government funded daycare program to end abortion.

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